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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. Turboprop Skyraider

    looks good
  2. AD-3W Skyraider

    http://www.swordsmen.org/skyraider.htm here you can see the door on the sides If you like you can add some details via Decals on the plane. I use the skin 'NavyBlue from this package I will send you unpakc pilotparts in the aircraft folder.. it`s still WIP
  3. Looks good! Very nice detail and nice skin too!
  4. Black Projects

    Last pic for tonight added more details will add the door, some more small details and than it`s finish....
  5. Black Projects

    Something for the helo lovers AD-3W has some progress too and maybe it`s the first thing that is really finished before my holiday
  6. I made a secure copy and installed the patch, after this I copied the weaponsdata.ini into the weaponsfolder and used the WOI editor and voila it works fine without doing more !!!!!
  7. don`t know if this helps but it`s very interesting for those of us who wants to learn some UV mapping http://www.waylon-art.com/uvw_tutorial/uvwtut_01.html
  8. I want the left one .. together with two of the middle one and some from the right for the evening .... that`s all... mh maybe a Mig-31 and a Voodoo for hunting.. good work!
  9. North American TF-86K

    Sieht nach ner Röhre mit flügeln aus .. Habe mir schon ansichten für die K rausgesucht
  10. North American TF-86K

    Habe überlegt mir einfach eine paar seiten zeichnungen zu besorgender K und den Vogel dann selbst zu machen warte immer noch auf ne Antwort von Erwin wegen der J-8II max file... habe jetzt ne AD3W Skyraider gepostet .. erstmal pics und alles WIP
  11. North American TF-86K

    Da hat er es wenigstens warm bei höheren gegenden... Aber die Idee gefällt mir.
  12. Do you know the creator of this?! looks good
  13. Black Projects

    I had an idea yesterday night and creates those parts in a hour, not perfect and still WIP but the shape looks ok for the first testing.
  14. I can`t read the readme can someone post it here I get everytime an error
  15. North American TF-86K

    You mean a Fury
  16. Black Projects

    I knwo here are some Skyraider fans and i missed this one for a long time, Radome done by wrench WIP
  17. :lmaosmiley: I don`t have a clue how much time you invest in this but the results are great!
  18. This is fantastic, fubar if you were my girlfriend I would kiss you!!!! Damn good stuff you are working on ... looks more and more like lomac!
  19. patches are still WIP and this is a damn monkeyish story ... about Ubisalat and second wire.... damn
  20. North American TF-86K

    Habe aber nie nen pfeilflügelgeflogen, nur straight. Muss mir dsa FM mal nach Fr ansehn!

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