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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. Need help with Su-35 MOD

    I worked a little on this baby and now look your self, hope you like the result. Got the CTD in WOE germany terrain solved, Isreal still do some trouble... created a Loading screen and a hangarscreen. New avionics for the Gripenpit and a nice new plane. :-)
  2. Can you send me the canopy TGA, cause the blue orig one is to blue for my taste?! Nextoperator ad gmx dot net thanks Good skin like this idea!
  3. More Museum Stuff

    When you imagine you are standing infront of a long time ago top secret planes?! It`s great ...
  4. Aren`t those dragchutes a part of the 3D modell of the plane?!!
  5. They have cause of emergency landing!
  6. Rocket fighters

    Would be better to have this extra power attached to a key like the gear .. so you can drop it and have the extra power dissabed.
  7. Sim-Mod's A-10

    Looks good hope to see this modells in BS
  8. Sounds good can`t wait for the pics...
  9. TA-4K 'Kahu'

    This is great thanky you very much.. wich parts are missing maybe we can fix them ;-) you said a antena is missing do you have pics?!
  10. Rocket fighters

    Oh really nice I think it`s not to be jettisoned cause of limits in the software.
  11. What was your favorite childhood toy?

    Lego and mud!!!!
  12. F-111X need help

    Our work is not only ini editing be sure..
  13. F-111X need help

    I think you will like the result ;-)
  14. Nun auch in Deutsch

    Naja das beste ist ja ich komunizierte mit Ravenclaw die ganze Zeit auf english .. keiner von uns merkte das der andere auch hier aktiv ist ... hehe
  15. Looks great, I enjoy every new Pit that`s avaible for us. This looks great. Thank you very much for your work.!
  16. Sometimes you press the "right" key and all what hapens is.... nothing and you are sitting trappend inside your phantom, sun is burning and all the guys on the ground are laughing about a chicken being toasted!!!...
  17. Mirage F-1C200 Help

    It`s hard for me to say what`s stock cause I moded my installation so heavy that`s nearly impossible to say what`S stock or not. @Ultramax I``ve got here a F1 EE from the spanish ariforce, I`ve reworked the data.ini cause of strange behaviour to the joystickinput. If you want I can upload it. tomorrow. So you can copy paste some stuff
  18. Mirage F-1C200 Help

    Ok lets see 1. Do oyu have a weaponspack installed?! If not install pls the latest one avaible here at CA 2. Do have set or changed teh controls for the gun?
  19. Mirage F-1C200 Help

    What is the prob, can`t you fire the guns?!
  20. Do we have new pits around?!
  21. F-111X need help

    Just a question, do you like an upgraded F-111? Nothing fictional maybe a realistic upgrade!?! You will see...
  22. Hi Skinners

    Hey great, like this EF-111A a "new" bird in the list!
  23. Rapist Search

    Haha that`s good!
  24. Hi Skinners

    How can I paint the canopy .tga that you can still look trough??! Cause wanted to change the brown one Very nice project...

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