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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. XF8U-3 Super Crusader

    wasn`t FC working on such a bird.. maybe I mix here something...
  2. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Die Forger wird natürlich ein Sahnestück, die MiG-29 ist auch nciht schlecht von TMF... zwar specificiert auf TMF weaponspack aber was solls.. ichwarte auf lindr2 updates. Wie ist jetzt das Urteil über die MiG-21 von gepard ausgefallen.. kann man die modden?! Und eine eigene Bis erstellen
  3. МИг-29 (9-12) и (9-13) от TMF

    thanks never noticed this line before..
  4. МИг-29 (9-12) и (9-13) от TMF

    specific station code you mean "WP"?
  5. Yup I only have to correct the missile stations positions and send them back to erwin.. PS I don`t wanted to hijack this topic, hope it`s ok
  6. МИг-29 (9-12) и (9-13) от TMF

    Hey I have no SAHM on the inboard wingstations on all 29s is it correct, I don`t have the TMF weaponspack installed, I use the one from krizis and u, have rewriten all the loadout designations to have some missiles on those birds. Any info about it.. what are you planing to change or redo on those MiGs`?
  7. Same here no FPS hit... good work!
  8. early WIP by inskye M and SMT.. UB in the pipe of GMG Amokfloo and Ravenclaw are working on it
  9. Mig-29A od Mirage Factory

    The first I did, I put the MFn pilot from amokflo into the mig... looks good... not sure if its like in RL but it looks good ;-)
  10. oh large pack, haven`t looked on the filessize, good work on this. As I see it`s designed for the MF weaponspack, I haven`t installed it, may I post later a generic loadout.ini?! is it ok?
  11. What is impressive on this mod, it`s the pit and the fps... works very smooth, I expected a huge fps hit when flying in pitview
  12. МИг-29 (9-12) и (9-13) от TMF

    hope you got my PM.
  13. I don`t worry if something isn`t perfect from day one, it`s damn good that`s sure but if some people like lindr2 come around and improves it, why not, always welcomed. They don`t do it to harm someone.. just for the mall bit of perfection and ... "for us" the comunity <--- so relax everybody
  14. SU-24 WIP

    I) saw some new WIP skins around here.. couldn`t we collect them here.. Nice work lindr2
  15. Modelado en 3D Studio Max

    Wow.. have you ever thought about making planes?! Damn what skin and detailed model.. realy stunning
  16. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Mal so nebenbei, habt ihr die superbug ausprobiert?!Mal ein ami addon was mir richtig gut gefällt! Verdammt gute Arbeit!
  17. Probleme mit meiner MiG-23PFM

    Gepard du hsat PM hetze dich nicht!
  18. Works fine for me, good work!
  19. Wow, what a smooth bird... damn good work.. no wishes left open
  20. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Normalerweise sind die lampen richtig.. rechts grün und links rot was die skins angeht, top.. geniales weathering! Bobrocks!
  21. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Das sind echt gute news!Bin mal gespannt wie der Vogel aussieht, ist aber klar ne .. Bilder sind pflicht ;-)
  22. I realy had some probs loading CA the last days.. I could load CA for 5 hours and more today, some people had this prob too. Don`t know if it caused by the new OFF comunity (the data traffic not the people ;-) Can someone confirm this?!

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