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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. What kind of adding is it?! like a weaponstation?! or the adding Pilot procedure?!
  2. Black Projects

    Ok I`ve done a Mil Mi-17 look alike or a boosted Mi-8 if there is any interest I can post it when it`S done. only needs to be mapped right. Have created the bubbles infront of the intakes, 2 more pylons with some more parts. Only thing I need are some pics of the dispenser system under the tail section. found some but not really good one.
  3. Hi it`s me again I got an idea last night, and this is for now a result of 2 hours work.. 10 mins in 3Dsmax and the rest tweaking the ini and rework the skin. not finished yet and still WIP It was a Su-15, will rework the intakes, weaponstations and some small details.
  4. J-8II Finback WIP

    I must say I`m not up to the time status to create a full plane, my addition is just a modded Su-15 into a J-8 II lookalike. It was done just for fun but hey it works great, I will be able to post some pics next week on friday and release maybe a Beta. IT`S NOT A WHOLE NEW PLANE JUST 3DS MAX playtime! :beta1: just want to be sure you know this! ;-)
  5. J-8II Finback WIP

    This plane is not abondened, I worked a bit on it the last days.. found some free time! I changed the nose, reshaped the canopy and added some more small details.. must say it looks now more and more like a J-8 II Finback. Will post pics as early as it`S possible and I think it`s not so far away from beeing released. I have one question, does this plane has 2 guns or only one, need some detail?! I added for now two 23mm guns. Does someone has some pics of these guns/bays?!
  6. Wow very good work (like always) can`t wait to download this baby...
  7. F-111 Aufgabe für Männer!

    Ist ja auch kein Zeitlimit dabei... klar wäre ich dafür die "richtigen" 111er zu machen. Danach halt mein Spielzeug. War ja nur ne erste anfrage wer da mithelfen kann. Ja Volker hat wirklich andere Sachen gerade zu tun, wünsche gute Besserung und das wir ihn bald hier wieder begrüßen dürfen! Drücke die Daumen!!! Was wenn ich nochmal hier mit den 111ern anfrage wenn es soweit ist...
  8. What if......

    Jul wait for a FM for his stealthcat
  9. Black Projects

    One idea was to create this skyraider with the radome unter the belly. Forgot the name.. AD-4N or so.. don`t know.. nice thing this bird. if someone has some pics of this radome bird pls post it here... would be great to collect some stuff with the community!
  10. So I think you kow the F-111 with canards, this is a nice project i`m workin on and I wanted to post some new screens. I changed the F-111F to a D modell, do you see what`s new??? with help from ravenclaw
  11. F-111X need help

    I changed the ini`s a bit so it now can carry without probs a AIM-9 and changed the skin a bit. fooling around with the second pilot position.
  12. Very nice!! Great skins! Can you create a F-86K Luftwaffe skin?! Where they used by the Luftwaffe ??
  13. I use the Su-27 as a basic modell to add some pylons and change the ini`s to have a simulated Su-35BM. All I need is a talented skinner who would create a nice Su-35 skin. This is what I have until now. This was the old MOD by Fastcargo, I created only those Pylons without Canards from scratch, see above. FC`s Mod Who would help out with a skin for this baby?! I found this pic for a Pit Have no idea how to make a pit but we will see. MAybe I can use some excisting stuff. Grippen Pit or something like this. What do you think?!
  14. F-111X need help

    My last playtime was this baby.. I wanted a two seater TF-86K Just wanted to catch the look of this bird... the first result was this
  15. I would say both .. have to see it ingame for my self.. than I can decide.. but looks damn good tank you very much!
  16. First you can change the nation entry into south korea, I think when you have installed the nations pack you will have S korean signs on the plane .. (sorry forgot the right english word for the markings)
  17. Su-35BM WIP

    Hey thanks will look into this later this week. Every help is welcomed!!
  18. F-111X need help

    Yes there is a progress, but I have no time no, will lose inet for over 2 weeks, and my exams are starting next month ..so I have to learn lot of stuff.
  19. Su-35BM WIP

    I was looking for some good 3 view pics.. I wanted to add them as permanent and delete this staion.. or would it be better to have them as weapons?!
  20. What if......

    It is already made ;-)
  21. Midway

    Looks very nice!
  22. End of an Era

    @ MAKO69 There are no peoples out there that want`s your family dead, it`s always the same ... politics and terror are caused only from a few people out there but the mass suffer under the result. ;-)
  23. Found this on patricksaviation site would be cool to fly this babe one day
  24. New to FE

    Hi, I`m a "modder" in the WOE area and just get my FE 2 days ago. This is quiet different. I had to learn 3-4 hours how to aim and shoot the bad guys down. I like the dogfights in a f-4 vs MiG but never challenged the fight in a Fokker DVII vs Sopwit Camel. great game and not so easy to handle when you are trained to aquire a target and shot it down with a Sidewinder or AMRAAM. the atmosphere is great, feels like in a movie. The small biplanes are everywhere... flying around shooting and going down in flames.. I like this game and it`s a great addition to this community! Hands down to the modders for the WW1 stuff!

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