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Everything posted by 76.IAP-Blackbird

  1. far to much western stuff here...
  2. Su-17/20 update

    Ah I remember, I have started on it just today to find a solution for the main gear problem. No prob I have other priorities so far: -Rafale interior -Su-20 -Ye-152 -AEW Skyraider
  3. Su-17/20 update

    I have so far no templates Enoc is creating some so far i know Florian has them cause I just use the same mapping as the original aircraft has to reuse the old skin. Im revamping all parts to match them with the current skin. Pls contact Florian, maybe he has the templates on his harddrive.
  4. Su-17/20 update

    If you have details about that version pls send them over and I can see what I can make. I have one small question, the La-200 is nearly ready only needs a new main gear, thats all. Mapping is also done so far, how does your cockpit progress looks like?!
  5. Su-17/20 update

    To be honest I have no idea how to do it, if it works like a normal map, so I would need someone to create a bumbpmap and I would integrate it if someone can tell me how. Next thing is, I cant test it, cause still running under XP and this game will show the Bumpmap only at higher OS. Strange that other games can it produce with DX9 and even more effects and this one not ... sad If the work on the 3D models goes as well as it started, this bird could be ready this week, nearly all parts are done I have planed so far, and this version represent a good "standart" version I can start to create other versions.
  6. Tu-75 WIP

    Ok seems the "idea" is running a bit out of controle... what do you think?!
  7. Ok good news I have created now a internal WIP list, we can discuss it later on FB ;)
  8. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Ich danke dir werde sie herunterladen sobald ich zu Hause bin. Ich habe Russos MiG installiert und ich depp habe einfach copy paste genutzt und in seinem Flight Ordner war nur eine ini mit dem xxx Eintrag fuer Ukraine ... so ein Schlamasel. Wusste aber nicht das ich die einfach haette loeschen koennen. Mh so lernt. Erst Gestern neue Einstellungen in Max entdeckt...
  9. Sorry my fault wrote it on the way to my company @ Enoc pls send the iranian back into their airspace and give the iraqis a call to send a flight over to me to integrate the probe. russian version works without problems
  10. @ Daniel will post some pics later @ Enoc can you send me the iranian BN pls?!
  11. Ok i have it already done and placed.. had a free minute, if you dont mind i can send you a pic later. im still at work right now
  12. Looks realy good i have found some detailed pics of the engines, i can send them to you if you like. Intake and exhaust details
  13. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Hallo Leute, kann mir vielleicht jemand von euch eine Nations.ini zusenden bitte?! Ich habe meine durch unachtsamkeit ...überschrieben ... :( Jetzt funzt SF2 nicht mehr. Danke schon mal Habe Heute Nacht irgendwie die hoefflichkeitsform vergessen, glatt verpennt. ;-)
  14. looks fantastic Stary,
  15. I could create a fake refuel probe for this bird if its needed, doesnt take long
  16. Stary, whats that for a pit in your signature?!
  17. Just a hint, dont use 2 sided tga`s for glass. It gives more problems in game than solves. Your models looks better and better! Thanks for remodeling this bird! Still using your old one freqeuently!
  18. Tu-75 WIP

    Yes its still on my list, have the source now and will integrate my fake pilot into a working model ;)
  19. Tu-75 WIP

    @ Kevin, i have also found a good way to work on the Skyraider ;)
  20. Wow nice progress! Like it alot!
  21. Ok thanks that pointed it out, seems I have over read it, thanks for the info. We will see what will come.
  22. Ok have updated to the current 2012 patch and have to say there is no MiG-25 in it?! Was it a joke or am i just blind?
  23. Tu-75 WIP

    If there is some interest from the "Bull" drivers, I could release those "yellow" (coloured) propeler spinners for the current Tu-4 like on this pic. The parts are already done. Compare my pics with this one
  24. uh can someone pls post a pic of that bird? or is it just a ini entry?

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