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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. have you seen my B update in the screenshot thread?! New systems added also
  2. Veltro have you tried the RF-84 ??? this babe is not ugly and she works great!
  3. Erfahrungen mit Track IR

    schau mal hier nach da fliegen einige mit Track IR aber nicht die TW serien http://www.76-iap.de/wbb/
  4. when the first skins comes out it will have a much cooler look than now ..
  5. PLANE Stupid

    Ok we need a real new shadowcat!
  6. turn everything to hard mode and it will be a realy nice new game for you ;-)
  7. in der cockpitdata ini [CockpitSeat001] ... OpenCockpit=TRUE <-----------------------delete this entry
  8. 计划中

    Yea a 2KC Mirage and a Concorde "Bomber" .. hehe Good work!!!
  9. Don`t know if it was posted before but this seems realy interesting for our F-35 creators http://de.youtube.com/watch?v=SbnWg4v6iHk&...ature=rec-HM-r2
  10. Maybe have to map those parts and redo the canopy, will fly and act like the MiG-21 F13 maybe a bit heavier
  11. 计划中

    Any plans for some bomber?! Tu-160, Su-24 or something similar?
  12. I know I shouldn`t do this the first day, but it`s tribute to all modders here around CA, I added my upcoming HUD mod for those great varks and the F-14D TARPS from FC or Ravenclaw not sure now but look yourself Also added the engines from a F-14D, avionics updated and created a F-111B II :-P Must say I like this shape... not quiet sure why but it looks ok ... not like a beauty but .. an interesting plane for sure
  13. Yup still have a 15 x 20 cm hole in my right door.... but that guy called the police and waited for "me" un/lucky day
  14. thank you for this baby.. you were right it`s ugly :-P
  15. that realy sucks, how is it in the US and insurgents! Without it, it`s forbidden to drive a car in europe!!
  16. http://de.youtube.com/watch?v=N3bn4Se-fbs&...feature=related back to topic

    will ther be a camoflaged one or a maritime patrol bomber?
  18. no prob it´s nothing personal I`m not the most diplomatic here ... I think Dave knows what I mean ;-) always the wrong time for me. Sometimes you get lost in those youtube vids .. you can see so many people die on youtube... but pls no nipple in those vids... wrong world se la vie
  19. oh oh .. duck and run........................................ zoooooooooooooooooooom
  20. ... ok on the first vid you can sse "semi" live how 3 people get shoot... and that is fun? Pc games are games .. this is real life .. comon guys
  21. Oh damn where is my second nick......mh pink lady... no ... dragonfeet... no... damn
  22. What a nice bird hope its freeware or have your decided to go payware ?!
  23. ??? realy .. what is so different?! I thought with the oct patch the 3d model LOD casues shadows without the shd file. ... mh strange
  24. CZECH pilot

    that was ny idea ;-)

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