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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. GT Legends

    I`m more a pilot than a racer, ;-) ... have to look for a nice wheel.
  2. TK is optimizing this seires with every patch, we et new avionics, new codes and it`s becomeing even more complete. As long we have here some inovative guys like Fubar, FC, CA Stary and some other wich names I forgot.. we will enjoy this sim for the next years
  3. Ist MiG-29G auf Deutsch?

    Erwin do you need any specific infos?
  4. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Das klingt gut, das modell sah so schon seh rgut aus, nur halt einige ecken noch drann, ich mag es rund ;-)
  5. SAIA 90

    It`s good to see such a talent here around! like your work, some unusual birds
  6. F-35B

    I bump it cause of some interest about news even some cool looking pics :-)
  7. Looks realy good, can`t wait to fly it.. looks like a edge full bird.. cool shape ;-)
  8. try to fly side by side with a plane and imagine how difficult it is to rendevous a tanker
  9. I think this is possible like fubar explained the modification of the DLL`s but don`t ask me how
  10. Boeing unveils new F-15 Silent Eagle

    Looks realy good, nice shape, as said before .. maybe we are the first who see this bird in a flight sim ;-)
  11. here you can see what he has done to OFP, he use technics far beyond the normal modding horizone, like you http://www.kegetys.net/ofp/index.php?p=others
  12. I found his site, but the contac data seems broken ?? http://www.kegetys.net/
  13. Have you ever heard of Kegety? He was the man who managed to create "reflections" and some other nice effects in flashpoint. This game was never ment to use such effects and he creates a nice reflecting surface. He is finish or norwegian not sure ... wait I will look for his site, maybe we can contact him... maybe
  14. Hey fubar, have you thought about the possibility to put this effect not on particals but on "objects" imagine a tube like amokflo did on his landinglights for the hansajet, skinned with a tga. Now another tube insight the other with this heat effect added. Don`t know if it`s possible. So the outcoming heat from the engines looks more real. More like Lomac, a feature i liked very much in lomac... heat effects :-) only an idea, no critic, you are da man who have the technical knowledge.
  15. I must say I prefer the larger trees, they look more real and creates a nice atmosphere, damn what a beautiful Addon
  16. Mystery of the Georgian UAV is solved

    I like the voice, sounds profesional.. haha good work!
  17. this looks like lomac for me ;-P
  18. um, yes I overread it, sorry J-7E and later... would be cool to see those birds in such a quality like the 29, but this will be a dream ;-)
  19. MiG-21MA 1113

    this looks realy sweet, thx!
  20. GT Legends

    Steering wheel would be great, but one for a good price and precise, it can be used but I need a solid good steering wheel with some nice pedals, 3 are recomended. Any ideas about a good wheel?
  21. wasen`t there a doubledeltawinged J-7?
  22. Probleme mit meiner MiG-23PFM

    Habe den flieger shcon getestet, recht interessant.. gute arbeit, wie siehts mit deiner Max version asu.. abgelaufen? Hast du die erneut installliert dann läuft das 30 Tage limit von neuem
  23. Weaponpack prob

    Nachdem ich Volkers weaponfolder installiert habe, bekomme ich seltsamme loadouts für Soviet Flieger. Wenn in der Loadout R-77, R-73M2 usw stehen bekomme ich so nen kram mit wie Li-2 R-131 und was weiss ich noch alles. Und das im Jahr 2009. Wie bekomme ich das wieder hin das ich das richtige Loadout bekomme?! Die MiG-29 ist ok aber Erwins Sukhois nicht, WP und SOVIET einträge vorhanden
  24. Weaponpack prob

    Ach ist absolut kein thema, rush dich nicht, habe hier eh genug zeugs zu lernen.. hehe
  25. Weaponpack prob

    Ich würde eher dahin gehen die Mig umzubauen, weil habe bis jetzt noch keine specifischen Vorteile in dem code gesehn, es limitiert jedoch nur die zuladung. Wenn die Loadout aber stimmt, war um dann disesn code?! hat ja bis jetzt auch alles funktionert

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