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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. Ah common, dont be so rude to new guys
  2. new Su with old skin... pls ignore the R-24T ... it was the wish of the Pharao
  3. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Es gab noch 17er mit dem Vertail und dem Stauraum für einen Bremsschirm siehe unten habe bei der Su-7 irgendwoe gesehen das dort der Schirm verstaut wird, oder habt ihr andere Informationen?!
  4. I have tom compare the canopy area with my model something doesnt fit
  5. Su-17/20 update

    Thanks for the hint, the positions aren`t final, the wings were moved abit and it wasnt changed in the ini files so far. I try to set all stuff symetrical. The newer 17 from m3 upwards will build on florians one. Hes has done some good work on some parts and would like to use his as a base for the further modification. If you dont mind this will be the new "standart"
  6. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Es gab ja mal das Problem das ich das Model der Su-17M in max verschoben habe ausversehen und dadurch die ini`s unbrauhcbar gemacht habe. Naja aus Fehlern lernt man. Ich habe aber eine Lösung gefunden das Problem zu beheben :D Ich baue gerade die Su-20 als Basis für die frühen Varianten der 17, nutze dabei das tolle Model von Florian. Ich warte gerade auf Enoc und seinen Skin. Stary baut das Cockpit für den Vogel. Ich werde jetzt nicht alles umbauen, nur die Sachen die auf meiner Liste stehen um den Vogel einfach abzurunden. Ich bin froh darüber das Florian mir das Model seinerzeit überlassen hat. Muss auch zugeben das ich wohl am Anfang etwas überfordert war mit allem. Jetzt aber nach und nach läuft die Arbeit besser von der Hand. Es wird zwar nicht Volkers Qualität erreichen, denn ich möchte nicht meinen PC schon beim bauen abrauchen lassen (nichts für ungut ) deshalb wird es etwas lower detail sein. Ich hoffe ihr könnt mit dem Resultat leben und erfreut euch "erneut" an diesem Flieger. Wenn ihr Anmerkungen hab, bitte bitte schreibt sie mir! Ich möchte dazu lernen und manchmal übersehe ich auch etwas (einiges mit Absicht )
  7. Su-17/20 update

    Ok as we speak I have tested the old date I have, there was an issue I couldnt solve, but now I have an idea I think we can expect those birds later, after the first series of Su-17`s AD has done a great job, now its time for a SF2 versions with NA features Su-17M4 and Su-22UM3K
  8. Su-17/20 update

    Have checked it, sorry no only the plane was in the package, I have found the packed file you have send me, have to test something the next days, I would like to have a common standart on this plane
  9. Su-17/20 update

    I think it was AD, do you have contact or the source?! Would make things alot easier
  10. And we have Stary on board for a new pit :D what do you say guys
  11. We have to finish the plane and template first, after this we have to check and work with Russos advice about how to create bumpmapping. Its absolutly new for me. When you say it doesnt take to long, we will definatly check it. Hope you are satisfied so far with the progress and result. Nearly all parts are mapped and im only reworking small areas. All goes well so far. All mapping remain the same only the "Nose" texture was a bit reworked
  12. Su-17/20 update

    reworked the intake, exhaust and pitot tubes, canopy detail, missing some small parts but its near to be finished... next version: early Su-17 production mode with slightly different canopy, tail and only 2 fences instead of 4
  13. Su-17/20 update

    I have to check what rails we do already have, so they would be integrated into the loadout setup. All "vents" are build and placed where they should be, canopy is finished so far. Still some stuff to come, but the most timeconsuming is mapping...
  14. Su-17/20 update

    Doest someone have some reference materials for soviet IR missile rails for the Fitter?!
  15. It will be remodeled, new skin, new ini entries. If we integrate bumpmapping it would take longer. For the first release it isnt planed. But for an update both will be integrated.
  16. The first Su-20 version will be ready this weekend sorry for taking so long ;)
  17. Su-17/20 update

    After talking to my skinner Flogger, the plan is now a bit clearer. -Su-20B is used as the basic Su variant -Su-17 will be next, just to have the russian version, metal and camo is planed -Su-17M is smilar to the two above -Su-17M2 is the last so far before the M3 versions with the different nose we have planed so far until the M2, assembled some drawings and camos. The other versions will stay on a different list until those "minor" versions will be ready, cause of the minor workload. Hope thats ok so far. To do list, -smooth the Airintake -smoothing forward additional vents -create new detailed fuselage vents on the tail and at the bottom of the wings -details on ailerons and flaps -RWR reciever on vertail -------------------------------------- -different antenas for the different versions. This should be enough for now, without Florian this work would not be possible, cause he has created the first version years ago! pls dont worry about the skin, its just my testskin to check the colours, Flogger is creating the right one with a far higher resolution.
  18. Preparing the testflight deep in russias motherland in 1958 All seems good, weather is fair and I`m ready for takeoff Taxing to runway Taking off feels like angels were pushing It`s a nice to fly around. Test flight was succesfull rtb On final at Runway 024 So hope you like it, it`s my first time I`m working on the ini`s my self, only FM will be done by a friend, JAT, now it`s all like I want it. So, hope you enjoed the pics, I`m off for detail work on the LOD. All is simpel now and without texturing, pre Alpha stage but I wanted to share it, cause I like this bird and have it in mind to build for a long time
  19. Ye-152M WIP

    Hi Vulkan, the project was paused for a time, but the 152M is nearly finished and is in the mapping status, Skin is already worked on. For now I have the Su-20 and Rafale as the main priority projects. If there is an update, I will post it in the SF2 section
  20. And im creating a bird for that template
  21. 1C and 777 Studios will work together on new IL-2

    I would realy apreciate a selfshadowing feature in il2 so its still up to date. Flew some rounds yesterday and have to say .. I still love the feeling!
  22. And for my part I could use it for my Tu-75 mod, can we ask for some pics
  23. Su-17/20 update

    Have talked to Flogger yesterday and saw the first steps of the new skin, and I have to say that I cant wait until I get it! You will think thats a whole new plane! We say in Germany "Kleider machen Leute!" if you translate it "The dress makes the man!" or something like this.... Thanks Russo for this very good explanation, I think Bump maps will be integrated, but later after the release
  24. There is something that needs to be finished ... working on it I feel the need..... the need for s......oviet stuff!

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