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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. Want it! Release it! Thats not a question!
  2. I started to use the layout of the TK planes, and try to keep parts that are related in hirarchie on the same map. So I have wings, Fuselage and Wings and Nose. What I see on the Hornet mapping is, you have wasted alot of space on the mapping :-/
  3. Yakarov is now updating his pack .. Hope you will lenjoy the new updates :)
  4. British Royal Marine vs IS

    A large group of Isis fighters in Iraq are moving down a road when they hear a voice call from behind a sand dune: "One British Royal Marine is better than ten Isis fighters". The Isis commander quickly orders 10 of best men over the dune where a gun battle breaks out and continues for a few minutes, then silence. The voice once again calls out: "One Royal Marine is better than one hundred Isis 'S.O.B.'s'". Furious, the Isis commander sends his next best 100 troops over the dune and instantly a huge gun fight commences. After 10 minutes of battle, again silence. The voice calls out again: "One Royal Marine is better than a thousand Isis fighters." The enraged Isis commander musters 1,000 fighters and sends them to the other side of the dune. Rifle fire, machine guns, grenades, rockets and cannon fire ring out as a terrible battle is fought ..... then silence. Eventually, one badly wounded Isis fighter crawls back over the dune and with his dying words tells his commander, "Don't send any more men ... it's a trap. There's two of the bastards."
  5. Looks great!! What happen to the twoseater I have seen some months ..years ago?
  6. Sukhois

    I want to show you the 3D render and the pic in max, with all its parts
  7. Veltro2k WWII WIPS

    If you need anything else, just tell me
  8. Perfect Work! Like it alot!
  9. Veltro2k WWII WIPS

    perfect! What do you say to the tutorial i have done for you? Usefull?
  10. Veltro2k WWII WIPS

    Nightfighter is a very nice idea, try to workout the antenas bit finer, thiner like here
  11. tutorial is ready, uploading pics for you
  12. Ok files are packed up and send to Yakarov, so he can update his pack. He will cross check it first. The rest of the files like E-3A, B707 and so on, will be uploaded later by me
  13. Ok I will send it to you tomorrow, i have a free day and some time ;) Your models are getting alot better, but your mapping can be improved
  14. No dont use cylindrical mapping, I always select the polys on the 3D object I want to map, For example I select the side polys on both sides and left out the top and bottom part, than I select "map left/riht side, et voila i have both sides. Then I select the Top polys and bottom polys and use "map top/bottom and have those parts too. I can send you a tutorial for it as PM if you like. I can upload here pics for what ever reason
  15. Hey Veltro, I have tested your model, its good I like it alot. You improve your skills stadily. 1. You have one important problem with your mapping, you dont map the top and bottom parts of your planes. You have mapped the engines from left and right, the fuselage too ... but its a cylindric object and you need to map 4 sides! Left, Right, Top and Bottom!!! 2. The parts in the intakes, are not centered to the engines! If you look from the front, you can see it. Pls check it!
  16. I would like to stick with Bpao`s model, it`s standarticed and we have several 707 versions.
  17. Ok I have looked through the models, so far I have identified planes with J57 are C-135A RC-135C RC-135D KC-135A I have even checked the E-3 we have, but it used JT3D engines. Would be nice to have newer E-3 versions. Tell me if im missing a version there that had the J57 engines
  18. Normal or Hard FM?

    And the normal mode doesnt read all the ini entries of the fm in the data ini ?! Strange prog Cause the planes behave very different in those modes, the helis also. and we are working on the Su-17 and our FM guy did a great job on the fm in Hardmode. But if the majority of you guys are using the normal mode...
  19. Normal or Hard FM?

    thanks for the info If I set it to hard mode, the engine tries to use all fm ini entries as hard mode and the incomplete aircrafts behave not so well under this settings. What are you guys use to fly in this game?
  20. I will prepare the file for yakarov and he will update his pack, I will also upload the data.ini for the E-3 and KC-135 planes if you like
  21. Veltro2k WWII WIPS

    Uh nice a twoseater :D
  22. I have some fun with the 135 Series Boing 707 RC-135

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