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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. I think we need to build our own civil planes in HD ;-)
  2. Idee zu einem zivilen Mod

    Wird sehr gut angenommen die idee, find es wirklich klasse, was wir noch bräuchten wären random flights von zivilen Maschienen "einzeln"
  3. Su-25SM in Action

    you BIG letters are reserved for screaming ;-) And if you had read my post above, I posted a KM pit pic and a "vid" to this upgrade... and it`s an upgraded Su-25 doesn`t matter what it is for you. Best regards
  4. Su-25SM in Action

    a vid of the upgrade
  5. This thing is realy interesting, very good idea about the different mission types!
  6. Su-25SM in Action

    We need a KM
  7. Idee zu einem zivilen Mod

    Wie genial ist dsa denn, klasse!
  8. Ok that`s strange I don`t have this effect, but I`m fully patched.. what goes wrong?
  9. where is the difference on the red and black bomb symbols? they look like they were guided laser bombs
  10. AA-3 are R-30 Anab missiles change the weapon code of the loadouts and check if you have WP,SOVIET entry on the weaponstation in the data.ini ;-)
  11. On a CAP I found two electronic warfare planes over my hood flyin a recon mission
  12. TSR2

    Oh i didn`t knew this ...will visit it when I come to Duxford
  13. TSR2

    same here, they knew it was good but a political reason destroyed it, so if we can`t have it, nobodywount have it. Why not put it in a museum?! .. so I hope we will fly soon a TSR2 in WOE
  14. Nachrichten in deutschland

    Ich bin ja auch nen Depp müsst entschuldigen... ka was mich da weider geritten hat... natürlich bleibt der offen! Bestes parade Bsp siehe oben! :-) sorry nochmals....
  15. Nachrichten in deutschland

    da fällt mir nur ein http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VOjmfDTxxn0 einer der besten Filme die ich je sah! Das Intro!
  16. Maybe of the new patches, mh you are right... so sorry If I understand there something wrong ;-)
  17. Nachrichten in deutschland

    The solution is easy, peace and acceptation.. but there are still some fundamentalists on both sides .. so it will not happen in the near future.. a sad thing. we call it in germany Teufelskreis "devils circuit" Weren`t some israelis pilots fired cause they don`t wanted to attack palestinian areas?! I think this happend a few years ago, now I saw this youtube vid from silverbolt. This here is not a "anti israel threat" I see it more like a information topic about what`S going on in the middle east.
  18. Some planes have two speed indicaters one for knots and the other is a Mach indicater... there you can see your speed in mach numbers I was to late with the mach meter
  19. Great, thx for those nice updates

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