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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. This looks very detailed, thx for this good work! Hope to see it in my skyes
  2. what about a Tu-22 missile carrier?
  3. SU-24 WIP

    Fencer A mod do you see any differences? green skin released for the current Fencer
  4. File Name: Su-24 Green nose File Submitter: 76.IAP-Blackbird File Submitted: 17 Mar 2009 File Category: Soviet Air Force/Navy Skins This is a green Nose skin like was used on the fencer A It`s a repaint of the grey skin released some days ago for Veltros su-24 Click here to download this file
  5. Su-24 Green nose



    This is a green Nose skin like was used on the fencer A It`s a repaint of the grey skin released some days ago for Veltros su-24
  6. Iranian drone 'shot down in Iraq'

    Called in the army to buy me a newspaper last sonday :-P interesting link about Iranian copy industry http://www.allempires.net/forum_posts.asp?TID=17564&PN=1
  7. Torpedos

    For me it`s the same like , lets say fire a harpoon, don`t know if you need a "subsystem" like laser or TV pod installed on your plane, haven`t tested in this way
  8. Green nose skin Fencer A inis not done yet
  9. Torpedos

    torpedos are like guided rockets, they will not "swim" in waters but fly above it.. I have some torpedos in my weaponspacks and they work
  10. Die Welt wird bunt

    Das Ding ist nur ein Platzhalter wie es aussieht, ich freu mich darüber das es wohl eine neue geben wird, ... viele es aber zu persönlich nehmen
  11. As TarnVogel said, good skin and it realy needs to be released
  12. Russos Buc

    Klingt super, bin da echt gespannt.... so bin mal wieder über den Büchern.
  13. The never ending trip

    also broke?
  14. Don`t know and I don`t care casue this is a what if... :-P
  15. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Wie sagt man so schön, "Nicht anfassen..."
  16. Russos Buc

    Besser 2 mal als garnicht ;-) Würde nur noch die obere Seite der triebwerksgondeln verfeinern das wärs .. sehen etwas kantig aus. Aber ansich ein klasse modell
  17. Russos Buc

    So die Files der Buc sind an euhc raus, wenn ihr mehr als eine Nachricht, oder auch keine bekommt.. mein comp spinnt gerade etwas ;-)
  18. Oh damn this looks so cool! Nice opponent for the MiG-29
  19. su-24 grey skin

    Lindr2 has done a nice blue skin...
  20. It`s one of my earlierst mods, whe I post pics you will see the low quality, I thouht about to redo it and release it as a what if something bird.
  21. When I come home I will show you my old E-9 Mod, MiG-21F 13 as base with redone nose, new Canopybars and side intakes, enlarged wings and new pylons.... looks like a whole new bird... ;-)

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