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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. I had some contact with kesselbrut and he told me it`s ok, so I released it. This pit was originally released with the Marut I think. here the T-33 thread pls read it... carefully and you will see it`s legal!!!!!! So fell free to distribute it but give Kesselbrut and Fubar some credit!!!! http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=32264
  2. after patch strange shader

    Will try when I get rid of the virus
  3. Take your time to finish it...
  4. I like those early jets, had some fun with some sabres and ginas last night and now this!!! Thanks!
  5. F-29A update

    Me too but not installed, was one of the best of it`S time.
  6. B-36 Development

    I think we can still use this one here if we want to add some stuff to this baby
  7. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Sieht gut aus! Daumen hoch!
  8. Thanks for infomations, will looking for this baby!
  9. This is pretty nice, haven`t expected this bird in this sim .. don`t ask why.. damn I like it!
  10. F-29A update

    Do oyu have some pit pics?! I know your C-130 wich is great!
  11. 10, 000 Posts at Combatace....

    need another hobby he ... ;-)
  12. Black Projects

    Stuff is not lost, I`ve recovert it to 100% So nothing is lost!
  13. Problem YAP AC-130 mit Patch 09.08

    Oh das hatte ich auch schon mal bei nem Flieger, poste das mal in den general forum, das ist eigentlich ganz einfach kann mich aber nicht mehr erinnern wie das gelöst wurde!
  14. F-29A update

    my dreams comes true since ATF from Janes!
  15. Hi earned a nice Virus last monday and lost most of my 1 TB HDD still recovering will be back online on this evening or friday. Still working on my machiene!
  16. Israeli F-35 info

    Mh F-35 more stealthy than F-16 ok right but... the bad guy gets some more new and better radar systems... F-35 = F-16 that`s for the no change of force balance ... hehe
  17. Fallout 3

    It looks for me like a mix of Stalker and Fallout!
  18. Tornado probs

    So recovert was das zeug hergab, diese Idee finde ich ist der wahnsinn schlecht hin! Respekt!!! Glaub da lag auhc der Fehler drinn das die Reihenfolge nicht mehr stimmte, aber wenn da steht delete MW-1 erarbeite ich den kram in der ini naja so lernt man aus den Sachen die man so treibt stimmts Jungs?! Wirst du auch die Waffen von Lindr2 einsetzen und die jetztigen ersetzen so z.B. die R-77 die ja super geraten ist?
  19. Fallout 3

    I still play fallout 2 it`s great a damn funny game! I will get but I hope I get the aerican version cause the german one is cut
  20. Excuse me, but who is now working on one? Wasn`t the B-70 also somewhere around ???
  21. Can you pls post some pics of this Jstars?
  22. More German Casulties

    S.... And our politics still say it`s not a war, but what is it then when soldiers die?
  23. Black Projects

    It`s not mapped all is just one texture<--- cause of WIP but I f you like I can send it over to you this week
  24. Black Projects

    The one in my sig was a refone Su-15 and turned into a JJ-8II Finback, but now I have the reals source file. But I f you like this version?! I thought the "real" plane would be better for this project?!

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