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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. Sukhois

    Getting closer to a more final version
  2. @ Wilches, yes you are right ... i have mixxed them :-P
  3. Sukhois

    Stary was so kind to send me his max file
  4. That plane looks great and will fit well into the dassault series!!!
  5. Sukhois

    Ok I know its not a Suchoi, but still russian, so its time to show some more progress Skin is not final and will be completly redrawn by Enoc
  6. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Ok super, mapp ich dir and mach es fertig, soll ich einige von den Toren schließen oder offen lassen wie es ist? Hab da noch eine Frage, ich suche gerade eine TGA für die Cockpit verglasung, egal welchen wert ich in der Transparenz setze, es sieht immer noch milchig aus. Welche TGA`s nutzt ihr mit welchen Settings?
  7. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    also das da?
  8. Upload limit - 24hr now 60hrs!

    Seems you are still limited, cause you are a new member and have only 3 posts.
  9. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Wenn du mir nun Bsp. Bilder schickst wie du die Gebäude haben willst, dann mach ich sie dir fertig
  10. I see someone is using a MiG-23 .... new fully animated nozzles
  11. The Testflights during that day .... We were tasked to fly some rounds around the airfield, it was our first middle east deployement. After 20 mins airborne, we were ordered to start with the touch and go practicing. All went ok .. till An Israely Kurnas popped up over a mountain and fired at me ... my day was over at that point ...
  12. Berlin Gatow

    So Leute, ich habe mich mal im Norden der Republik umgesehen, viel gearbeitet, viel Party gemacht und wenig geschlafen.... Die IFA war schon mega geil (Partytechnisch). Aber, warum ich das hier schreibe ist, ich habe mir den letzten Tag etwas Zeit genommen und mich in Gatow umgesehen. Leider mit einer etwas veralteten Handycam .. who cares
  13. Sukhois

    The Problem with the M3 onwards is, the fuelage itself is divided into 3 peaces .. the M3 needs a rework of two of them + dorsal spine, new canopy, new gear stuff and so on .. the dispensers .. are the smallest workload ;)
  14. @wrench

    But you can repaint it in light gray
  15. Man I will not ask for anything! You have surprised ous with your pits! Thank you!
  16. North Korean MiG-29 upgrade

    How long does it take to cold start that bird .... I would say 20 mins are not enough .. after they are airborne around .. 5 mins
  17. IL-38 MAY

    You have the talent to model good stuff, but at a point you simply stop working on it .. and release it half backen, thats the point I dont understand, why dont you cross check your stuff?! compare it with pics and many other resources, instead of bit*** here around. We had the discussion some times ago about the 3 views, that a modeler has not to rely on it for 100% the rest had to be done with reference pics. And even that discussion lead some years ago to your same reactions as you show now ... I will not ask every time to offer my help .. but if you ask to get some... that would not be the problem Your attitute is your problem and in your own way ... not me, ... have fun with what ever you do
  18. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Ging nur an Volker raus

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