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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. next early morning training flight
  2. Eh, nope. not that im Aware of ist possible.
  3. depents on what Kind of light effect you want, we have a solution for a self illuminating tga, like the Afterburner effect to set it up with an Animation key How do you want to use it?
  4. Sikorsky R-4B / HNS-1 / Hoverfly Mk.1

    funny Little things! Thanks man!
  5. Early Morning raid against Katyushas near Stalingrad
  6. Lets talk here about the game and keep the other topics of non related stuff clean. Hope you guys enjoy this game and the news as same as i do. Im one of the old il2 pilots from 2001 and flying it until today. This game is out since a while, so i want to point you guys right at it. I know some of you are already playing it, but for those who arent... here it is. http://il2sturmovik.com/ I have bought both, the BOS and BOM premium edition, and have not regret it! If you like WW2 sims, you will love this game. More and more accurate planes and theaters will be added, started with: Battle of Stalingrad Battle of Moscow Battle of Kuban announced and Battle of Okinawa and expanding to the pacific is on their list too.
  7. Dassault-Breguet Super Étendard

    Great Work!!!! Thanks man!!!
  8. Hi guys, maybe someone of you have some good pics or drawing, cutwaways of this soviet pod. We are looking for references for ages now and would be great if someone has some good shots of it, diameter and size would be great too. Pls post here ALL PICS you can find or have at home, thank you We want to integrate it into the Su-17M2. new paneling is finished, new skins and parts too, pics will follow. We need your help and thanks in advance
  9. WHY?

    Havent seen so many angry smileys for years Cant wait to see the other guys response and im realy astonished about your calm answer logan! My would look alot different and I would risk to get banned cause of many bad words I would use
  10. Best site ever!

    http://www.loser.com/ im amazed by the guy who did it !
  11. Hello.

    Yes I remember his work in the past, there was just one Problem with it, the very high polycount and the non excistent distance LOD`s to compensate the high polycount model. That`s a fact I would suggest to you yunped ;) The avionics are suspiciously good to be a ripped model
  12. This bird is from Julhelm
  13. Best site ever!

    The interesting thing is ... that the rest of the world doesnt like him ... except americans / republicans funny fact isnt it His language doesnt cover his misbehaviour, his missing knowledge about history and political situation, I dont speak about awerness, his whole being is a shame for the US to have selected him as a representing presidential candidate.... guys .. realy? You made my day and for the rest of the world for the past month thanks Or is it a kind of export thing like the "horror Clowns"
  14. What bothers me is ... the 98% of a real tomcat model in this mod .. there is no evolution or revolution in the development.. stealthy cat? ... here
  15. Yankin' and Bankin' Over China

    I dont understand a word but the CG stuff is great!
  16. Sukhois

    Seems I Need to work on a Fencer Version to get those beauties out Fitter M and M2 will be released, more Version will be later avaible
  17. Sukhois

    My Avatar .... a ghost on the wings ..
  18. Sukhois

    Ok, tomorrow Enoc will send me a skin, I have updated the mapping for the parts, ini integration works fine and if all goes well, its out tomorrow for you guys. Remember! It is just a visual update ;) with fakepilot parts So enjoy it that way
  19. HOW can I add?

    you need max 2009 or so ... thats what the exporter tool from TK was writen and coded for ;)
  20. Dassault Étendard IVM/IVP

    Guys, go for this new version 1.2 some stuff was upgraded and a minor 3D bug was solved!!! Thanks to Dennis!!!
  21. HOW can I add?

    You need the max file of the plane, but it is not distributed ... you need to build it your self, use 3 Views of the plane ;)

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