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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. Damn same thing happen to me too
  2. Classic flanker cockpit for Marcfighters Su-27

    Fantastic!!!!! Thank you!
  3. Sukhois

    small updates to the 17
  4. Sikorsky S-97 RAIDER Unveiled

    Unbelivable what they are building .. looks like somethign from Avatar or GI Joe, what about the stealth Blackhawk?
  5. World of Tanks

    Damn I missed that event, I could realy spend this gold for 2 more garage slots .... damn I was away working around germany, and I have played warthunder alot, there is a nice feauture, .... you can "overpenetrate" tanks. Something I didnt knew from WOT. When you are to near to an enemy tank, you can shoot right trough it and it will not cause much damage. And you can also disable the tanks, part per part. In a battle, I have destroyed the turret ring of a tiger 2, killed the driver and amoracked it from behind with my Panther. The possibilities you have in Warthunder are far better than in WOT. You can cripple the tanks more than in WOT, and you can see it and feel better on the battlefield WOT is more strategic, and you have to calculate some movement and damage. But its far more unrealistic than WT. If you know where the ammo sits, you can ammorack a Tiger one with a PZ IV <--- thats also such an ammovictem (placed behind the driver)
  6. Wow thats great, I have startet a different Arado the 234 cause I love the early jet age. Thank you man for this bird! If you have more like this one, pls tell us, so we can coordinate the work a bit
  7. Does this plane have the radar under the belly?
  8. Mirage 4000

    First a primer prototype one pls :D
  9. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    So hab die G und S bekommen, soll ich sie dir beide schicken?
  10. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Damn, werde du erstmal gesund mein Freund! Doppelt sehen ist mies, damit kommt dein Kopf nicht zurecht.
  11. AD3W AD4W AN-26 Su-17 Su-24 (parts) Su-25 Su-27UB Su-30 MiG-17 MiG-25
  12. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Sag mal Volker, hast du irgend etwas russisches an modernen Lenkwaffen in der mache? Wie KAB-500KR KAB-500L Kh-29
  13. Berlin Gatow

    Da war ich auch drin, in beiden sogar und hab auch da pics gemacht ... ich hab ca 250MB an pics gemacht mit, leider nur mit meinem Handy. War echt nice, wie gesagt, war mehr oder weniger allein auf dem Platz!
  14. Sukhois

    No idea .. it works for the current version and the plane will recieve a completly new Gear
  15. anyone needs pak-fa!

    New Member 1 Post That statement .... Never seen someone leaving so fast ...
  16. You know that the "Internet Eplorer" has to be used only once per windows isntallation?!
  17. Sukhois

    Welded the nose together and build some new low poly details. Keeping the mesh as lowpoly and smooth as possible Work continues, I think I will make Carlo very happy, if you guys see any error in the shape or something like that, lets discuss it!
  18. All this US made stuff ... here is a real workhorse
  19. Yes thats the reason how a Su-24 can switch off US Destroyers ...
  20. ok here are no pics .. so i fill the gap Fubar`s Su-24 with fake pilot parts (cause no access to corefile)
  21. Sukhois

    Update on the 25, completly new nose, building the Interior, shadow bug in the first pic is already solved Im back into modding
  22. This thing needs a green nose and a mig-21 style green painting on the vtail!

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