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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. Two more shots of the new old machine!
  2. I have some Books here about the Su-17 and the whole family, but there are nearly no infos about the Fitter E. All I could find is, it was built 45 times and used the canopy of the Su-7U Moujik and the current fuselage of the Su-17/20. There are only pics of plastic kits around the net and no real info? Was this plane a conspiracy theory of plastic kit builders or was is real? How it should look like:
  3. Hi Svetlin, yes I can but after the 5.6 my Internetconnection is running over my smartphone and its comparable to 248k so its damn slow to download and upload stuff. About the Su-7U I use several pics and drawings from the Internet. The Fakepilot is a interim solution before I can finish the real Su-7U with all parts integrated into them model and animated canopy parts.
  4. Thanks, those are great compilations !
  5. Thanks guys have to check those sites. The Pics that dont work, no idea why, are from this site here: http://www.scalemodelersworld.com/galleries/hobbycraft-1-72-su-22u-fitter/
  6. The upper side of the inner wings are fine, the bottom needs some new love to, have repositioned the Main Gear and will recut the Baydoors out of the wings
  7. So after a time, I managed to solve a prob with the Vertail mapping of the Su and have sended some updated psd.files to enoc. Im now on the main gear section and some small updates. This planes will be ready in the near future.
  8. looks like an interesting idea! keep it coning
  9. looks good thanks man, a more unfriendly enviroment is always welcomed.
  10. A long time ago, I have started to play around with the fake pilot stuff, it was fun, but to be honest, I had no idea what I was doing. After a time I have recieved the core file of montys Skyraider. I was a big fan of that bird. So I began to modify it a bit. Same I did with the Su-25 thats already WIP again, but pls dont ask when its done. Here you can see the first results of this work. Its already ingame and flys quiet well. I have alot of support from Kevin and a skinner for the paintjob, Enoc. We will have the skin in 2048. To mention, the model isnt finished yet, but I think its at a stage, where it can be presented. Im learning every day new stuff about the AD-4W, it was unique, cause the changes that werde done in Real Life, to make this Baby flyable, where extensive. Please ignore the mapping at this point From the games point of view, this bird is useless, but maybe it makes sense for a few people for the KAW mod and other theaters.
  11. AD-4W

    The Meshsize was right in that case, Florian send me an ini entry and it worked fine! CompressGearOnRetraction=TRUE
  12. I never knew there were a Catamaranpylon for the AIM-9`s. I thought there there a Y shaped pylon for the missiles? Maybe im completly wrong, sorry.
  13. Looks good but im not sure if the rack wasn't in Y shape?!
  14. Any plans for the FJ-4 version???
  15. Good news, seems those files were the one my system doesnt want to load when you using SF2.exe on a XP system. The CarrierBased=TRUE works fine, the rest doesnt. The Bad thing is, the birds looks ugly under XP, the canopy is barely visible and the whole plane looks like a plastic kit. I think it`s time to upgrade to 7. ... unfortunatly
  16. I have tried the B,C and D and all ended up with a abrupt loading screen. I have also some troublesome terrains, but the change doesnt made a difference in the result. I have tried Desert, Israel, Germany and many other, just to see how it works. Is there something that needs definatly Win7 or to be run with the NA.exe? I can run all planes so far with the normal SF2.exe and use XP so far. I`m a bit out ideas in that case
  17. Have seen the great dubbed german version.. Back to this crusade... great work, you surprise me all the time with your projects.
  18. Maybe you guys can help me, since this pack was released I couldnt fly those planes. I have a full merged up to date install and have no problems with the NA machines. The game stops loading and aboart the loading procedure. Never saw them flying ingame.
  19. 13 days is one of the better movies
  20. Wow!!! My Inet connection could load the pics as fast as I have clicked "like"!
  21. Remapped completly and add a new Probe to my parts. Skin will be made by Enoc. This could be usefull for the Iran Iraq War mod. Su-7U preparing for takeoff and remain in the pattern
  22. Thats what I was talking about !
  23. You need to change this line: [MainEngine] SystemType=JET_ENGINE InputName=THROTTLE_CONTROL EngineID=1 HasAfterburner=FALSE <---- change to TRUE and than you have wet and dry numbers for the engine. I can imganine if the numbers are equal for wet and dry so you will not have that "kick" with the afterburner and can set the AB effect for a special throttelrate to show up as usual. I would increase the whole engine thrust and kill the afterburner kick with the method described
  24. I think thats not possible, we have this problem already with the F-35, sadly

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