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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. If everything goes right the KD will be released this weekend would say sunday night, hope lexx tweak the instruments a bit. lindr 2 helped with ini stuff thanks
  2. It`s the perfect plane for soviet intercept tactics ... but on the wrong side... should be a MiG-101 hahahaha
  3. Nice I don`t need to create a new twoseater... hehe nice work ;-)
  4. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    ne habe ich nicht und ich adde die teile mit der Pilot methodedenke aber das es keine großen probleme geben wird wenn ich diese richtig anpasse
  5. Optimus Prime

    Damn I like this slang.... you can`t imganie how this sounds to us europeans!!!! ROFL http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cRB066oqZLs...feature=related
  6. I saw some pics on the TK forums a while ago, with a nice skin and those pilot canards, it looked good and ready to go, does someone knows where to find it?! Would love to fly it and pls don`t tell me do it yourself...
  7. Looks beautiful but how does those "slimmer" or how they`re called work?! as decals?!
  8. I`m on a T-33 Mod cause this bird was created from the T-33 and used by the Navy, I will need some good skinner, I`m now on finishing the last parts and will map them. Soulfreak found a nice site with nice paintings and I hope that I can find someone who can help me with this. Best regards Martin
  9. T-1 SeaStar

    I thought about a skin resolution of 2048 x 2048 will use this resolution on my parts
  10. Ok where is Sag???? SAG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. I just need to move this thing here to the right and can`t find the right entry for it, hope someone can help
  12. This bird is from TK I only add some "parts" to it, the pit is the Su-15 panel. I`ts finished as it is, cause I cant move a panel to the right position. Awaiting lindr2 updates and than I will release it.
  13. I found your coment constructive, thanx veltro for your fast reply
  14. MiG-21 MF

    And can you send me the plane pls? just upload it at yousendit.com and send it to Nextoperator ad gmx dot net
  15. T-1 SeaStar

    IMPORTANT!! I redoing the tailpart, cause the existing one looks horible and doesn`t fit to this bird, so please, if you like to help skinning, wait until my parts are finished and mapped so you can take a look on the parts.
  16. S-105

    a very slow progress... very very slow I`m just working on small parts for some aircraft, I need a "done" feeling not a permanent WIP status of my life ;-)
  17. T-1 SeaStar

    You mean this, yes thank you! http://wrench1smog.com/tmp/f80-f94-t33_templates.zip
  18. S-105

    amokfloo recieved the max files amd couldn`t open them I have converted them to 3ds and I think it works now. he will start on mapping them tomorrow!
  19. T-1 SeaStar

    Just for inspiration hangar screen hope you like this mod, only needs a little work on the tail and it`s ready for skinner!
  20. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Hey Carlo könnte ich dich vielleicht diesemal dazu anstifften mir bei dem T-1 SeaStar projekt zu helfen?! Habe dein C-119 skin gesehn und dachte mir .... das sieht nützlich aus?! Würde die TEile vorher zu ende machen ist aber nicht mehr lang
  21. looks as an interesting idea have to try it
  22. I have an idea for the camera, I think you can make two different tv camera systems in this plane, switchable via radarmode key. one with a zoomed vow and the other one with a less zoomed or just 1 to 1 view on the display. Would be a nice feauture
  23. have you updated the file?
  24. @ lindr2 have you recieved the file?! And can ou please tell me something about puting a nice "grey TV camera" to the Su-39???
  25. 2 ME-262's In A Day

    Mh you have to know about some facts, the Me-262 has 4 x 30 mm guns with explosive rounds, one average hit and a B-17 goes down. But to the end of the war the fighters get airbrne with bad fuel, less than 5 shots for the cannons. Noobs had only munition for their guns and the older guys or more experianced had somteimes only 5 rounds for the 20 mm cannon and similar calibre. This is an example for a BF-109G/K in the later years!!! So imagine this flight of Me-262 "fully armed" and spiting rounds directly into the bomber..... lucky bomber crew

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