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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. L-29F Shark

    I`m working on the parts and on the technique to get this mapping stuff right. My idea is to have this Bird as a Frogfoot trainer. Will add another Pylon to it and change tha shape of the plane, than I need someone who can create a nice mudmover skin for this baby and the parts. Cause I´M not good in skinning.
  2. MiG E-8 needs FM help

    Gunnruner is right I use this technique on this bird, but I don`t know how to create this shiny metal effect on the new parts. The intake will be add this evening, we have to live with some sacrifices cause the nose section can`t be redone. How can I position those soviet numbers?! I want to have them next to the canopy cause of using the canards they are placed wrong.
  3. Modeling help

    would you post a pic of the whole plane?! Looks interesting. Is it like the ATF from Janes or the real X-32 from JSF
  4. MiG E-8 needs FM help

    LOD importer??? No ...
  5. MiG E-8 needs FM help

    The Base is MF MiG-21F13 I created this one just for fun, when the result is good enough I will release it if there is any interest.
  6. The gear is broken, very instable and after speeding up it brakes. Do you have updated ini`s or a 3dmodell too?! If you want I can help you out to put some details to this plane ... looks very low poly <--- no critics only info.
  7. Shadow bugs...

    It hast nothing to do with drivers, change the rig and this is a prob of the engine.. so would say you will have no luck with changing the drivers...
  8. L-29F Shark

    I got a new idea how about this?!
  9. Apache gun camera footage

    This one is great!
  10. Canadair CL-13B Sabre Mk.6

    Das Mapping funktioniert muss nur noch herausfinden wie ich das ganze am besten machen kann! Scheint ne frimelarbeit zu sein!
  11. Hey great can`t wait to fly sorties from Crete with a Mirage 2000
  12. Thanks for the sites will work with them... and release a fix for the K
  13. There are in the Avionics ini, where is written what is used, position numbers for the icons. [HUD_Max_G] SymbolType=MAX_G_TEXT TextPosition=-0.11,0.125 <-------------------- HorizontalAlignment=CENTER VerticalAlignment=CENTER TextFormat=%0.1f
  14. Hey ok now it works, I try now your settings..
  15. F-111X need help

    Nice to see some interet in my work, when it`s ready for testing I will send it out, until then I`m experimenting with parts, modelling and mapping what is not an easy work...
  16. Looks not bad keep it up!
  17. Go to "Add reply" in the right down corner and than you can search your HDD`s and select the pics and uploa dthem, after this you click on the green + to add them into your posting!
  18. Hope this will not be a F-101 Mysterium...
  19. L-29F Shark

    I found the solution not very good so I created new pylons and I`m on new conform gunpods for the fuselage Next pics will follow this evening MET
  20. HAve the same problem with a Tank I wanted to change, I changed it from F-111_FuelTank.lod to F-111XFuelTank.lod and changed the BMP entry with a Hex editor, created a seperate BMP to match the colour but it doesn`t work...
  21. Canadair CL-13B Sabre Mk.6

    Ziemlich cool, arbeite nun auch gerade an ein paar feinheiten für das F-111 Pit, das sieht grausam aus von Aussen, dedshalb wird das bearbeitet und implementiert, ganz wie deine Bremsanlage die sehr sehr gei laussieht. Frage: Erstellst das in groß in Max und skallierst es dann herunter?!
  22. Eh stop it!!! Can`t wait!
  23. What do think by doing this he???? Do you think I have enough time to fly around with all those birds?! No!!!! But I try, damn good work! :-P

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