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Everything posted by Eagle114th

  1. I will see what I can do after the project is completed. For now, it is in 1920 x 1080.
  2. Here is a new LOADOUT screen. Feedback are appreciated as always.
  3. Hello everyone, Thank to the feedback from friends and the community, here are improved, finalized version of hangar screen and buttons:
  4. UPDATE: I am re-doing the black / yellow strips. Turns out it needs more polishing to get rid of jagged edge. As soon the new updated GUI is done, i will re-upload the new picture of hanger screen.
  5. I re-designed the hangar screen from scratch again. This time, I am able to properly align it with SF2's default text and button location. Now with this being successfully, I am going to start replacing text and text button with new menu's text and 3D buttons. I also ran some tests to see if I can use PowerPoint to quickly place the new frame over an existing image, then save it as .jpg format to see if it works smoothly, which it did! Here is my initial testing with F-8J:
  6. Thank you for the feedback. It inspired me to do my best with the new menu mod! I am using my passion to pour a lot of details into this mod. I will go ahead and do a lot of work on this mod for the community. I figured a way to make a simple instruction on how to apply a new GUI to any add-on's hangar aircraft. I will add it in the new SF2 menu mod pack as an option. It will take a few steps by using Microsoft PowerPoint. At the same time, I am going to apply a new hangar GUI over an existing SF2 aircraft.
  7. I have realized something about the hangar screen: 1) The add-on mods have their own hangar image files 2) Even if I make a new default hangar, it will be overwritten by many mods 3) I will have to make sure I match SF2 text / button position so all add-on aircraft's own hangar will work with my new GUI for hangar screen. 4) Making an instruction on how to apply new GUI over add-on aircraft custom hangar Solution: (UPDATED: 3/31/2021) I will leave SF2's hangar text and button text position intact, so it will be compatible with any add-on aircraft's custom hangar picture.
  8. Here is a new hangar screen (WIP). I am still adding more buttons. I am still contemplating on the colors of buttons. Please add feedback / ideas here.
  9. Everyone, thank you for the feedback! UPDATE: I managed to learn the tricks to add the 'photo' to the briefing screen. I am working on next screen now.
  10. Ok I understand, I'll leave it alone. You just saved me from headaches trying to make 'filter' works. I will go ahead with simple methods by just editing aircraft's name in .ini files. By the way, for a bright side, I just began working on a new menu mods for SF2 with new GUI styles. I got inspired after seeing how the menu are set up, and I want to use my GUI design skills to make a new menu mod. If I ever get stuck, I'll post the questions in modding section. If it goes well later, I will post a mod here. For now, here is my rough design of the new menu, it is inspired by Jane's Fighter Anthology: Cheers!
  11. Hello everyone, It has been a long time since I have flown SF2 series sim. I am now back after seeing the news about SF2 being updated for Windows 10. I also missed flying SF2, I have been going through a very busy life. Now that I am balancing the times between hobbies, work, and living. I am wiping whole SF2 series installations and start over from scratch. I am truly overwhelmed by steer many amounts of mods available for SF2, especially with the fact that the modders are still enjoying modding and flying SF2. It is truly awesome to see that here! It has been decided that --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here are the questions. (QUESTIONS #1) I want to know how people manage the aircraft list for a multi nation in a multi-SF2 installations? I'll use F-15s as an example, it has F-15s for USAF, USN, HAF, IDF, and another countries. Since there are no features I am aware of in SF2 that would filter the aircraft list based on the nations yet. So if I install over 100+ flyable planes in SF2, i would have to scroll through a long list trying to find out which countries have the specific aircraft. I am thinking about doing this way: 1) Rename each aircraft in .ini to start with each nation's military branch abbreviation. Let's use F-15 as an example. [Regular SF2 aircraft list] F-15A Eagle F-15B Eagle F-15C Eagle F-15D Eagle F-15E Strike Eagle F-15I Ra'am (Thunder) F-15K Eagle etc... I am considering re-naming all F-15's ini file, in order, for all F-15s to appear as this way: JASDF F-15DJ Eagle JASDF F-15J Eagle IDF F-15I Ra'am (Thunder) RSAF F-15S Eagle ROKAF F-15K Eagle USAF F-15A Eagle USAF F-15B Eagle USAF F-15C Eagle USAF F-15E Strike Eagle etc... That way I can easily scroll through the list sorted by nations, then aircraft. What is your opinion about this? Questions #2: I have noticed that with the add-on aircraft, there are many multi-nations skins for the specific aircraft. For example, MiG-21F; I saw the skins for multi countries for one aircraft. I am planning on making the copies of MiG-21F (And edit their nation and ordinance in aircraft's data.ini) and rename the folder as: MiG-21F_RU MiG-21F_India MiG-21F_Syria etc... Then divide the skins into unique MiG-21Fs, that way I can easily load a specific nation's MiG-21F with their own default skins, along with their additional skins. However, I still am wondering how SF2 handle multi-national aircraft. Would my method be obsolete if there is a better way? How do people handle multi-national skins for any aircraft? If There is a way to filter the list of specific national aircraft without having to make copies of specific aircraft, please share here. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am planning on making a multi-SF2 installations this way: SF2 (Default - For backup / reference purposes) SF2 Asia (This cover Korea War and Vietnam War, along other campaigns and aircraft that flies in Asia) SF2 Middle East (This covers campaigns and aircraft that flies in Middle East) SF2 NATO (This covers campaigns and aircraft that flies in Europe) SF2 WARSAW (This covers Russia / Soviet and other WARSAW nations) Note: In this, I aim to make Russia / Soviet and other WARSAW flyable only while disabling cockpits for NATO + Western aircraft. so I can easily go through list of aircraft for Russia and other nearby nations.) SF2 North America (This covers a huge numbers of aircraft from North America.) SF2 South America (This covers all campaigns and aircraft from South America.) I will do it slowly through the year. My first step is to install the campaigns and carefully merge them (if they cover the same places), terrains, and other mods that expands the SF2. After doing all of that, I will slowly add aircraft for each nation. As stated, before doing it, I want the opinions here. Cheers!
  12. Oh! I see, that makes sense. Thank you for the information. Right now I am installing ODS 30 years anniversary mod. By the way, if there are no ways for me to be able to 'filter' the aircraft list in game, then I will go on an alternative plans; Only re-name all aircraft.ini aircraft to have nations next to aircraft name. Thanks to everyone here, it gave me a great idea. What I'll do is just install the mods what it was meant to be installed as. I won't divide up add-on aircraft folder with multi-nation's skin. I'll leave it be. I'll add name "Multi-Nations" next to aircraft name. That way I will be well-informed that it have skins for multi-nations. That way it won't be a very time-consuming customizing my mods. And even better, thanks to deep digging in how the menu and screen are set, I am inspired to make a new menu mods for SF2! I was learning how to move the text around. I am thinking about making an old Jane's style GUI for SF2! UPDATE: I noticed that ODS mod DID have a filter features on a campaign menu, just as Daddyairplanes have mentioned above. I am going to see if I can do similar things for a single mission when selecting Nation, then aircraft.
  13. Hello everyone, I was experimenting one of terrains (Desert4) and edited DESERT4_NATIONS.INI. I edited the codes, so I can only see USAF and Soviet aircraft in the list. It is not working because I still see British and other nations' aircraft in a single mission screen. I am trying to make it to only show USAF / Soviet aircraft in aircraft selection list. Here is what my codes looks like in DESERT4_NATIONS:INI: [Theater] TheaterName=Somewhere in Middle East Location001=Kingdom of Dhimar Location002=Empire of Paran Location003=British Protectorate of Sharnak Location004=Straits of Dhimar Location005=Diego Garcia [Nation001] NationID=256 Name=Dhimar DisplayName=Royal Dhimari Air Force Alignment=FRIENDLY PilotNameList=NamesArabic.lst RankList=RanksRAF.lst CallsignList=CallsignsUS.lst Formation.Fighter=USFighter Formation.Attack=USFighter Formation.Bomber=USBomber Formation.Transport=USBomber Formation.Tank=USTank Formation.MobileAD=USAD PilotTrainingStandard=EXCELLENT GenderRatio=0 DebriefSuccessMusic=DebriefSuccess.wav DebriefFailMusic=DebriefFail.wav DebriefKilledMusic=DebriefKilled.wav SpeechFile=USAFSpeech.cat SpeechTextFile=USAFSpeechText.str [Nation002] NationID=257 Name=Paran DisplayName=Parani Air Force Alignment=ENEMY PilotNameList=NamesArabic.lst RankList=RanksRussian.lst CallsignList=CallsignsUS.lst Formation.Fighter=SovietFighter Formation.Attack=SovietFighter Formation.Bomber=SovietBomber Formation.Transport=SovietBomber Formation.Tank=SovietTank Formation.MobileAD=SovietAD PilotTrainingStandard=NORMAL GenderRatio=0 [LimitedNationList] FriendlyNation001=USAF EnemyNation001=Soviet Am I missing something? Originally, the codes looked like this: [LimitedNationList] FriendlyNation001=Dhimar FriendlyNation002=USAF FriendlyNation003=USN FriendlyNation004=USMC FriendlyNation005=Merc FriendlyNation006=RAF FriendlyNation007=RoyalNavy EnemyNation001=Paran EnemyNation002=Iraq EnemyNation003=Libya EnemyNation004=SOVIET I changed it to this: [LimitedNationList] FriendlyNation001=USAF EnemyNation004=Soviet What is the next thing should I do?
  14. Thank you for the clarification! Looks like it is decided. I will install the add-on mods normally (to save me the time and sanity) and play with the LimitedNationList in Terrain's nations.ini. About TK, that is noted and understandable. I can only hope that TK opens his eye eventually to the world of modding communities somehow. By the way, about campaigns, that is interesting! I will take a look into this.
  15. Thank you for the feedback! it is good to see you again too! I see, that is starting to make sense. Since there is no 'filter' system in the aircraft list on menu yet, I can play with the LimitedNationList in (terrain name)_nations.ini file, right? With that, from now on, I can just go ahead install add-on aircraft that is meant to be installed as. For example, If I see add-on that show as B-57_Pakistan, then I will install it in SF2 Middle East. however, if I see add-on aircraft like MiG-21F with many nations skins with userlist, then I'll leave it the way it is. I would install it in a multi-SF2 installations that uses MiG-21F. Whenever I am in a mood of flying specific nations, I would play with LimitedNationList as my current solution. Your information and advice is much appreciated! I have a question: By playing with "limited nation lists in terrains, I can filter any nations in aircraft list temporarily? For example, I want to see Czech only in aircraft list. I would modify the LimitedNationList in (terrain name)_nations.ini file, then I would do this: [LimitedNationList] FriendlyNation001=Czechoslovakia EnemyNation001=Soviet EnemyNation002=RANGE And if I want to see another nations, then I change the friendlyNations001 to another nation right? This can be my current solution I can work with! I will start SF2, see specific nations, and if I want to change to another nations, then I will shut down SF2, make a change to a file, and finally, start SF2 again. I hope that TK eventually add the features on aircraft selection menu where I can filter to any specific nations quickly while having all available aircraft on the list.
  16. I see, thank you very much for the feedback! I am still stuck on what I would want to do with the aircraft list. If you were in my situation with the same goal, what would you do?
  17. Oh, this is not exactly what I am looking for. Still, thank you for giving me the advice though! This may be helpful wheN I want to do something different with both files. By the way, I do not want to limit the aircraft by terrains. I was hoping that I could add the ability to filter aircraft from aircraft list in a drop menu without having to exit sims, change the codes in .ini file, then restart sim. If the menu is hard-coded, that is understandable. Here is an example of what I am aiming for: If I click on Israel from the aircraft list, then it would only display aircraft used by Israel. If I change to other nation from a drop menu to Czech, then it would only show aircraft used by CzAFC.
  18. Yes! I want to do that and at the same time, group the aircraft by each nation. That way I can easily select the grouped aircraft by nation. Here is what I am planning to do with aircraft folders, given two situations: Situation #1 The aircraft by mods, are made for specific nation. For example, from SF2 F-104 Starfighter Super Mega Pack 2016, there are many variants made for specific nations: By editing each of F-104's .ini, I think it would be great to make it look like this: Note: Please forgive me if I get the nation code name wrong. Situation #2 Aircraft with multi nations skins; Let's use MiG-21F as an example, I see many skins for Soviet, CzAFC, EAF, etc. So what I would like to do is to make a multi of that MiG-21 and divide the skins and userlist.ini from each of these aircraft. At the beginning, the folder looks like this: MiG-21F Would become this: MiG-21F_Soviet MiG-21F_Czech MiG-21F_Egypt (etc...) Then i would divide the skins and USERLIST into each of these folders. And then in MiG-21F_Czech (as an example), I would open miG-21F_Data_ini and other files, then change NationName= and other lines that points "SOVIET" to Czechoslovakia. And in each .ini, variants MiG-21s in aircraft list woudl be join in each nation's code name group: This is a lot of work and again, that is why I am prepared to do it slowly through the year. However, as stated, I am researching and asking questions, to see if there is a easier way to do this by modding aircraft list or something like that.
  19. May I ask for your tips / hints on this? So far I only see USERLISTin aircraft folder, not terrains yet There is little information on USERLIST.ini as well. What should I do, in order, to play with it for aircraft list? Thank you for the advice.
  20. I have not tweaked USERLIST.ini before. Please correct me if I am wrong, From what I have learned, it limits the nations from flying in any terrains. Will it help me with the filtering or sorting the aircraft by nation? I have a lot more to learn about .ini modding for aircraft list in SF2.
  21. Jane's USAF Super Pro 9.4 on Windows 10

    I appreciate your helps. I tested it with a modified IAF shortcut. Unfortunately, I still get a laggy cockpit / HUD after taking off. By the way, there is an alternative solution. Instead of running dgvoodoo2, DXWind solved the laggy cockpit / HUD problems while allowing you to run Jane's IAF on a higher resolution with a proper aspect ratio. I am able to run Jane's IAF on 1920 x 1080 while being locked in aspect ratio the way Jane's IAF was designed to run. The information is updated now: http://jkpeterson.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=2464&p=21660#p21660
  22. Jane's USAF Super Pro 9.4 on Windows 10

    EVERYONE, It was recently found out that dgvoodoo2 causes unstable problems with Jane's IAF. It is still being looked at. It is reported that if you press "ESC" in flight while using dgvoodoo2, it won't work. It causes you to alt+tab then back to game being frozen. It also caused problems with preference when assigning buttons. If you have button already assigned, it'll alt+tab you and ask if you want to overwrite the assigned button. After that, you need to exit the game and run IAF again. I sincerely apologize for causing any disappointment with dgvoodoo2. I am still figuring out how to solve the problems with laggy FPS when being in cockpit / HUD view (without dgvoodoo2), and at the same time, still configuring to see if dgvoodoo2 problems can be solved too. I updated the information in Jane's IAF installation instruction.
  23. Jane's USAF Super Pro 9.4 on Windows 10

    Thank you very much for the file! I am off downloading them now. I am making backups of Super Pro from multi sources, that way I have all needed files.
  24. Jane's USAF Super Pro 9.4 on Windows 10

    I am happy to be able to help you with what you were seeking for. If you get to learn how to use Super Pro, please teach me how to use it too. Have a great flying!
  25. Jane's USAF Super Pro 9.4 on Windows 10

    Hello everyone, I learned a lot about Jane's USAF Super Pro 9.4. However, I still am looking for more modding tools and add-on files for Jane's USAF and Super pro. I still do not understand about using Super Pro launcher, DME, and UME right now. However, I created the instructions on how to install Jane's USAF, Super Pro, and added the information from Super Pro README. And to anyone who want to install and run Jane's Fighter Anthology, Jane's IAF, Jane's USAF, Super Pro 9.4, and Jane's WWII Fighters, here are the links: Jane's FA (true aspect ratio + reshade) Win 10 Instructions http://jkpeterson.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=2463 Jane's IAF (Windows 10) - Installation instruction http://jkpeterson.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=2464 Jane's USAF (Windows 10) - Installation instruction http://jkpeterson.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=2462 Super Pro README http://jkpeterson.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=2466 Jane's USAF Super Pro - Install / modding tools / Data http://jkpeterson.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=2467 Jane's WWII Fighters (Windows 10) - Installation instruction http://jkpeterson.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=2465 By the way, there is a small community that still fly Jane's series sim: http://jkpeterson.net/forum/index.php And discord: https://discord.gg/9mYtuPuG

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