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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. no one noticed the american stars? :-P I have some decal bleeding .. don`t know why.. I have renamed some parts maybe it`s a result of renaming?! Does someone know the answer?
  2. First carrierflighttests this morning added new detailed antennas, and pit section reworked. hope you like it
  3. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Ich werd das mal morgen hier hochladen...
  4. here try this http://rapidshare.com/files/226528597/SMT.ZIP.html
  5. Idee zu einem zivilen Mod

    Dieser Mod ist recht interessant, habe die Bilder der Flieger gesehn... sehr gut gemacht;-)
  6. it works good for me.. no probs..
  7. MiG-21 MF

    http://www.spectre.cz/prints/mig-21.html I thinkt this site is well known?!
  8. Ye-152 help

    So, how is it going I would like to release it together with my new reworked parts ...
  9. MiG-21 MF

    I have created the 3 objects on the tail of the Mig, and those parts under the Antenawings on the vertail.. also the small "intake/pivot" behind and above the cockpit... you part lukasn is now to delete via ini editing those parts ... then I will map those parts and send it over to you, so you can skin them ;-) but first you have to send me the updated ini edits.. good luck
  10. it doesn`t look as a facelift?! Or are my eyes blind??
  11. Hey this here needs to be honored! looks damn sexy over a snowy terrain!... like sharks with sharp teath!
  12. Rafale knocked out from Indian MRCA contest

    take a look on the UB and you will see a shorter tail ;-) I noticed it on some pics and corrected it ;-)
  13. Neuer Tornado Skin

    überarbeitest du die front canopy partie? ist mir mal so salop eingefallen, war ja etwaws eckig in der vorherigen version?
  14. the front antena on the nose, I thought it wa called pivot... mh but that long thing on the Nose, in my version there is a small hole too nothing bad, only a info thx for reply ;-)
  15. May I ask you for closing the holes in the two cones near the exhaust and the small one in the pivot pls?!
  16. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Falls sich Indien entscheiden sollte die Su-33 einzuführen..
  17. Rafale knocked out from Indian MRCA contest

    Evaluation flight for the Su-33MKI
  18. Rafale knocked out from Indian MRCA contest

    Why they don`t use/test the Su-33, so they could also buy the Su-33UB and we could have a Su-33MKI :-P
  19. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Ich habe ein englishes Maual zur MiG-29Gt bekommen mit vielen Zeichnungen und Details.. wer interesse hat melden

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