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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird


    Veltro you are da man!

    Seeexy .... damn sexy girl!
  3. Beriev 2500

    I would feel very happy to have them ingame ;-)

    This bird seems to be a great mystirium around SF. Some people where working on this since the beginning, but it never saw the daylight. Now we have two of you who works on them Jul on the single seater and Veltro on the B... looks nice!
  5. New FSP out soon

    Looks impressive. Like this, lost the time in playing FPS damn I need more time!
  6. Canadair CL-13B Sabre Mk.6

    Jupp Respekt gute arbeit, ich frage mich immer wo ich die Zeit her nehmen soll für Sowas. Würde auch so gerne so viel machen wie du.
  7. Looks sexy, thanks for this bird!
  8. JAS-39 Gripen N

    Looks interesting! Would be a nice adition!
  9. What Are You Paying For Gas...

    I have an average of 550km`s with my car.. and the 1,45€ is per litre not per gallon!!!!
  10. This addon would be great as drivable ... lol good work! one of the best ground units.
  11. What Are You Paying For Gas...

    1,45€ here in Essen NRW
  12. EF2000 von Craig

    Ich dachte dieses MFD über dem Map MFd werde auch genutzt deshalb war ich etwas neben der Spur als das Ding einfach schwarz blieb.. egal.. Super Addon!
  13. Beriev 2500

    looks impressive! Good work!
  14. Fix pre znaky na českom Gripenovi

    Thanks for this fix. just a small question. Are those Canards fixed?! cause of the release of the Eurofighter The canards are used for role and altitude changes (<---word missing) Cause the canards on the gripen (ingame) has ony one function...
  15. EF2000 von Craig

    Jaja das ist schon klar, habe den Vogel unter WOI und WOE installiert. die unterschiede sind schon zu bemerken aber das selbst bei WOI das kleine breite MFD schwarz bleibt, ist mir ein Rätsel. Ist das überhaupt programmiert?! Kann vielleicht jemand ein Bild davon machen wie das aktiv im WOI aussieht?!
  16. EF2000 von Craig

    Flakert auch bei mir dachte das liegt an meinen Treiber weil es bis jetzt nicht reportet wurde. Was ist eigentlich mit dem mittleren oberen MFD?! Das ist bei mir schwarz, also keine Infos. Die anderen drei MFD`s funktionieren!
  17. WOV F-4 Phantoms

    I like the F-4 as a dogfighter, but you have to fight with them like with german WW2 planes.. a Focke is different than a Spitfire so a Phantom is different than a F-16. Phantom is a true B&Z Fighter
  18. F-111X need help

    Would say yes :-) There will be some nice additions. But now I`m very busy with RL. So it`s on halt.
  19. Your first combat flight sim...

    Aces over Europe! From Dynamix!
  20. Soviet ECM-Pod

    Hey looks great! Have myself some troubles with Poly modelling. Good work!
  21. Video from UAV as it gets blasted by Mig-29!

    In fact it`s a Su-27 not a Mig-29 ArtuR youa re right.
  22. IL-2 Sturmovik 1946

    I tried them but doesn`t work. I lost my PW and everytime i try to resend my PW to my Email account, there is an ok that it was send to my mail on AAA but my Mailbox is emtpy. Damn technic
  23. F-111X need help

    Mh.. than was it a rumor sorry... Does anyonw have a Max 9 exporter plugin?! I could only find a v.8

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