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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. Bill & John

    "Look what I can do...!"
  2. Great wich versions will you build?!
  3. I think you have to buy WOI and can export the model your self ... it`s not allowed to upload it!
  4. IT`s a nice plane look mine is allready finished ... It`s the one from WOI made flyable..
  5. I`m an Il2 player since the first demo comes out, think 6 years ago, and I use the Esc Button as a kind of pause button. But in WOV/WOE and WOI u know what hapen when you push it. Can`T there be an extra step like "Do you want to quit YES or No" this woul dbe great! And another thing is I`m limited to only 5 emoticons and they are enabled???
  6. EF-2000 Progress

    I would say damn good work and take your time to finish it and release a damny sexy version of a FM and a hot avionic version!!!
  7. EF-2000 Progress

    We will see what will come after those patches for the series..
  8. Downloaded this beautiful plane and was flying around ... I miss only the agility it should have?! Or does it have the right FM parameter? Someone wrote he use the FM from the F-16 cause it could be equal. What do i have to change?!
  9. EF-2000 Progress

    Two weeks are count in Ubitime... this was and still is and will be a part of il2 history .. and now ... it`s two weeks international! It was approved in the US congress and in the German Bundestag! TWO WEEKS!!!!!!
  10. Israel 2

    Thank you very much! Don`t know what destroyed my readme ...
  11. Looks good! Would you make a what if modern grey skin?!
  12. Israel 2

    Your Readme is broken wrench?! Don`t know if only mine but i can`t read it..
  13. Never saw this straight wig fury in a sim before! This series turnss into a multiyear/conflict/nations flightsim! Hope to see it in this summer... maybe 2 weeks :beta1:
  14. My first encounter with a mig-21 pair was, they passed me. I pulled up they tried a split s and both crashed .... nice WOI!
  15. No prob can I betatest the 3 view box?! Does the fury has straight wings?! Sorry for asking will you create the FJ-1 and FJ-2 ?!
  16. JSF program faces steep cost overruns

    Next time i would make a challange between russia and US... give Russia half the money the US need and lets see what happen!
  17. Wings Series Performance

    Same probs here got mine WOI this night and the game is great! Nice AI nice modells and damn cool features! But fps drops to 12 and less My Rig 8800GT 512MB 1 TB HDD 4 GB RAM P-35 Mobo I thought it`S enough.
  18. Hey Zur great news!!!! Can`t wait! Any pics of WIP
  19. Snoopy

    Would love to see the pit!!!!
  20. Hi I`ve got an idea about the systems in the Data.ini. Here the prob: Everytime on a recon mission I switch per accident to the sidewinder and have all the flight this nice growling of the seeker... very nice to hear it 30 mins + So here is my idea but i need some help. I want to add a "fake" internal gun without ammo to switch back to the "Navmode" like in the Su-27 done by marcfighter via Avionics. Next step would be to change the gun to the "camera" like view when yu select a AGM-65 or any other TV guided weapon. So you have the Radar on the left and the TV view on the right display.?!?!? Is it possible?! Need your help!
  21. MF RF-4E IDF

    New idea, can we create a "camera" weapon? and new cameraweaponstation in the nose section of the RF-4E?! With the optics from an AGM-65. A multiple weaponsstation when you select cam 1 you look forward cam2= sidewardleft cam3 = sidewardright? What about this idea? and the position of this fake weapon is the exact position of the different windows in the nose! And are like a permanent weapon, something like the hump on the A-4 Have no idea how to create this only know what we can do
  22. Esc Button issue

    This is to easy to!!! Damn thx..

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