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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. For me it`s a sympathic bird and a challenge to fight in it! Good work on it ;-)
  2. Ist MiG-29G auf Deutsch?

    Gute Frage würde eher auf english tippen, da es ja internationale Standarts gibt. Nur während WW2 gab es deutsche "avionic" zumindest die beschriftung. Liege ich da richtig?
  3. Weaponpack prob

    Problem ist, ich bekomme die Waffen nicht mal angewählt, diese sind nicht mal in der Auswahl vorhanden. Hier der Flieger alles noch wIP von Erwin http://rapidshare.com/files/210639671/Su-37.zip.html neues cockpit ist noch nciht implementiert, hoffe ihr könnt mir sagen was ich da falsch mache
  4. every mission I had to fly the f-100... it`s not a fighter, it`s a bus
  5. Boeing unveils new F-15 Silent Eagle

    This could be, I would buy a Flanker with western avionics, best match ;-)
  6. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Darf ich fragen ob ich die neuen skins vom Hansajet mal testen dürfte? Würde mich freuen, die sehen einfach spitze aus
  7. @ Krizis, this is a masterpeace... together with the MiG-29,F3 and some other pits are those the best looking fps killer I`ve ever seen ;-)
  8. Boeing unveils new F-15 Silent Eagle

    I haven`t seen this coming, first I saw the pics I asked myself.. ok nice but what`s new, then on the second look I saw the internal bays.. damn nice... and interesting concept... I think we need a new Eagle in the series...
  9. SU-24 WIP

    Ihm yes, something like this;-) looks good!
  10. Oh wow, I haven`t expected a pit for this bird, oh what a suprise!
  11. @lindr2 Su-24 Fencer A

    Hi lindr2, do you have some ini`s for a A Fencer?! I managed to create this fast skin, already released for the current Fencer. But I`m now working on a Fencer A, but I don`t have any ideas what weapons were used or recon pods... If you want I can send you my stuff, could you pls recheck it and improve it?! Fencer A mod I changed the canopy animation to manual, put metric stuff in it and delete all "modern" weaponstations and modified only a bit the loadout.ini to match a more "old style bomber"
  12. @lindr2 Su-24 Fencer A

    haven`t seen the A variant there so I thought you haven`t done it yet
  13. Die Welt wird bunt

    Oh oh schaut mal in den F-22 redux fragetopic, da wird es bald bunt zu gehen, da hat jemand es gefragt ob es mal ein "richtiges" F-22 modell geben wird. Ich halt mich da raus, ihr wisst ja was bei sowas immer rauskommt, das das ding aussieht wie nen Betastatus brauch ich ja wohl nicht zu erwähnen.. aber das es so wehement verteidigt wird, anstatt zu sagen, mh jo habt recht. Ich weiss da waren mal Bilder einer recht detailierten F-22, nicht die von TK sondern von irgendwem, nur ich trau mich nciht danach zu fragen. Sonst werd ich noch Amylokalisiert.... Weiss jemand was davon?!
  14. Die Welt wird bunt

    Jup hast recht...
  15. SU-24 WIP

    wasn`t someone working on a pitrepaint for this bird?! he painted the F-111 pit with some russian style blue and it looked good.
  16. Hope your data is still intact, any news about it?
  17. If you put some nice details in it, your work looks very clean and good, so I don`t think there will be any hard fps hit. Keep up your work! About your PM I will answer later ;-)
  18. My Mirage 2000B skin was made also in paint.. damn what a pain in my a$$ when painint it pixel per pixel... I now use paintnet and gimp2 freeware
  19. VMA-542 CO's 2008

    Interesting skin, I thought the Harriers used only grey skins... good one!
  20. Thx for this info have updated the later Falcons
  21. GT Legends

    Have to look for this game.. but with a joystick it`s not so easy I need a wheel and some pedals
  22. Yeah I know, but you were talking about a Tu-4 as a missile carrier so I thought about a tu-22 mod...
  23. Very interesting shape... how many polys does it have? Hey erwin, do you have some updates from your stealths project?

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