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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. He`s a fighter Ace!
  2. Cause droping stuf makes fun! Push a button can everyone
  3. just drop it 6 km further away ... hrhrhrhr
  4. I would drop the bomb in a vertical climb accelerate as fast as possible and get away!
  5. Ah yes you`re right it`s written Liger, thanks
  6. I was lookin for it the last minutes, must oversee this .. thank you Jul ;-)
  7. Where did you post it here or over at TK ?!
  8. What is wrong with the USAF?

    This is the bes F-4 Phantom pilot i knwo from history, this is Olds I think!
  9. NATF again

    Good point Gunrunner.
  10. Jup, would be interesting. I`m starting now modelling some stuff with max and it`S different and more complicated than Maya.
  11. C-130 used as a bomber

    Nice idea why not when it works... it`s good and they hit something with this.
  12. Heavy Cargo

    Nice plane, reminds me more and more of the old ATF!!!! Good work! Like always!
  13. Razor is in my view the best cause of shape of the wings!
  14. Alpha-Jet Fragen!

    Hast du auch ein paar bilder vom Cockpit?!
  15. what is the pro cutter option?! And where to find it?!
  16. I saw something on tv last night they crossed a tigre with a lion... the result was a nice big cat called Liga <--- race
  17. Are you planning to release it after patchupdate?! Or before?! By the way nice project. 2 campaigns?! one kuweit and the other the Iraq invasion?! Sounds interesting.
  18. Soviet ECM-Pod

    Sieht super aus!
  19. Hope this will be released for WOI cause of modern avioncs stuff. Looks good, all those pics make it very hard to wait!
  20. F-111X need help

    Yeah I know.. this is a fictional F-111, I used my imagination, but have some probs with the exporter wich seems not to work with my 3dsmax 6 version. I get every time an error!
  21. F-111X need help

    I said I´m working on a recon version first WIP It`s just a test to see what version fit best to the F-111 Nose.
  22. NATF again

    Damn I like it!!! want it need it order it!!!

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