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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. EF-2000 Progress

    The fuel consumption is insane... can`t get the tanks show up
  2. EF-2000 Progress

    This addon is great tested it in the few free minutes I had today and can`t believe what I saw. This is one of the greatest addons with damn nice avionics. The pit looks like from another game It hast nothing to do with SF Project 1!!! This sim series turns out into a new age of ATF from Janes! Question?! Is it able to change colour of the ground radar from green to blue? Is green the original colour for thetyphy?
  3. It`s nice but look here it ends just in the middle of the pic its the israel2 terrain
  4. EF-2000 Progress

    @craig why do you writ in this colour?! it`S unreadable .. but your EF-2000 is great!
  5. MiG-29 G Pilot Skin

    sieht super aus! In letzter Zeit kommen so viele Dinge raus undi chabe immer weniger Zeit!
  6. EF-2000 Progress

    Very good work like it alot. The FM is very different in WOE and WOI. I fly it in WOI it nicer :-) The Ef-2000 is a nice suprice today, came home from the university and what do my eyes see... the typhy is out great!
  7. It`s simple one thing is the view angle! When you zoom out it feels much better and faster. second thing is the distance! Drive with a car on the highway and look to your left and right and see how fast the objects move. the one that are near you moves faster than the one that are much further away. It`s simple thing of optics. It feels right in WOE and for example in il2 you will see the speed if you fly just a few feets above the ground. Enjoy and try.
  8. FM modelling

    So wollte mal in deisem Forum nachfragen ob jemand sich etwas mit dem FM auskennt. bastell gerade an der F-16EF-2000, ist eine total fiktive idee und versuche dem aber eine nettes FM zu geben. Ich verstehe einige Daten noch nciht so richtig in der Data.ini aber ich arbeite drann. dieser Mod stellt eine sogenannte fiktive gegenmaschiene zum EF-2000 dar. siehe hier: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=26921 Hoffe die idee gefällt euch und das ihr mir helfen könnt. Habe versucht teile des Su-27 FMs zu implementieren. das ergebnis ist gut nur nicht ganz perfekt.
  9. Alpha-Jet Fragen!

    Ist der Alfajet schon so alt?! Hatte selbst zwei in 1:72 und 1:144 sehr schönes kleines Flugzeug! Kann kaum warten bis der Flieger von Marcfighter released wird.
  10. MiG-29 G Pilot Skin

    Gefällt mir auch besonders mit meinem Mig-29 mod ... War auch immer am suchen welchen Piloten ich nehmen soll der heir sieht sehr gut aus.. Würdest du ihn mir schicken?! Dieser wird nicht veröffentlicht nur für persönliche zwecke genutzt?! Welches Problem bestet denn mit den Pilotenfiguren? Warum darf man addons modden und releasen und andere stellen sich quer? Möchte den Thread nciht hijacken wollte nur kurz fragen Gruß Martin
  11. Mig-29A od Mirage Factory

    I was reading something a year ago or so, there was some info here around about increase the distance view for the AI so it will use their radar guided rockets much earlier than in a close dogfight. Cause we have BVR weapons and use them but the AI didn`t.
  12. EF-2000 Progress

    Wow! This will be a great addition to the skys of WOE!!!
  13. EF-2000 Progress

    Sundowner skins??? Great looks good.
  14. Need FM help

    Ahoi, this forum is more frequent than others here, I posted a new Mod WIP here: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...mp;#entry148068 and after editing the FM in the data.ini I got now a CTD... I tried to mix up some data of known and released planes F-5 from MF and the Su-27 from Marcfighters. If some can help me would be great. send me a PM just post here. Cheers
  15. Need FM help

    Got a reply from Fubar .. he said it`s to much work but read your self .. hope it`s ok to publish it vcause it`s not a PM with delicious text, just some informations. Writing a tut on FM creation would require take a post spanning several pages. Understandably, it would take anywhere from a few days to several weeks just to put the data together (never-mind getting it down in a readable fashion). That's why no one has done so, to date. A few modders who are new at this tried their hand at it (that is, creating a community FM project), with somewhat mixed results, as it takes months just to get a proper grasp of aerodynamics in-game, and years to become competent at it. So the community created model came off as being rather unrealistic. I'll tell you what, though, start by getting accurate measurements (in meters) of the aircraft's wing root chord, wing tip chord, leading edge sweep angle, and total wing area. Do the same for the horizontal stabs.
  16. f-15 mid air breakup

    Those birds getting old
  17. F-14A/B/D

    You have to copy the TCS as a pilotfigure into your aircraft folder just use and edit it as a pilot figure. You need the iranian F-14 for the LOD`s
  18. RF-111G

    @ Canadair would be better to rename your canards I do it with my own cause of avoiding trpouble with someonelses canards. You need a Hexeditor to do this.
  19. Need FM help

    Ok no prob maybe fubar can make a turotial with some values explained. Thank you so far..
  20. F-14A / B / D

    You can this way build a C modell hornet if I`m not wrong the only difference is the sensor station in the tail
  21. RAF is 90 today - Happy Birthday!

    very nice to read, blue eyed boys... those were times where a pilot was a pilot and the planes had character... they even had names... Today you fly a computer or a computer flys you. Nice power very agile bt where is the heart? A Merlin or Rolls Royes engine?!
  22. Mirage factory addons becomin payware
  23. Need FM help

    Yep I can fly it now but still doesn`t understand every entry in the data ini.
  24. It happen very often that you crash in autopilotmode, collisions with the terrain is a daily pain in the A$$

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