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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. Desert from SF2 basic game
  2. Kamchatka 250m version with adjusted tileset etc

    Thanks for this nice Terrain :D
  3. Seems he is not satisfied with the ini work of this plane and maybe some parts are missing for him?!
  4. Terrorist assault underway in Munich, germany

    Ok a suicide bomber injured 12 People in Ansberg, he was a syrian refugee who should be send back.... strange Ms. Merkel, before you fuckhead opened the borders and send out invitations into the world ... europe was alot safer than it is now ....
  5. Stary simply painted "stripes" on his canopy, but i dont know if you can asign specular maps to a caopy / glass opbject! That could provide this effect you are looking for
  6. Sukhois

    I think we will have the possibility to switch between the both seats by ini work, so you will have the screen always for your disposition Lets see how the Fitter pits will look Mr. Yeyeye is the one who deserves a big THANK YOU!
  7. IL-26, a new bombertype was spotted in the middle east
  8. Sukhois

    Cause this topic is about Sukhois, we have recieved a package of new pits for the Fencer, 6 to be more precise. The 3D Master is Yeyeye and this is the result: (It will get a bit fine tuned colours, but this is a real masterpiece! ) I fall emidiatly in love! We also asked him if he is interested in building the Fitter pits
  9. Sukhois

    I see 3 different skins in one plane maybe it saves some space
  10. Sukhois

    The Su-17M3 is the next im working on, and it is a good base for the next Su-22M4
  11. Sukhois

    We are currently discussing, how to release the plane, we have two options: 1. We can release the plane as a pack and use the userlist / specific nations but we would have many commong parts like data.ini and the planes would not differentiate between each other. 2. Nation specific versions, like Syrian birds with IRM, than Egypt with just dumb bomb capability, Soviet, Polish and so on, with all their specific skins Than the question is about all the different skins, should we release the planes with just 1 - 2 skins and the rest as skin packs? Or putt the skins into the specific plane / nation and release it as a bigger pack? Currently is the plane around 105MB large with just one skin, lots of BM and SM files. What version would you prefer? 1. or 2 and then the skin solution
  12. Little recon mission over west Germany
  13. I have played Lock on in the past and have seen FC3 in a lokal store, is it worth the money and time? Im not interested in single modules ... I just want a nice Jetsimulation. The FM of Lockon was scripted, how is it in FC3? Are there mods out for it? Or is it a closed sim?
  14. R.I.P. Muhammad Ali

    He died in the age of 74 in a hospital
  15. other sites

    @savagkc, are you looking for some special mods?
  16. I have him at FB, I can PM him, and tell him the fortunate news that we will take over his Mig-25 and this little bird, so if there is any interest, he can send me the file, So I can PM them to you Lets cross the fingers
  17. The plane looks realy nice, sad is Mats isnt here around anymore
  18. No scaleing on my side, I build them as seperate nozzles and animate each part .. than copy paste the others ;)
  19. P-3C von Florian

    Hast du eigentlich gerade eine art WIP liste? Du haust immer Sachen raus wo man sich nur denkt ... Baaam... goil und das ohne Vorwarnung
  20. P-3C von Florian

    Siehste! Immer diese kleinen Feinheiten! Top! Flo, ich habe da noch eine Idee für die Fitter, da bräuchte ich vllt eine gedankliche unterstützung, lass das mal per PM kläre, vllt hast du da eine idee
  21. P-3C von Florian

    Ich glaub das Model selbst ist etwas älter wenn ich mich erinnere, das ist noch etwas lower on polys. Bin gespannt was Flo da wieder zusammen baut, der hat immer nette Gimmicks an Bord verbaut.
  22. P-3C von Florian

    Sieht prima aus Glaub aber Flo baut da noch etwas um an der Orion

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