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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. Sukhois

    This here is the upcoming work that is near to a release, our Team has worked very hard and Enoc has created some realy great skins. The different sizes are zoom related, not a representation of the real model All shots are WIP Su-17 Su-17M/R Su-20/R Su-17M2/R Su-22 KKR-1 KS-3/4 Hope you liked this little update
  2. Hello everyone! Today we present you a small report on the progress of our "Battle for the Kuban" project. At the moment, work is almost completed on the improved flight models and work on the map of Kuban is also in the final stage. The Hs -29 B-2 ground attack plane will be finished in a couple of weeks. Its flight model and cockpit textures are being finalized and we will be able to present it to you soon. Work on the new shadow technology has been completed and settings for the increased quality has been added to the GUI. We’ve added an even sharper setting recently that allows the shadows in the cockpit to become even more detailed than what we showed you earlier. Also, the distance of the shadows in the landscape has been increased to twice as far. Thus, in total, depending on the field of view of the camera, the range of shadow rendering at the highest setting will exceed the existing one by several times. Of course, this setting is quite demanding on PCs, however, on top-end video cards, the FPS continues to be quite high with the maximized settings. For less powerful video cards there will be 4 more levels to adjust the quality of shadows. You can to choose the balance of image quality and performance that’s best for you. Inside the link you will find some nice screenshots and here a nice Vid of a flight over Kuban, the new upcoming title:
  3. Hello Guys, I`m looking for information, highres pics, walkaround of the Peruvian Su-22M2 "versions" So far i have identified 4 to 5 Versions - Su-22M2 - Su-22M2 with flaredispenser in the side of the Vtail - Su-22M2 with flaredispenser in the side of the Vtail and refuelprobe - Su-22M2 with flaredispenser on the rear Tail section - Su-22M2 with flaredispenser on the rear Tail section and refuelprobe I was thinking to add the refuelprobe as a "weaponloadout", so it would reduce the versions to basic 3 Pls help us to find good pics, drawings and info about this rare bird thanks in advance
  4. Site Updates

    Thanks for your hard work over the years and support for this website!
  5. After the seats are released, i will release the Su-7 upgrades and the Su-7U, it will be based on the TW model
  6. Does anyone fly the older Su-7 Fitter models except me? New seat and some fake pilot parts included
  7. I still have the twoseater from V2K on my harddisk so maybe, you can help me yak to finish it pm me if you are interested Btw, cool idea with the full bubble canopy
  8. Sukhois

    Dev update: new Ejection seats are ready to be released next week, KS-3 and KS-4 was used on Su-7/9/11/15/17 Skin is always, done by Enoc
  9. Sukhois

    Hello Guys, After many years and month of hard work and life changing situations, we have decided to release some stuff, step by step. I think next week, we will release the KS-3 and KS-4 ejection seats for russian planes. It will be "Fitter compatible" After this, Snailman will release some very nice stuff, also "compatible" so, the summer could bring us something very nice I will post some pics of the seats later this week, see it as a developer update
  10. The new Update is her, some good news about the new dynamic campaign system for single players! Im realy excited!!! Hello everybody, as you of course remember, one of the key new features of Battle of Kuban is the new gameplay mode - Career. In this mode, you'll build your character, a military pilot. His career will develop day by day in the chosen theatre of war. Each morning (except the days with non-flying weather), the plan for the day is set and the outcome of an each sortie influences your squadron (the pilots can be wounded, lost, the aircraft can be damaged, etc.). The player character will participate in some of the sorties, while the results of other ones will be generated automatically based on the overall frontline situation, how experienced the AI pilots are and which aircraft with what armament they have, weather conditions and so on. At the end of the day, all pilots stats are updated and in the course of the following days, they could be awarded and advance in rank. When the player character becomes the regiment commander, new tools are given to him during the planning phase to assign other pilots to a mission, set up their aircraft, weaponry, fuel and plot the flight route. One of the planned features of the Career mode are historically correct weather conditions..... More to read in this link https://forum.il2sturmovik.com/topic/168-developer-diary/page-5?do=findComment&comment=494245 https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=106&v=7ZFmDNeD7Eg
  11. Ein paar Gedanken zu Pegida, Lügenpresse etc

    Ich feier mein Land und die ganze slavische Sippe im Osten, als die Flüchtlingskriese aufkam, sagten die einfach .... Nö! Wir haben keine Muslimische Mehrheit oder sogar Minderheit bei uns die man großartig bemerkt ... Gerade hier im Ruhrgebiet werdden überall Moscheen gebaut, mach das mal so Offensiv in deren Ländern! Bin früher mit den Jungs aufgewachsen, da hat man das noch gar nicht so bemerkt, das deren Verhalten so **** in relation war. Die wenigen die ein business am laufen haben, ich rede nicht von Shishabars .. aber Restaurant, Firma usw, das ist ein Beitrag zur Community. Die AMG fahrenden 20 jährigen, knallen bei uns in parkende Autos und gefährden andere. Letzter Bericht in der Zeitung, "Islamist droht mit Anschlägen nach seiner Entlassung" ... Gebt mir die Adresse von dem Kerl ... alles geklärt ....
  12. Good morning Guys, today we have a realy great Developer Diary update of the new Kuban, that will be released in August. Il2 BOK DD 163 update When it is out, i will definitly on vacation doing sight seeing over Kuban. The scenery is so great and nice looking. Im realy happy i have prepurchased BOK. I hope you enjoy the shots and maybe you get more interested into il2 BOS/BOM/BOK 3 games you can merge and play as a single one. Please leave a comment or a note of your thoughts and ideas and how you like it below. Thanks in advance Martin
  13. He is back! Great!
  14. The Su`s are ready now, what we still need is a pit The funny thing is ... we have a pit for the 24,27 but the planes arent ready
  15. Sorry Enoc .. i have to post pics with the updated 3D model new Seat Ks-3 included
  16. New Eurofighter

    Maybe a F-35 for europe ... should be ready in 30 years
  17. JF-17 two seater

    I think it was overseen in April, http://defence-blog.com/news/new-dual-seat-variant-of-the-jf-17-fighter-jet-makes-maiden-flight.html check it out, i think it looks good and could be a good selling point
  18. Hi Gents, The long awaited update is released, and the Spitfire is a part of it! https://forum.il2sturmovik.com/topic/12826-game-updates/?p=486299
  19. A new update was released yesterda, it is agreat sim and make tons of fun!!! Can`t wait to see Battle of Kuban released!!! Hello Pilots, I have been in Moscow all week with the team working on many things both current and future. Before I head home to California I want to share some images of the Spitfire cockpit and our new shadow tech. You heard right, our shadows have been re-worked and they look awesome!! They are sharper, your plane projects its own shadow on the ground while in the cockpit and objects such as trees and buildings and vehicles cast their own dynamic shadows on everything! We’ve also increased the distance at which shadows are drawn. This makes the scenery like villages and ground combat environments looks even more realistic. And shadows in cockpits will also be sharper with all details casting shadows.... you can read the whole update here https://forum.il2sturmovik.com/topic/168-developer-diary/page-5?do=findComment&comment=484821
  20. Super Hornet shoots down Syrian Su-22

    Russians don`t give a shit, thats right .. but that should be the same for all involved ... otherwise i need to change my business and sell weapons ... thats more legal than drugs .. and supported by the goverments Chinese think different, they think in generations, not decades like the westerners. One generation get a food into a country, establish something economical there, the next generation runs the business and expand further ... the third generation is leading the economical hubs around the world
  21. Super Hornet shoots down Syrian Su-22

    http://www.popularmechanics.com/military/aviation/news/a27094/su-22-dodge-aim-9x-sidewinder/ interesting article And @all that say "about fucking time" It is still Syria lead by Assad and fucking REBELS try to overtake the regime... It is their right to defend their country and ground... even if they dont fit into the allmighty US "standarts" Still What the fuck is the US doing there ... it was ignored for years .. and now they differentiate between muslim extremists and medium muslim terrorists ??? Good work US administration! Realy good work! Russia should close the air for foreign planes, so all the "GOOD" westernes, that don`T invade countries, just defend them since the last century, can go home to their families ... make some BBQ, invite neighbours and having a good life .. But fuck out of Syria and anywhere else ...

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