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Modern Soviet Aircraft

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Modern Soviet Aircraft and all variants

32 files

  1. TU-160 Blackjack for SF1 series by UllyB

    TU_160 Blackjack project by UllyB for SF1 series

        The Tupolev Tu-160, NATO reporting name: Blackjack) is a supersonic, variable-sweep wing heavy strategic bomber designed by the Tupolev Design Bureau in the Soviet Union in the 1970s. It is the largest and heaviest Mach 2+ supersonic military aircraft ever built and second only to the XB-70 Valkyrie in overall length.It is the largest and heaviest combat aircraft, the fastest bomber now in use and the largest and heaviest variable-sweep wing airplane ever flown.
        Entering service in 1987, the Tu-160 was the last strategic bomber designed for the Soviet Union. As of 2016, the Russian Air Force's Long Range Aviation branch has at least 16 aircraft in service.The Tu-160 active fleet has been undergoing upgrades to electronics systems since the early 2000s. The Tu-160M modernization programme has begun with the first updated aircraft delivered in December 2014.

    - unzip the Tu-160 folder into your ...\Objects\Aircraft folder
    - unzip the content of the Effects folder into game's effects folder

    project manager - UllyB
    design,3D modelling,skin,decals - AngelP
    FM tweaking & other corrections- Baffmeister
    cockpit - the model uses a F-111A cockpit designed by NormanKnight.
    weapons tweaking & tester - Baffmeister
    project supervising - Baffmeister & Yakarov79
    Special thanks to Stratos, 76IAP-Blackbird and Logan4 for support, help and ideas
    Special thanks to this wonderful community who gave me ...wings and courage in all these long years.
    I pledge that I will continue the work to this plane bringing, from time to time, upgrades but it will take a while so please be patient.


       (0 reviews)



  2. SU-30SM

    Su-30SM Flanker-H
    This model from the DesireFX Page, by user Quartermaster's su-35 3dmodel 
    There is no cockpit in the package,You have to download it 
    in the cockpit. ini
    Please set the Position
    two verson's DATA.ini in the file package,
    AL-31FP's su30sm and AL-41's SU30sm.
    Anmation is open the cockpit and Aircraft fuel pipe,
    The key,ANIMATION_9 and ANIMATION_10 in the game.
    Hope you like it!


       (1 review)



  3. SU-35

    This model from the DesireFX Page, by user Quartermaster's su-35 3dmodel 
    There is no cockpit in the package,You must download it. 
    or it can't be runned in the game.
    Please copy the su-35.lod and su-35data.ini to the su-35 folder.
    when you have been to download the cockpit,
    Please set the Position in the cockpit.ini.
    About the Anmation,The key,ANIMATION_10,
    open the cockpit.
    This model's skin can be used in the Su-30sm also.
    Have Fun!


       (1 review)



  4. Su-37 Terminator

    SU-37 Flanker-F
    Su-37 "Terminator" by the Russian Sukhoi fighter aircraft is a development
    and production of the company's single-seat multi-purpose jet fighter prototype.
    As Su-37 Su-27 fighter is a series of new models are derived from one,
    so the continuation of the Su-27 NATO code, known as the Flanker-F.
    Su-37 in April 1996 in Zhukovsky near Moscow for the first flight Flight Test Center.
    3dregenerator's 3dmodel
    DATA From Another Sukhoi fighter DATA
    Cockpit use insky su-35 Cockpit
    If you want use it in Strike Fighter 2,Please open 3dMod-For-SF2 package,And put
    it in Su-37 Terminator package.
    Thanks for user ivanbasic
    2014 fix NoesGear bug
    Add new skin
    2020/5/27 Add Fixed Data.INI(The game in the difficult level ,High mobility )
     Su-37_DATA(fixed).ini  <------------------------------------------ download in the here
    Thanks!Have Fun!


       (11 reviews)



  5. S-32(test)

    3dmodel is from the free3d(freeware)
    (This is not my model, but Edited by me)
    this is a test verson,maybe it has  any unknow problem.
    The su-47 skin  is can be used in this mod,too.
    Cockpit use insky su-35 Cockpit
    The animation key is the 
    ctrl + 0(open the cockpit)
    ctrl + O(open the weaponBay)

    I can't provide sound files and the effect files.
    so you must find the files before you folder it in the game.
    Thanks a lot
    Have fun


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  6. SU-47

    3dmodel is from the free3d(freeware)
    (This is not my model, but Edited by me)
    Cockpit use insky su-35 Cockpit
    The animation key is the 
    ctrl + 0(open the cockpit)
    ctrl + O(open the weaponBay)

    I can't provide sound files and the effect files.
    so you must find the files before you folder it in the game.
    Thanks a lot
    Have fun


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  7. MiG-35 Fulcrum F

    MiG-35 Fulcrum F
    Versión 3.0 del caza polivalente MiG-35, toda la aviónica y el armamento lanzable ha recibido una mejora, tratándolo de parecerlo lo mas posible al verdadero MiG-35:
    Nuevas características del radar, mas leal al Zhuk Phazotron AE. Inclusión de un sistema IRST, llamado OLS-K con detección IR y TV. Adaptado al nuevo armamento ruso, misiles AA R-74EM y bombas LGB de la serie 500.

    Probado en combate contra aviones de 4,5° y 5° generación de aviones de combate.
    Version 3.0 of the multi-purpose MiG-35 fighter, all avionics and launchable weaponry has received an improvement, trying to look as much as possible to the true MiG-35:
    New features of the radar, more loyal to the Zhuk Phazotron AE. Inclusion of an IRST system, called OLS-K with IR and TV detection. Adapted to new Russian armament, AA R-74EM missiles and 500 series LGB bombs.

    Tested in combat against aircraft of 4,5 ° and 5 ° generation of combat aircraft.


       (2 reviews)



  8. Su-47 Berkut for WoE / SF1

    Hello volks!
    THIS IS NOT MY MODEL, but I menaged to find it and I forgot which site was that... Not A-Team Skunkworks... The one on that site doesn't work for me.
    I don't know who made this model but I owe him/her BIG thanks! Cheers!
    Big thanks to yet another unfamiliar person to me for making the pilot I used and added here!
    And last but not the least big big thank you goes to Bongodriver whose cockpit I used!
    I haven't tried this game anywhere else besides Wings Over Europe with October 2008 Patch!
    After spending hours trying to figure out how some stuff work, I decided to update this little marvel!
    So... what are the new stuff or let's say updated ones?
    1: Massive improvement on the skin itself! Took me forever to do it the way it mostly resembles to the real plane.
    2: Further adjustments of maneuverability.
    3: Added some of the effects which it didn't have before. e.g. Fuselage Vortex Emitter
    4: Fixed LOADOUT.ini file
    5: Check out those afterburners! ;)
    6: It has it's own pilot now, not the default pilot anymore.

    Installation instructions:
    1: put content from the "Aircraft" folder to Your "Aircraft" folder
    2: put content from the "Sounds" folder to Your "Sounds" folder
    3: put content from the "Effects" folder into Your "Effects" folder

    I think that is it for now. I am not sure if I've forgotten something to mention.

    If you have any questions or suggestions, I would LOVE to hear them!
    Best regards,


       (9 reviews)



  9. MiG-35 Fulcrum F- SFP1 Y SFG

    Mikoyan Gurevich MiG-35 Fulcrum F SFP1 por Kaiser57
    Agradecimiento y creditos a The Mirage Factory, combatACE. Modelo autorizado por BPAO para
    su debida modificación.
    Hecho para SFP1 (PROBADO EN SFP1 Y SFG).
    Este model es una modernización del famoso MiG-29, ahora adaptado para el combate moderno.
    El MiG-35 está condicionado para enfrentar a aviones de 4 gen. como 4.5 gen.
    +Posee 3 pantallas MFD en su cabina, conserva el HUD del MiG-29.
    +6 estaciones o bahias de armamento (misiles IRM, AHM y armamento antisuperficie, antibuque de origen ruso).
    +Nuevo radar, trate de acondicionarlo lo mas parecido posible con las características del radar
    Zhuk AE original del MiG-35 con un rango max. de 150 KM y un barrido espectral de +-60°.
    +Mayor tasa de ascenso.
    +Mayor velocidad operativa.
    +Mayor peso.
    +Soporta maniobras hasta 10G.
    Probado con éxito en combate simulado contra modelos occidentales
    F35A Lighting II, F22 Raptor, F15C Eagle, EF Typhoon y F16 BLK52.
    *Soporte de misiles R37M Archer (elaborado por Kaiser57) y R27 AE Alamo.
    Mikoyan Gurevich MiG -35 Fulcrum F SFP1 by Kaiser57
    SFP1 made ??for and tested in SFP1 AND SFG .
    Thanks and credits to The Mirage Factory, combatace . BPAO authorized model
    its proper modification.
    This model is an upgrade of the famous MiG -29 , adapted to modern combat .
    The MiG -35 is conditioned to face planes 4 gene . gene as 4.5 .
    + MFD has 3 screens in your cabin , retains the MiG -29 HUD .
    +6 Stations or weapons bays (MRI missiles, AHM and anti-surface weapons , anti-ship of Russian origin ) .
    + New radar , try to prepare it as close as possible to the characteristics of radar
    Original Zhuk AE MiG - 35 with a max range. 150 KM and a spectral scan of + -60 ° .
    + Higher rate of ascent .
    + Increased operational speed.
    + Increased weight.
    + Supports up to 10G maneuvers .
    Successfully tested in simulated combat against Western models
    Lighting II F35A , F22 Raptor, F15C Eagle , EF Typhoon and F16 BLK52 .
    * Support R37M Archer missiles and R27 AE Alamo.


       (4 reviews)



  10. SU-30KN


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  11. SUKHOI SU-35 BM

    A plane amazing and fabulous war. Thus the family of derivatives hunts very famous and renowned Sukhoi Su-27 can be set. Also designed to overcome the outstanding F-15 Eagle, this game has become the standard to be compared. With the end of the Cold War and the dismantling of the Soviet Union, the Russian defense industries have embarked on an extremely aggressive policy of sales of its military equipment with extreme success by getting their monetary funds to follow the research as well as globalization has brought fruits extremely beneficial, and excellent competitiveness.


       (2 reviews)



  12. Su-30 B-60

    The Su-30 started out as an internal development project in the Sukhoi Su-27 family by Sukhoi. The design plan was revamped and the name was made official by the Russian Defense Ministry in 1996. Of the Flanker family, only the Su-27, Su-30, Su-34 and Su-35 have been ordered into serial production by the Defense Ministry. All the others, such as Su-37, were prototypes.
    The Su-30 has two distinct version branches, manufactured by competing organisations: KnAAPO and the Irkut Corporation, both of which come under the Sukhoi group's umbrella. KnAAPO manufactures the Su-30MKK and the Su-30MK2, which were designed for and sold to China, and later Indonesia, Venezuela and Vietnam. Due to KnAAPO's involvement from the early stages of developing Su-35, these are basically a two-seat version of the mid-1990s Su-35. The Chinese chose an older but lighter radar so the canards could be omitted in return for increased payload. It is a fighter with both air superiority and attack capabilities, generally similar to the U.S.F-15E.[6]


       (4 reviews)



  13. Su-25A Grach/Frogfoot Repack

    First of all this plane is here because of the hard work of the following people:
    Armour Dave
    and many others...
    This is a repack of the Su-25A attack aircraft remade for SF-1 and tested in WoE October 2008 patch.
    The original authors of this baby are AmokFloo and 76.IAP-Blackbird, who made the great model for SF-2, and then
    Uhu recoded the ini files and made everything compatible with SF-1. I have later merged it with the fantastic MiG-27
    cockpit made by Armour Dave and Sal, which was posted by Ordway.
    I liked the Su-25T/39 version a lot but it was a little bit to much for me, and to much for the Russian Air force I guess. So this is what I have been waiting for.
    A simpler, more down to earth version, rugged but still quite deadly in the capable hands. Reminds me a lot of the old Su-25A days of the LOMAC series!
    WARNING: Except for the gun there are no other weapons in this pack for this bird so make sure you have some juicy Russian weapon pack installed.
    P.S. There are some great skins for it made by WINGSOVERISRAEL at:


       (6 reviews)



  14. Su-27SKM Flanker for SF1/WoE

    Finally! A finished version of an SKM version of Su-27. Looking awesome. Still needs a little more details but who cares, you wouldn't notice them and neither will I. xD
    Special thanks to MarcFighters and the whole team who participated in making this bird! Cheers

    P.S. Lazy to change screenshots... Sorry about that but it is different aircraft totally.


       (2 reviews)



  15. Su-39 Super Grach for SF1/WoE

    Thanks to Brain32 I made this aircraft flyable in SF1/WoE! Cheers Brain32
    Very good and maneuverable bird with a lot of things to worry about for the enemies ^.^
    Tip: be careful with all that fire power this baby can carry, it can deal a lethal damage to the ones in front...
    Have fun guys!
    Best regards,


       (3 reviews)



  16. Su-30MK2 for SF1 / WoE

    This is my version of an Su-30 fighter aircraft. I tuned it up. The handling is better like everything else included Engine power and aircraft weight and much much more. I hope you are going to enjoy it as much as I do. I also make it have skins like Su-35BM but ehm where is the fun :) I was really lazy to make original skins so I added those.
    *Special Thanks goes to Jahm the creator of this aircraft and X RAY for awesome skinz*
    ---- Instalation instructions ----
    1. Su-30MK2 goes to Aircraft folder
    2. Effects to Effects
    3. Sounds to Sounds
    4. Enjoy!


       (8 reviews)



  17. Su-22M4 Fitter-K "Susi"

    Su-22M4 Fitter-K "Susi"
    This is a mod of Armourdaves Su-17 Fitter C. Dave, thanks for the permission to use your files.
    My little share was to introduce the HUD and some modifications of the Data.ini. I implemented the guided weapons, added armour, reduced the fuel consumtion and modified the european style camo skin to a fictive east german Susi skin.
    The M4 was the last and most advanced version of the swing wing Fitter family. It was an unique combination of the very robust Fitter design and high developed computer technology.
    It was known for it high survival capabilities. While in use in the LSK/LV (East German Air Force) the very robust Ljulka engine "eats" some birds and in one occasion a complete pitote tube without to suffer damage. While life firing tests in the USSR the tanks of the "Susi" were rippled by 12.7 mm and 23 mm bullets with the only result, that the technicians found the bullets "swimming" in the fuel. It was also said, that during Lebanon war 1982 not one single Su-22 was destroyed by israeli ground fire.
    While the first Su-22 were simple dumb iron droppers the M4 had a wide range of high sophisticated guided Air to Ground missiles. This missiles were guided by Laser, TV and gave this bird a limited stand off capability. The high accurate missiles proved lethal pin point hit capability during Afghanistan campaign. Anti radar missiles were also part of the "Susi" armament.
    1. unzip into your aircraft folder
    subfolders will be automatically created
    2. Copy the files of Pilot folder to your aircraft folder
    Thats it! Enjoy flying.
    3. If you dont use the Weaponpack and want to wish to use the Cha-25 guided missiles, open folder Su-22M4\Weapons and follow the instructions of the readme file there.
    For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use CombatAce forum or send me a PM.
    Hope you enjoy it.
    Michael (Gepard)


       (11 reviews)



  18. MiG-27K (carrier based)

    MiG-27K (K ... Korabelnui ... carrier based) for WoE
    This is a mod of the stock MiG-27 of Wings over Europe.
    It will not work with SFP1 and WOV because the lod files are not included.
    If you want to use it with SFP1 or WOV you must extract the files MiG-27.lod
    MiG-27_LOD5.lod from objects.cat of WOE and copy them in the MiG-27K folder.
    Unzip all files into your Wings Over Europe/Objects/Aircraft folder.
    Thats it.
    The MiG-27K was originally intended as attack plane of the soviet carriers of the Orel class. In the 70th the Orel was a high ranking aircraft carrier project of the Soviet Navy (Project 1153 if i remember right). It was canceled by Marshall Grechko who favored the Project 1143, the later Kiev class aircraft carrier.
    The MiG-27K was build in 2 or 3 prototypes and were tested at the Saki facility (Crimea Penisula).
    differences to stock MiG-27:
    * modified flightmodel of the plane to improve the handling.
    * added capability to land on aircraft carriers
    * added some armour, so that the MiG-27 now can survive MG fire
    * added on board jammer
    * added 15 flares and 15 Chaff
    * added Magos great MiG-21F cockpit (thanks for it Mago!)
    * plane can now fly intercept and CAP missions
    Known problem: You cant see the tailhook coming down.
    Hope you enjoy it
    Michael (Gepard)


       (5 reviews)



  19. Flyable MiG-27 for WoE

    Flyable MiG-27 for WoE
    This is a mod of the stock MiG-27 of Wings over Europe.
    It will not work with SFP1 and WOV because the lod files are not included.
    If you want to use it with SFP1 or WOV you must copy the MiG-27.lod files from WOE.
    Unzip all files into your Wings Over Europe/Objects/Aircraft folder.
    Thats it.
    differences to stock MiG-27:
    * modified flightmodel of the plane to improve the handling.
    * added some armour, so that the MiG-27 now can survive MG fire
    * added on board jammer
    * added 5 flares
    * added Magos great MiG-21F cockpit (thanks for it Mago!)
    * plane can now fly intercept and CAP missions
    * added a syrian skin with arab tactical numbers
    Hope you enjoy it
    Michael (Gepard)


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  20. flyable stock MiG-23M for WOE

    Flyable MiG-23M for WoE
    This is a mod of the stock MiG-23M of Wings over Europe.
    It will not work with SFP1 and WOV because the lod files are not included.
    If you want to use it with SFP1 or WOV you must extract the files
    from WOE objects.cat and copy them into your MiG-23M folder.
    Unzip all files into your Wings Over Europe/Objects/Aircraft folder.
    Thats it.
    differences to stock MiG-23M:
    * modified flightmodel of the plane to improve the handling.
    * added 5 flares
    * added Magos great MiG-21MF cockpit (thanks for it Mago!)
    * added working HUD (inspired by the HUD of Marcfighters Su-27 and TK's F-15 and Harrier. Thanks for it!)
    Hope you enjoy it
    Michael (Gepard)


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  21. Su-24 Pack

    Su-24 Pack for Veltro2K Su-24M
    Versions on pack Su-24, Su-24M, Su-24M2, Su-24MK, Su-24MR, Su-24MP [soviet], Su-24MP[ukraine]
    Su-24 FT & Pods included:
    - OFAB-500U 500-kg Bomb [with parachute]
    - BetAB-500U Penetrator [with parachute]
    - OFZAB-500 M62 500-kg Bomb
    - ZB-500RT Napalm Tank
    - PBK-500U SPBE-K GPS Homing Cluster Bomb - updated skin & lod
    - SPPU-6, SPPU-6-1 Gun Pods {new GUNDATA.ini needs, included} with 0, -10, -22, -45 deg barrels positions [included in my weapons packs]
    - R-55 Alkali-C, R-60 Aphid-A, R-60K Aphid-A, R-60M Aphid-C, R-60MK Aphid-B by Krizis
    - ELINT Pod, KS-418 ECM Pod, MKS-410 (MKS-818) ECM Pod, SPE-14 ECM Pod - ECM pods
    - L080, L081 Fantasmagoria SAM Finder Pods
    - APK-9E Targeting Pod for Kh-59 Using - by Erwin Hans
    - Efir-1MRecon Pod, Tangage Recon Pod
    - PTB-2000 Drop Tank, PTB-3000 Drop Tank - included in weapon packs
    other weapons, like Kh-59 Family, KAB family , RBK-500 coolection presens on my weapons packs
    Model by Veltro2K, Camo skin by Veltro2K, Grey Skin by Tunderchief;
    - copy plane foilders to aircraft folder;
    - copy camofalge, get & blue skins from Su-34 skin folder to su-24, Su-24M, Su-24M2, Su-24MR, Su-24MP;
    - install weapons;
    - copy Gundata.ini to Objects folder;
    - Copy Sounds
    Note: Su-24 Fencer A needs on 3D work on nose, relased like beta.
    Su-24 Export:
    Su-24MK export ~80 planes < 6% from ALL PRODUTED {more 1200 planes all variants, include Su-24 - 480 planes, Su-24M - 770 planes [include Su-24MR -130 planes, Su-24MP 12 planes] }
    Algeria - 10 Su-24MK in 1989 + 22 Su-24MK/MR 2002 contract {but REAL 1 Su-24MK in 2004, 4 Su-24MR in 2005, 4 Su-24MK2 in 2006}
    Syria – 20 Su-24MK in 1989
    Libya – 6 Su-24MK in 1989
    Iraq – 24 Su-24MK in 1987
    Iran – 12 Su-24MK in 1991 {former Iraqi} + 12 Su-24MK in 2000 {Iraqi?}.


       (6 reviews)



  22. MiG-31B(BS) & update for MiG-31

    MiG-31B(BS) Mig-31 update
    Model & skin- Veltro2K
    Sound by Spillone104
    Cockpit by Erwin_Hans (F-8IIM-Early-96 cockpit) [repainted in blue color for Hystorical accuracy]
    Radar Screen by Veltro2K
    changes between MiG-31B(1990) & Mig-31(1981):
    - New powerful R-33S missile
    - 4 wing pylons for R-40TD, R-60M
    - Refueling capable (new B only)
    - New Zaslon-A Radar
    I re-calculated Engine tables. some other values changed.
    Use F-8IIM early cockpit like very compatible (see photos ), it can alse used for MiG-31 & Mig-31B(BS)
    Updated ini & cockpit for MiG-31 are included, added R-40 pod. This items needs for using R-40 missiles on MiG-31, will replace R-33 number 2, in this cause.
    MiG-31 have only 2 wing pylons for weapons (2 R-40TD or 4 R-60), outer wing pylons only for FT. (Source: MiG site)
    Mig-31BS is MiG-31 updated to MIG-31B standart. All russian MIG-31 updated to MiG-31B standart in 1990-1999. Difference between B & BS is refueling option.
    About weapons: plane used PTB-2500 ft, R-33S from my weapons pack, but i include updated ini for this + R-33S ini. To many R-33 versions exist in CA site, include one of this, sorry i forget who is autor, so sorry for this. I include my weapons in this pack. Alternative Russian A-A missiles ini included. (added more variants R-73, R-60,R-27 Export only & non export for expl & some others)
    Export Only versions (Reducted accuracy)
    - R-27R1
    - R-27T1
    - R-73E
    - R-73ME
    - R-60K
    - R-60MK
    Internal use versions (For USSR/Russia & WP) R-27R, R-27T, R-73, R-73M, R-73M2, R-74, R-60, R-60M
    P.S. MIG-31M & BM data.ini small fix (detect section)
    must be:
    MUST BE:
    Reference Name=S-800Zaslon-M
    Reference Name=S-800Zaslon-BM
    in otherwise Wingman can't launch AHM's


       (5 reviews)



  23. MiG-31M

    MiG-31M & update for MiG-31BM
    Model - 101TFS + Wrench ini update
    Sound by Spillone104
    Cockpit by Erwin_Hans (F-8IIM-Early-96 cockpit)
    Radar Screen by Veltro2K
    changes between MiG-31B(1990) & Mig-31M(~1995-1997):
    - New powerful R-37 missile
    - 6 Fuselage pylons for AHM (R-33S or R-37)
    - 4 wing pylons for R-77(M,T) & R-73
    - ECM pylons on wings (fuselage ECM removed)
    - new Engine D-30F-6M (SLThrustDry=91000.0 SLThrustWet=165000.0)
    - Gun removed
    I re-calculated Engine tables. some other values changed.
    Use F-8IIM early cockpit like very compatible (see photos ), it can alse used for MiG-31 & Mig-31B(BS)
    Updated ini & cokpit for MiG-31BM are included.
    About weapons: plane used PTB-2500 ft, R-37, R-77M,T from my weapons pack, but i include updated ini for this + R-33S ini. To many R-33 versions exist in CA site, include one of this, sorry i forget who is autor, so sorry for this. I include my weapons in this pack. Alternative Russian A-A missiles ini included. (added more variants R-73 Export only & non export for expl & some others)
    Note R-33S is more powerful version of R-33 (160 km range), created for MiG-31B(BS) in 1985-90
    MiG-31M was created in 1990-1997 (small serie - 6 planes), It was accepted to refuse the PURE interceptor in favour of multipurpose BM. However recently the capability of modernisation of part MiG-31B in MiG-31M is discussed.
    P.S. Just kill 2 F-16MLU at 219km & 165Km Range...


       (4 reviews)

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  24. Su-27 additional Pylons v1.2

    A missing IRST was reported I fixed it.
    You need Marcfighters Su-27 find it here:
    than you need this skin SovNavy_2 Number37 can find here:
    create a new Su-27SM folder in your aircraft folder. Copy all files
    from Marc`s Su-27 into this new one than overwrite the files with the
    one from this MOD
    copy the files from the parts folder into your aircraft folder.
    Feel free to use this mod, if you want to use it in your own modification
    please give me some credits!
    Credits goes to Badfrank for patience and time he invest to help me.


       (3 reviews)



  25. Su-33 mod for the TW series.

    Su-33 mod readme for the TW series.
    Version 1.0
    Thanks to the following folks:
    TK - For the ThirdWire series of sims.
    Marcelo - For the excellent Su-27.
    Mustang - For the great video tutorials.
    To my fellow Combatace moderators - For helping me beta test and work out bugs.
    Any errors or mistakes are entirely mine.
    What you will need first:
    Copy of SFP1/WOE/WOV patched to the latest standard (as of 28 Jan 08)
    Marcfighters excellent Su-27 located here: http://marcfighters.combatace.com/Aircrafts.htm
    Drdoyos Navy Flanker Skins (Optional): http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...p;showfile=5241
    Notes and limitations.
    These are only visual changes, no changes were made to the flight model other than the addition of independent control thrust vectoring.
    The Su-33 loadout.ini wasn't changed (I didn't have time), but the data, cockpit and avionics inis have been changed to allow the carrage of AG weapons, including the Moskit ASM missile.
    The canards and pylons will pattern their colors after the bmps you put in the Aircraft folder...which means they won't change if you use a different texture and so might look weird.
    This whole thing was done as a lark, to take a break from my T-38 and weapons work. As such, I am pretty much done with dealing with it...so don't expect a whole lot of support from me for this one.
    This is FREEWARE only, NO money is allowed to be made on the contents of these files, in whole or in part.
    Feel free to redistribute this file only, everything else belongs to someone else and is not freely redistributable.
    08 Sep 08


       (10 reviews)



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