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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. Ein paar Gedanken zu Pegida, Lügenpresse etc

    Ich bin auch kurz davor diesem Kulturkreis mal die Meinung zu unterbreiten, 14 Jahr aktiver Kampfsport muss doch für etwas gut sein.. Diese Ziegenficker .... Die sollen alle beim kacken vom Klo fallen
  2. Sukhois

    @ Denis, its a normal canopyglass.tga with some 3D max settings to overcome the milky effect many 3rd party planes have
  3. Stock P-51

    The Name is Windshield_Glass
  4. Stock P-51

    use the LOD viewer ;)
  5. Peru asked for some planes.... the early one is comming
  6. Sukhois

    Some shots of a so called "vapour plane" Tomorrow we want to test a way to add details like cable and wire to the plane with a very friendly, very low poly method. example for a gear bay, just 5 polys.
  7. TU-104 Camel

    ok i m out here
  8. TU-104 Camel

    @ Neverenough Im also for a long time here, and i know how V2K improved his work, I realy welcome it and he knows it. But I do not celebrate everything what the folks release, like most of the guys here do. I life in a place in the world, where its normal and on a daily basis to see stuff with a critical eye, give feedback and refine stuff. Im not the one who "loves every poly, even a flying brick" If there is a problem, lets point it out, work together and dont feel pissed off. If you compare "just an example" the Tu-104, a plane i realy like, V2K did a great job on the front, the wings, the gears and so on. But still messed of the engines, even the position of the jetblades (Isend him references) Are still at the wrong position, the whole engines sits to high and the backside of them is totaly wrong. Even Ravenclaw, the perfection himself, recieves PM`s from me and we are discussing stuff. He reviews my stuff and I do it with some of his work. If you send someone references, offers help, talking on PM`s and you still get ignored, is it poking in the eye???
  9. TU-104 Camel

    @ Eole I understand you, but i was in contact with him about the Tu-95, it was a long process, still many areas to work on, i also asked for the max file to help him, his answer was ... "released as is" I dont care about a 3D mesh or what ever, but if you ignore walkarounds, detailed pics and just rely on bad 3 side views, so what else can expect. Yesterday, after over a year, i have found some bugs on my Fitter, no one saw them before. I send out planes for testing, collecting bugreports, rework it, send out again .. waiting for new bugreports. I realy want them, I need feedback. I want that my testers find something, bad shape, bad animation, bad mapping, just something i have overseen. And im realy thankfull for the guys who are sending me bugreports. Thats why it takes so long to finish a plane, even Enoc called me a "crazy guy" Cause I wanted some areas with a special paint/effect, countless repaints, remaps and so on. At the end, I have learned alot about mapping, modeling and Enoc is thankfull for my continious demands on improving stuff, he learned new methods to achieve our goal. We spend endless hours together chatting about stuff. We stay in a daily contact and coordinating stuff with the crew. We are now 5 or 6 guys who are working together on projects and im happy with the crew, they are far better than me in many cases, but im still learning. And thats exactly why, I am frustrated, seeing Ed releasing stuff like the 104 in that "condition".... The guy is talented, but has no patience and thats sad
  10. Big Safari I. Recce 135.

    Big fan of this pack!!!!
  11. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Hört sich sehr gut an Was ich dir gern anbieten würde, mir ist aufgefallen das deine Cockpitarea am external model, etwas detail arm ist, das ich wie bei der Rafale die cockpit area übernehmen kann wenn du möchtest. Schau mal hier: Quelle http://www.bredow-web.de/Luftwaffenmuseum/Kampfjets/F-4_F_Phantom_II/f-4_f_phantom_ii.html Das ich dir da eine art "Generic pit" baue und du das dann plug and play in deinen Phantoms nutzen kannst. Lg und guten Rutsch mein Freund
  12. TU-104 Camel

    Man, do you ever use Walkarounds of the planes you build? http://www.primeportal.net/hangar/vojta_micek/tu-104a/ http://www.familie-wimmer.com/hobby/hr16/modelle/tu-104/index-s1.html(use even plastic models to investigate areas) http://walkarounds.scalemodels.ru/v/walkarounds/avia/civil_and_sport_avia/tu-104ak/ 14 sites alone with detailed pics of the plane Your engines are still to high Your jedspinner sits still 2m or more infront of its orignal position Dude ... realy I starting to become desperate Look at the end of the engines, the height and the shape of it and compare it with WALKAROUNDS here is the tail section http://walkarounds.scalemodels.ru/v/walkarounds/avia/civil_and_sport_avia/tu-104ak/44.jpg.html Are you looking for quantity? Or quality? I am the only guy here on CA who is showing you stuff you can improve, nobody else is talking to you like me... makes me angry. My Grandpa told me, do it right or let it be ... i beg you to do your stuff right you are talented but you trough your time away releasing stuff like this .. sorry to say
  13. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Sag mal, planst du die F-4B auch zu machen, wäre ne Phantom ohne modernes elektronikgedöns und Anbauteile ala F-4 2000
  14. AV-8B's

    No prob, thanks for repacking it, I have alot of fun with your birds
  15. AV-8B's

    @ Killerbee, could you maybe repack your planes to have them complete?! Would make it easier for the crowd
  16. AV-8B_+10 HD for SF2

    Thanks, cool mod, i have changed the BMP skin to JPG, saves some loading time and space ;)
  17. Is there a way to see exact coordinates of a part on the model?! I dont mean the mouse cursor numbers, but the real coordinates of an antena or other part, like in max?! Have I overseen something?
  18. Daniel, try to update your those areas pls, lookd at walkaround of the plane and check the shape pls ...
  19. Make it a Turret and setup the degree of movement ;)
  20. @ Sundowner, could you pls make the canopy glass alot more, i mean alot more less milky?! Otherwise good work
  21. Ein paar Gedanken zu Pegida, Lügenpresse etc

    Ja ist klar das Kriminalität mit "mehr" Menschen auch einwandert, ist aber in Relation gleich geblieben. Das ist kein Anstieg des ganzen... Was ich aber witzig finde, Tunesier, ich habe mal Stagehand gemacht als Student, 2 Jahre lang gab es bei uns eine Tunesierconnection. Die Brüder haben so viel Arbeit, Zeit und Mühe investiert, um sich vor der Arbeit zu drücken, das ich als Teamleiter meine Angestelltenliste vor dem Antritt des Jobs umgearbeitet hatte. Die gehen garnicht, von 10 wollen 12 nicht arbeiten. Mein Tunesienurlaub (wollte es halt wissen) war auch sehr witzig .... wurde aus Geschäften rausgeworfen, weil ich nur "schauen" wollte was es gibt und eine leere Geldbörse gezeigt habe. Nicht nur in einer Stadt da unten ...

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