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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. F-111X need help

    First ingame pics as weapon...
  2. 3D Studio Max Questions

    How can I flip faces?! Without building the thing agani ... I did a misstake in modelling with polys and now I recognize to late that I can`t see the modell cause of wrong modelling the polys. How can I change the visible sides?!
  3. 3D Studio Max Questions

    thanks, what are those other buttons good for "with decals" and stuff like this???
  4. Cockpit Lights

    I knwo this procedure but what I wanted to say that you can switch only landing lights on without having Navlights on...
  5. Canadair CL-13B Sabre Mk.6

    Haha jetzt kommt il2 auch schon hier hin ... two weeks for sure!
  6. for Buccaneer-makers/lovers

    Around the DS mod it`s very quiet. If there are any news of this bird or the mod ... would be cool!
  7. 3D Studio Max Questions

    Ok thanks will try it, next question is how to get a modell in the game?! maybe a gunpod or a pilot, I have downloaded the right plugin and now how to use it to create this LOD?! This is a step by step learning process for me .. thanks for all your help!!
  8. Cockpit Lights

    I would welcome this, also the seperate activation ot different lights, like in FS9 or X you can switch on/off landing lights, Nav lights and strobe or how it`s called in english. Also would be cool to have the Pit lights
  9. F-29A

    @ eraser are you gone making the X-31?! wanted to start it as next project after my fictional F-111X This X-29 looks damn hot thanks!
  10. Canadair CL-13B Sabre Mk.6

    Hey gibt es ein releasedatum?!
  11. F-111X need help

    Can change it Later, my inspiration was the A 400M pit
  12. 3D Studio Max Questions

    Do I use the bones method or how?! imagine I`m a noob around this software ;-)
  13. 3D Studio Max Questions

    How can I animtae those geardoor when they consists of two parts?! And can I link the front geardooranimation with the rear one so when I open the front, the rear would open too in max?!
  14. F-111X need help

    tryiung myself in pitmodelling .. I can`t say that this will be ready but looks good until now...
  15. Looks like an interesting little bird!
  16. This is a great found will need it too thanks for finding!
  17. F-111X need help

    I have to learn to animate those nozzles. And gear, and bays and stuff like this.
  18. F-111X need help

    Megafortress like?!
  19. F-111X need help

    Nozzles you mean like this one?!
  20. F-111X need help

    Last pics of a short idea of a rece version. Megafortress tails?! must look for this. And the animations aren`t so easy to do... But cool you like this idea :-)
  21. The same for me with my project, lets work in a way together and exchange some knowledge?! Would be good!
  22. Don`t forget the airport on creta,it`s used by military also and in 98 there where starting Mirages to figh int cosovo, was there on my holiday.

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