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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. Su-25s for Iraq

    The situation there is more messed up than I could imagine. Even Hamas and Al Qaida is fighting against ISIS. Iran starts to talk to the US, Syria and Iraq are starting to work together. Jordanian Goverment is working with Iraq, Syria and Iran to protect their countries and even the islamic leaders all over the world are starting to blame ISIS for their "actions" Is this a beginning of a new Era?
  2. Su-25s for Iraq

    Russia can borrow the personal ;) As they did it in the past to other countries
  3. why have you not asked insted, if someone could download stuff for you ...
  4. City of Mosul falls to al Qaeda, 2 more cities fall

    Already to late, you can blame the bush administration for this shit happening ... and thats only the youngest history
  5. I like your recent updates of your older products! Very very good work!
  6. Looks realy good! Keep it coming
  7. Is this heberth`s plane?
  8. http://de.ria.ru/opinion/20140421/268324381.html It`s in german, so if you translate it, or find an english articel, pls post it. Long story short, a Su-24 overflew the USS Donald Cook and disabled the onboard electronics. The result was, the ship had to return into a "friendly" harbour. The Su-24 simulated 12 times an attack on that ship that was previously blinded by the onboard electronics of the Fencer.
  9. And the World Cup has begun

    It was a nice match and a very fair game and I was amazed by Ghanas fighting ability!
  10. And the World Cup has begun

    What a nice match, germany was ice cold! Sadly CZ isnt qualified... But hey ... I have germany as my second country to like and my first one to life in
  11. Su-33 W.I.P

    Its not a support of pirated models kevin, its a WIP skin for the currently one and only Su-33, so why not letting him play with it. He can release the skin for the guys who have this model .... so .. just my 2 cents
  12. World of Tanks

    I have so much fun playing it!!!
  13. The team abonden this project for the next 2 decades ... we will see it in 2034.. so stay tuned ... the usual 2 weeks
  14. Post-war Me 262 development

    would change them to 20mm, better muzzle velocity and more ammo
  15. Is this B2 the one from Marcfighters? Looks realy good! Can you close the top windows in the B-1 cockpit to improve the appearence a bit? Just a wish
  16. Volker Pispers

    Ganz ehrlich, ich finde den Kerl klasse! Warum ist der nicht in der Politik! so damn true! For the english guys... it has bloody english subtitles
  17. Volker Pispers

    Nice to know, someone with an english background watched, thanks man, I have enjoyed it in german.
  18. not the whole intakes, there are kind of plates inside the intakes
  19. Need to model the intake cover, can those parts be activated by speed changes without needing an animation slot for them? They slow down the airspeed inside the intakes, as the plane gets faster, so that would be a nice visual effect. But Im not sur eIf I ran out of animationslots on the 17 or the 25
  20. latest 3ds max

    Is max 2013 more comfortable than 2009?
  21. Do you have something similar for the 25?
  22. This is what I mean Look how deep our fans are placed, position is final, only working on the right diameter of the intake tunel

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