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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. Try it yourself, btw choose the Skyraider or any other plane (cause of the nice sound) and make a flybye, when the plane approach your position it sounds dump until it pass you and flys away it screams and sounds a high. in RL it`s inverted cause of the doppler effect. Is there a ini fix for this? it botherd me a longer while now. Am i the only one who have this prob? I have nothing changed in this way.. Would be nice to have some reply
  2. Inverted Sound?

    Is there an ini fix for this or hardcoded, nothing dramatic only asking ;-) maybe I should post it over at TK`s site
  3. I thought the buff has the laser in the nose pods? the two ... pods under the nose or what do they do?
  4. Inverted Sound?

    nope it generel, just listen carefuly in the extended flybye view or the towerview..
  5. no prob will collect my stuff together and send it to you
  6. I have several pics and PDF`s of the Su-27`s I can upload them on rapidshare for you.. some good resources
  7. small details can be attached to.. still working on this on my 33UB so there is a lot of space for details;-)
  8. I use now the refuel method for the super bug in the C when aply the vector thrust, the fuel level decrease! Works fine for me
  9. same here my biggest project is RL..... after this my girl friend... biggest challenge ever (I need a translator, Women ---> Man, Man---->Women) :-P and after this Su-33 out of the Su-30 model
  10. Hey asking cost nothing, and you are the one with the best contact to the best modder in our comunity
  11. F-35 Sound

    Hallo Leute ich weiß nciht wie es bei euch aussieht, aber kann jemand vllt die Soundfiles in eine andere Frequenz umändern, obwohl ich die selben soundeinträge für A,B und C nutze höre ich keinen sound bei der C.. vorher auhc nciht bei der A. Ich steh da etwas auf dem schlauch???
  12. F-35 Sound

    stimmt gerade probiert, werde jetzt den refuler so modden das der als fueldump funzt
  13. F-35 Sound

    da muss irgendwo nen Fehler drinn sein, denn diese Refuelklamotte funktioniert auch ohne Probleme. Ich werd das mal untersuchen.
  14. so oyu have deactivated the fueldump?
  15. This is my VTOL month...
  16. F-35 Sound

    ok gefunden aber kann man da nicht dn sound deaktivieren? oder muss ich das dingen komplet löschen?
  17. F-35 Sound

    Wo finde ich das ding?
  18. if we could pimp this bird up with details, new "interior" and mapping this could be a nice projetc maybe like the TMF quality , your hornets and some other good addons.. do you know someone interested?
  19. I have the model, but not sure if Erwin will rework something... do oyu have max?
  20. Inverted Sound?

    I was refering to the doplereffect wich is inverted ingame
  21. F-35 too loud

    I can realy understand them, so see and hear it for a couple of hours is ok but not for days
  22. F-35 too loud

    a few years back I was on a trip in the southernmiddle of germany, was walking along a hill and out of sudden I hear a noise down in the valley. All I saw were Tornados passing by... severel meters bellow my position.. damn what a sound a a nice view!
  23. F-35 Sound

    ist schon komisch warum die C nicht richtig funzt???
  24. Inverted Sound?

    Nobody noticed that feature?

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