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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. Touch My Body

    haha great and the coments under the vid are great!!
  2. I can only say they re doing a very good job and work hard on the upcoming birds!!!
  3. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Aber warum die "piloten" Teile für die S-105 verlinken da ist ja keine animation?! Hoffe das das keine zu doof e Frage ist?
  4. Black Project.jpg

    From the album Test

  5. Mig-29's for Lebanon

    I read this topic and only Southernap got the point, the migs aren the point for this "trade"!!!! The russians make new friends, when you give someone some old miG-29 for free, so it`s ok the state is lucky an accepts maybe some other "trades" in the near future. Those frames are useless for russia, but not the following effect of a new export and support possibility. You can`t see it in the way like, IDF playground and can`t stand a chance against whoever... but see it as a bussines man, war is nothing more than bussines and If you don`t understand: watch "Lord of War" great movie! (studying economics)
  6. thanks lindr2 will check this out, I created a Tu-4K by myself with a nice ability to carry two large missiles!. My pit is just a placeholder and works like a pilot
  7. thank you veltor for oyur great modell!! @ lindr could you open pls a new thread with Tu-4 topic with some cool pics .. I`m working "slowly" but working on some Tu-4 mods...
  8. Tu-22KD

    Onöy tested with oct patch, the LOD is only the panel the rest is from the plane exterior!!!! That`s the different, patch up your games, make first a backup and retry this mod, I`m sure it works fine!
  9. F-5F/Sagheah

    great news so we can expect this bird soon?
  10. Tu-22KD

    Atreides you have to copy the tu22 probe in your aircraft folder and try it again ;-) remember it`s a pilot!!
  11. MiG-21 MF

    need some repositioning and resizing and it`s ready to go after mapping
  12. stuff

    I have no idea cause my pit is a "pilot" in the current status and not a pit so I can`t help you, sorry
  13. looks great and clean! thanks veltro like always ;-)
  14. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    achso damit das ding beim öffnen mit dem Glass teil zusammen hochgeht... alles klar jetzt habe ich das kapiert und kann endlich die canopy animation für JJ-8II machen!
  15. IT IS ALIVE!

    nice one!!!! rebuilding now a MX-5 NB 98` with a really small block 1.9L and 140hp but still nice to drive, rebuilding all stuff, dumper new, all chassis elements new, motorparts new. rebuilding interior and new door parts ... cause of an accident. I know how happy you are when the stuff runs like you want it to run! Good work some sound files would be great!
  16. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    verlinken?was meinst damit?! kann man die Teile irgendwie verlinken?
  17. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Hey Floo hast nicht zufällig das Mapping problem gelöst?! Mein Max schmiert ja immer dabei ab, zumindest bei den Teilen!
  18. HDD crash data recovering

    I need some experts, my girlfriends notebook can`t boot anymore. When u start it it loads the windows loading screen and don`t go further. I tried to start in safe mode but it didn`t work also. As I start setup from the XP CD just to take a look on the hdd`s it tells me that 38147 total space and 38 146 is free. But this can`T be cause she has not deleted anything. The notebook "survived" a crash from a coutch, it runs but after restart it doesn`t boot anymore. How can I secure the data from the notebook?! I tried to install a second windows installation on it but doesn`T work, some files couldn`t be installed on the disk. But the CD works great I think the HDD is damaged. What tools do I need load the data?! Is it possible? I think yes. Need realy some help with this. Thanks and best regards Martin
  19. North American TF-86K

    Ich möchte, da dies ein fiktives Flugzeug ist, es aber irgendwie doch hier rienpasst zumindest in die Fliegergruppe die ihr gerade am erstellen seid, einfach nach anregungen suchen. Vorschläge was man wie machen könnte. Antenen ausbuchtungen design der haube Mein vorhaben nach den Klausuren die Haube etwas nach hinten verlängern damit der jäger etwas mehr Form bekommt dem hinteren Piloten da der kein 3D tiefes Pit besitzt(grenzt an die außenhaut des Fliegers) wollte ich eine virtuelle hand modellieren die eine Karte hällt damit dieser Umstand nicht so ins Auge fällt.
  20. MiG-21 MF

    chech this out
  21. HDD crash data recovering

    thank you again can try it tomorrow cause no tools to open it, the disk is safed with one bolt. Have to look out for some special small tools. will report if it worked!
  22. HDD crash data recovering

    I built many desktops, my machine to and know somehting about SATA stuff but notebooks are new to me "in disassembling"
  23. ui that`S really strange, mh... my suggestion is, post this as a seperate posting, this has definatly something to do with the core inis like flight engine ini. At this point I can`t help you. Cause this don`t appear on my machine
  24. can you pls post a pic? Maybe it`s a entry in one of the core game ini`s, My install is so heavily modded!

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