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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. Dels is a smart guy, teasing with one or two pics ... thread will be 1000 pages long.... and then :whistling: =
  2. ok this is interesting, never thought this was possible. Good work on this
  3. Topgun II in the works

    You guys are dangerous!
  4. Mirage 2000TH

    You can nearly always recover files from crashed HD so no problem, you need a recovery program
  5. I was flying some manouvers with the Su-37 and I have to say you can nearly reproduce every flightmanouver you can see on youtube, the one who did the FM was a genius! About the SM, it`s a greaat plane to fly!!! Only visual prob I could find you can see here, tha shadow, maybe there is a hole in the mesh, not sure what causes this nothing more ;-) good work!!!!!!!
  6. SM on the way killing Raptors couldn`t lock the radar and was shoot down a bit later by AIM-9X
  7. looks impressive, your terrains looks better and better... real
  8. Su-27SM v1.0

    Good info about this SM program thanks for it ;-)
  9. we need more mig pics here!
  10. F-4J Skins

    Looks good like always ;-)
  11. It`s a very good bird, likethose avionics
  12. the ECM pods are for the wingtips, that`s correct
  13. I send them an Email and asked about some informations, not to give it to me :-P "Sorry to say, we can’t give it out and the USAF will not allow the game to be downloaded. Sucks." Mh ok
  14. Ok but what do you want to change in the design?!
  15. This is a nice bird, very good detail on it!!! Like the Skin and FM! Really good work on the SM ;-) only a few probs: Have no animations for canopy or refueling probe =) comes maybe later right and left mirrors shows the same like the middle one, no texture on throttel but the pit is very nice!!! Thank you very much for this!!!!
  16. SU-24 WIP

    Yeah we need more support for pics! FM doesn`t matter on pics ... :-D
  17. Looks nice, good work on this but maybe I`m wrong isn`t FC working on a F-103?! I thought his is nearky done But keep on your work, more planes!!!!
  18. Aero India 2009

    It looks heavy and hey, they don`t have to waste a pylon! But the airframe is done with the improvement, a smooth line is something different.. It looks for me like flying LEGO
  19. ok, take your time .. hope to see you around soon
  20. new M version is comming from inskye! So stay tuned

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