I have downloaded the F-5E Tiger II, from Column 5, made by "The Mirage Factory." A very very well done aircraft. Not to seem .... ungreatfull by any means, I was curious if anyone out there who is really really good at making cockpits would be willing to make a cockpit for the F-5E Tiger II made by "The Mirage Factory"? There cockpit is good, but its just off a little bit....
I have several cockpit photo's provided by a friend of mine from VFC-13 "The Saints". They fly the F-5E Tiger II out there as an adversary/aggressor. These cockpit photo's are totally legitimate and ofcourse credited to the US Navy. So if anyone would undertake the job I would be really greatfull, I would provide these photo's to help out if need be.
Thanks, Hope everyone has a good day!
"VF-32 Swordsmen.... well VFA-32..."
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