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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. You can use a cone with some more "high" parts, than can resize it. When you are using a cylinder, delete the poly on top of the cylinder before your start to resize this site. When you extrude some parts from a cylinder you have to aply smooth again. Next point is, "select polys" on the modell and you can turbo smooth it, but be carefull when doing this, sometimes it shoots your modell smooth just parts!!!! never the whole modell.
  2. Bunyap und TMF Weaponspack

    Ich bin was die patches angeht immer etwas virsichtig, lasse erstmal die anderen Testen werde es vllt am We installieren, wenn aber es s dermasen fps einbrüche gibt, dann lass ich den anderen patc noch drauf.
  3. Bunyap und TMF Weaponspack

    Hast du versch. terrains ausprobiert?!
  4. Anyone Else Getting These Lines?

    Looks like shadow lines from the shadow lod
  5. you have only to reinstall the terrain files of the mod u used and the treemod that`S it, had the same prob after the patch!
  6. F-86H

    Sounds good, can you tell us something about your projects?
  7. looks interesting, what have you changed?
  8. Hi Skinners

    Just a question is this just a redone EF-111A or will you redo every version?! I think we have only 2 LOD modells of all those versions?! (the old one)
  9. Gundata

    Hat jemand ne complete gundata, bei mir sind einige Sachen abhanden gekommen?! Dürfte ich die vllt haben?
  10. Gundata

    Danke dir, meine Tornados und andere Flieger hatten plötzlich keine Bewaffnung mehr! Die Gundata funzt einwandfrei! und mit deinem Pack funzen sogar die waffen wieder an den F-16 Blk 60 E und F
  11. Chinese Guys has smth new?

    Something for Sylvester.... wish you a happy new year.... boom!
  12. Bunyap und TMF Weaponspack

    Bin Heute eine Strike mission geflogen mit 2 GBU-15 and Bord, die sahen schrecklich aus, ich wäre als Ziel von allein geplatzt, als mir die Eier auf den Kopf werfen zu lassen. Scheint ne schematische darstellung im Spiel zu sein. Falls du daran interesse, die AGM-130 bassiert auf der GBU-15 hat nur nen Raketen motor unter der Bombe
  13. Hi I was asked by Kukulino to help him with the Avia S-105 Mod, As I was working on the mod I thought about the possiblity to improve all MiG-19, cause all use TK`s modell as base, this here is still WIP and I`m thinking about to redo the canopy too. Just to round up the look. I don`t knwo if here are some MiG-19 lovers, but hope you will enjoy this bird when it`s done. Things changed until now: wing fins fuselage fin front edge of the wings all small intakes Gunsight Engine exhaust small antenas guns humps on fins All I need is a highres skin on the base of the current one, so the mig gets a nice look!!!!!
  14. MiG-19 improvement

    Would be nice to have one, but not on my list, just the plane and some versions
  15. MiG-19 improvement

    Was also thinkin about the twoseater!
  16. F-29A update

    The great stuff was you could piont everything with the laser, I make trial to attack helicopter with the nighthawk, and it worked!
  17. S-105

    Mapping takes some time!
  18. S-105

    Can do this tomorrow or on the weekend cause I will not be at home till friday night
  19. Great news also your PM, you are fast and deliver a very good work! And I past my 2000 post!!!!!!
  20. MiG-19 improvement

    yes Sir! we will see what I can do with this, cause I liked the Mig-19 design and there was no HD modell so I create it as a MiG-19S first
  21. S-105

    I think you can than release your S-105 and when this Baby is done you can use it for an updated version, will be high detailed something like the current stuff from MF

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