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Everything posted by Eagle114th

  1. Hello everyone, I just submitted new version of SF2 Screen Overhaul mod and is waiting for approval. It will be released soon. UPDATE: It is now released! Enjoy the new version! Cheers!
  2. Good afternoon everyone! I have been working on adding more SF2 system icon with different aircraft. I also have template ready for any of you to create more as add-on download for SF2 screen overhaul mod. In a folder for SF2 system icon, you can see different aircraft to choose from: Here is a full preview of each SF2 system icon: I am working on one more project before releasing new version of SF2 screen overhaul. Cheers!
    Thank you very much for this wonderful alternative hangar templates! I am happy to see people starting to add things to SF2 screen overhaul. Keep an eye out for new version of SF2 screen overhaul V1.1 - Customizable Edition! Cheers to your awesome mods!
  3. Thank you for sharing with me. It is interesting how you organize it this way. As you said, each of us have our own tastes / needs / wants in SFP2. If TK ever happen to decide to add the features in filtering / organizing the aircraft list, that would be Godsend! What I truly dream of is having the filter system on aircraft list working this way (For single mission, mission editor, and other screens.): - When selecting nations from the list, it would show the nation with (numbers) on right side, showing how much aircraft is available for flyable. - After selecting the nation, it would only display the list of aircraft flown by that nations - If anyone wants to see list of all aircraft available, can disable 'filter' system. - Customizable filter and display (For example, if I get to customize how aircraft name show up in both list and screen, for example toggle between '90 to [1990]. With that, I would be more than happy to wipe my current SFP2 installation and have a fresh start with the new system.
  4. One of wise modder here would say, "You ain't really playing SF2 until you start modding SF2." He couldn't be more than true. As the modders have stated above, SFP2 is the simulation / game that allow anyone to customize it to their own liking completly. However, of course, I get to fly SF2 from time to time too! Thanks to the new updated, organized aircraft and ordnance list, I get to fly as Cuban MiG-15bis out of curiosity. It was challenging flying updated NA Terrains with MIM SAMs lurking around. I was flying low, nag to the earth. Then I happen to catch F-84s flying around, jumped on 'em and shot one of them down before I got caught off guard by one of MIM Hawk SAM missile. (NOTE: I use MiG-15 / MiG-15bis flight model from KAW mod. Their flight models is awesome!) (DARN THESE pesky SAMs!)
  5. Thank you for the reply. Just curious, if you wanted the same goal as I do with the organized aircraft list, how would you do it? I like to explore how people would do it in their own various ways. By the way, I think maybe I am a bit too much insane, since I already reorganized weapon from big mod pack too. (Note: Like I said, .ini dancing is like a meditative time for me. Everyone can feel relax doing different things, like music, dancing, boxing, etc. Since I am deaf with low vision, music is not exactly a meditative time for me. When I just do .ini dancing, my mind goes into 'relax' mode where I Just automatically edit the codes and jump to next files in a flowing ways intuitively.)
  6. Agreed! SFP2 is the only simulation / game with the incredible features of moddability as well as having the abilities to have multi installation for different theater / era. The way SFP2 is structured where you can edit .ini to almost every details is also incredible. The modern game / simulation developer should learn from TK about the moddability of the game / sim. There is no other sim like this existed out there yet.
  7. Everyone, I am still alive! I have been gone for a few weeks, due to a busy real life situation. Now I am back and here is what I have been working o: SF2 - Screen overhaul v1.1 - Customizable Edition This version will have the following features: - New system icon - Multi version of system icon with template available (for anyone who want to customize it.) - Reworked codes that allows me to implement customizable buttons for each screen in SF2 - Multi button colors choices - Templates for buttons (without texts) - Templates for each screen (without background images, so anyone can use it to apply on any kind of background images) Here is screenshots of my reworked codes for one of screen: You can see here how I implemented the customizable buttons. In each SF2 screen folder, there will be folders that contains different colors button, including templates. The picture below show you how button colors can be changed. By doing that, you will see the changed color for LOADOUT button: I am aiming to release it by the end of this month or next month.
  8. Of course, I always make times for both modding and flying. I am back working on a next new big update for this mod. :)
  9. I am satisfied with the new icon colors. F-14 version of SF2 system icon are added too (For customization). If there are requests, I can do various different aircraft.
  10. Just a head up, I re-designed a new SF2 system icon. I am still changing the color. For now, it is still WIP. By the way, I have created templates for all menu screen, you will need to use PowerPoint, in order, to apply it over any background image you want to use. As soon I am done with overhauling SF2 system icon, i will work on adding button colors for customization options. (NOTE: I am re-doing the color for left icon (darken the color completely)
  11. Thank you for the feedback! I am very happy you enjoyed it a lot! About the hangar pictures, I am truly honored! That is awesome news! I am going to keep expanding this mod for the community through time. About the feedback: 1) I will start working on templates for all screens. That way anyone can change the background pictures behind the GUI. 2) About SF2 icon, that is understandable. I will see what I can do about making it sharper. 3) hat makes sense. How about this, I'll make a multi-version of different button colors for the various buttons. That way people can pick any colors to their own liking? The more customization, the merrier. Cheers!
  12. Screen Overhaul - (1920 x 1080)

    That and a beer Emoticon too! (for cheers) :)
  13. Screen Overhaul - (1920 x 1080)

    I agree with you! Not only Jane's USAF, as well as Jane's IAF, WWII Fighters, Longbow series, etc... By the way, you can run Jane's USAF on Win 10 fully now. In Discord, there are 'fixes that allow you to fly both Jane's IAF and USAF. You can always re-fly Jane's series for the sake of nostalgic times, as I do from time to time.
  14. Screen Overhaul - (1920 x 1080)

    Sir, I am honored to get the messages from you! I , too, spent countless hours in Jane's ATF Gold, and then Jane's FA. I was and still am big fan of Wrench, Centurian, and other modders (Even though the mods back there for Jane's FA was known as Libs). If you and anyone are interested, we still have sites and discord with the group that are still modding Jane's FA to this day. Here is an invitation code for Jane's series sim discord: https://discord.gg/VvnhzxtM
  15. Screen Overhaul - (1920 x 1080)

    I am happy you liked it! It is great to see people who also have flown old Jane's sim here.
  16. That is noted, I will add that. Which one, 1970s or older style photo?
  17. I did some experiment on converting the regular screenshot into 1970s and older photo style. I thought "Why not?" so here it is: Parked A-4s - Rregular screenshot Parked A-4s - 1970s style screenshot Parked A-4s - Older style screenshot Parked MiG-21s - Regular screenshot Parked MiG-21s - 1970s style screenshot Parked MiG-21s - Older style screenshot
  18. Everyone, The beta version is now released. I am waiting for the file to be approved. UPDATE: It is now open for anyone to download: Cheers!
  19. AH i see! That is noted! Thank you and I will keep that in mind.
  20. Hello everyone, I have a question about how to force carrier mission on icelandNA. I have installed many of ships mods into SF2, each time I fly USN aircraft (F-14A '77 as an example), I always take off on an island instead of carrier. how do I force single mission to always use carrier based aircraft to start on carrier? The advice is appreciated. Cheers!
  21. It is probably related to the mods I installed into IcelandNA terrain folder. At least I wiped that terrain folder clean and installed the new version from SF2 NA expansion (campaign) mod. It is my goal to experience the expanded terrains with the mods that adds a lot to all SF2 terrains.
  22. Since I have an extra free time today, I finished working on the new CAMPAIGNEDITOR screen:
  23. UPDATE: I think I solved what I wanted to do. This is what I did: I copied both IcelandNA folder and groundobjects folders from SF2:NA Expanded campaign mod and pasted them into my modded SF2 main directory. NOTE: DO NOT, repeat, DO NOT overwrite icelandNA terrain with the new one. Instead, erase the IcelandNA then paste the new IcelandNA from SF2:NA expanded. The reasons? I overwrote IcelandNA and got a very strange side effect. WhenI loaded the single mission, i think I was in a very strange world. the ships were all merged with each other and the camera were spinning fast everywhere. I had to quit SF2. Hence, wiping IcelandNA and replace new IcelandNA fixes this. However, now I am able to take off from carrier anytime. And as for different carrier, I'll use mission editor to quickly replace the SF2 carrier with another one. This is a success today.

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