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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. Open de Canopy...?

    But how to close the door?
  2. World of Tanks

    That sounds like a good progress!
  3. Navy Seals Carry out raid in Somalia

    It remembers me about this movie Zero Dark Thirtyone of the better ones...
  4. Some opinions needed

    Wouldn`t the russians detect the accustic signature of an american torpedo?! Those things are damn loud and can`t be hide, so far I know. The russian underwater "missile" Squal, was tested and is not so reliable, but still damn loud and noisy
  5. Hi, does someone has any information, pictures about the MiG-17 family? I could find some walkarounds, but it`s not clear what specific details were different on the versions. Is there a PDF somewhere that explains it abit? thanks in advance
  6. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Die LSK hatten jetzt aber keine neuen Antennen oder zusätzliche Anbauten? Die Mars Behälter haben wir im Spiel. Nur keine Ahnung wer die Gebaut hat?
  7. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Oh ok das wusste ich nicht. Ich denke bevor wir den Flieger raus bringen schliesse ich mich noch mit dir zusammen. Was wir zur Zeit haben sind MiG-17F Lim-5 Lim6bis Falls du noch ideen hast, welche Version man noch bauen kann immer her damit. Denke das ne PF und PFU dazu kommen könnten. Das würde aber den Umbau der Nase beinhalten.
  8. World of Tanks

    You can see your ping on the upper left corner, sounds like a slow internet connection
  9. World of Tanks

    I have a rule, if a tank impress me on the battlefield, and I have alot of trouble to destroy it, I buy it!
  10. World of Tanks

    That`s the secret.. be patient
  11. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    so sieht der Vogel zur Zeit aus Ein paar Kleinigkeiten und das Fahwerk neu und ich denk der ist dann fertig!
  12. Use the max file to align the camo, saves alot of time. You draw it with your "paint" program, save it and watch it changing in max at the same time when rendered. It makes life alot easier ;)
  13. Computer einstellungen für schnelleres hoch- und runterladen

    - Wenn du ein externes Up/Downloadprogram nutzt vielleicht dort unterschiedliche Einstellungen - Hast du den Virenscanner vllt anders eingestellt das der Up und Download vorher überprüft - Ob es jetzt bei Windows noch eine zusätzliche Einstellung dafür gibt ist mir nicht bekannt, normal wird immer Traffic und Seitenabhängig geladen.
  14. World of Tanks

    I even have the E75 for 3.480.000 Credits, fully upgraded and can you believe, I still play the Loltracktor! Enjoy the game and find your playstile Something just for fun and how not to play: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_-5vpAE3iMc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H5oREL_wMuw I have spend 20€ to get some Gold, why, simple: I need some Garage slots. They cost normaly 300 Gold each, but if you wait, they have it for 150 Gold per slot. It happens sometimes. And as Gepard said, you will need the credits later, but, if you get into a nice Tier 5 Tank like the KV1, M4, or the StugIII or Tier 4 Matilda, you will earn some Credits. I still play without premium and enjoying it most of the time. You will get later with alot of damage dealing some 40.000Credits per game, but each shot will cost you some 1000. Even the Tier 6 KV1S cost 1000 per shot, but deals some 400 Damage. If I need some fun, I have succesfull games, but alot of Credits are lost for AP Rounds. The Last battle I have left, the ammo cost me over 35.000credits but dealt alot of damage. So I recieved a + of 1100 Credits ... yes and that in a Tier 8 Ferdinand.
  15. For Dog and Cat Lovers Everywhere

    I love the sad cat diary! Damn, I have a cat at home for the last 2 month and damn, I could swear she wrote this diary....
  16. My Saitek X52 just arived

    Welcome to the Saitek Brotherhood! I started with a X45 and as it broke down, I send it back to Saitek to be repaired. They send it very quickly back and as I open the box, I couldn`T believe my eyes .. I have not get a X45 back, but a X52 instead! I was damn happy!
  17. B-2

    That`s one of the strangest things, we have a ton of planes, even subvariants of the C-130 and many other planes I have never seen before, but no B-2...
  18. World of Tanks

    Most of the tank, makes fun with all stuff upgraded and a 100% crew. All stuff below is sometimes a bit frustrating. I play on the EU server, Gepard also on the US one, if you create an account on a specific Server, you cant take it with you to the other server. That`s a bid silly. I had already a Tiger on my US account and I had to switch to the EU server.
  19. Truth About the F-35 RAAF

    This sounds familiar... B-52 and successors... result = B-52 still in use
  20. World of Tanks

    The Gamemechanics are relativly simple. You have Armor thicknes, armor angle and penetration and damage points. -If an enemy shows his back and parks behind a building, shoot at his tracks to detrack him and penetrate him to death! (sound more sexual than it realy is) -never shoot at a sloped armor from a bad angle, the round will bounce. -if you havea good gun, its ok, if not, shoot at weak points like hatches, engine, fueltank and amorack. If you are looking for a more easy line, the KV1 line is fine, the germans are a bit difficult but nothing to compare to the french. The american line is also very funny, love the M4 but its morea medium tank than a heavy. You should try out the game,, the different tanks types and find out what kind of tank is yours. Light scouts medium heavy tank destroyers arty As Gepard said, you start with Tier 1 and you will work up to Tier 10. There are guns around that make over 900 damage points... that hurts. @Gepard, fantastic 1.000.000 award! Good work!
  21. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Ich habe in der Zwischenzeit ein Promileben angefangen, so ganz Undercover... Und bei einem anderem Project ausgeholfen.
  22. Good news, Florians P-3 now your Il- (forgot the number) but good to know you are working on it

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