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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. MiG-19S Projekt

    Danke dir für die Info wird aber noch etwas dauer bis der Flieger fertig ist, habe mir mal die Konkurrenz aus china angesehn und die J-6 geladen. Gleich wieder gelöscht. Vielen Dank nochmal für dein angebot
  2. MiG-19S Projekt

    Ich habe die deutsche Sprache verlernt, was ich wissen wollte war, wie groß ist eine normale Max file für die Sim?! Meine ist gerade 12MB groß und wird noch größer da jetzt die Details für den Fahrwerksschacht gemacht werden..
  3. S-105

    Ok i tried it I don`t think this is the detail level I was looking for... deleted and still working on my ... :-)
  4. Looks really good are those skins for the DS mod? They look familiar, and a nice iraqi skin
  5. Black Projects

    the prob is the plane is a bit out of the right scale. It`s low poly but not now as high priority. First is the MiG-19 project, inbetween some other stuff wich will be released some day. IDF Lavi skin in the works fr the J-10 someone called it reversed engeneering. ;-)
  6. nice find! I ha ve no templates for this bird, all is just paintshop. I startet on a israel F-16 like desert skin. This camo scheme looks good also will try my skills on it but can`t promise anything cause the mapping is a bit strange in it`S way. Lavi prototype skin was released. Lavi twoseater in the works but with some compromise for the second pilot also the desert skin in the pipe.
  7. all projects takes longer and longer, but the quality raise with the time, look at the chineese boys. They startet with some low poly planes and now??? They are creating nice things.
  8. MiG-21 MF

    will contact a skinner when my project is done and mapped, not earlier, cause I want to present something
  9. S-105

    J-6 was released and further versions will follow soon by fallout 3, never heard abot this guy. I`m not at hoe and haven`t tested it yet. I will work further on my HD modell. Max file is now up to 10MB and still growing!
  10. PLAAF J-6

    Is this a new model? it seems so, I think we will have 2 mig-19... I will continue with my HD project
  11. MiG-21 MF

    Maybe I found a skinner for the MiG-19...
  12. would say send them over to ravenclaw for a united weaponspack!
  13. this looks really nice!
  14. MiG-21 MF

    The skin looks really cool! good work!
  15. I saw this pic and wondered about the colour so.... what do you think, work of 5 mins ... :-)
  16. T-33 pit

    this is originally a F-80 pit from Kesselbrut.
  17. MiG-21 MF

    Those parts are easy to create only the positioning is a bit time consuming, can make them but not now it will take some time to finish some stuff. can create them when I have some free time!
  18. I have still a twoseater Lavi/J-10 around but with some ugly restrictions I can`t delete the hump behinde the canop so the secont pilot sits inside... this is the old version have no a new canopy http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...33627&st=80 on the bottom
  19. Chengdu J-10 Debuts at Zhuhai Air Show

    Why don`t they made the probe retractable or movable or is it so much weight for the mechanisem?
  20. I had no templates, was just painting like hell on this...
  21. Wyvern Released

    The soundfile is there have over heard it cause it`s a bit quiet
  22. What do you fly?

    Lavi A MiG-19S JJ-8II Finback

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