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Everything posted by Eagle114th

  1. Searching for MIG-17 /19 /21 wing vortex pictures / videos

    That is very true. I am surprised how it is difficult to find certain materials for the specific aircraft. For example, I am looking for the information about A-1H and J landing lights or the pictures/videos of A-1 taxing, takeoff, or landing at night. This will give me an opportunity to learn the tricks of hunting pictures and videos. Eagle114th
  2. Thank you for the advice. The reason why I am doing it alphabetically is that I am adding 'tags' to the weapons. For example: (Types) Name [Guidiance] (AAM) AIM-9D Sidewinder [IR] (AAM) AIM-7D Sparrow [SARH] . Etc I will look into weaponeditor. Cheers
  3. Yes! This is something SF2 can really need! That would be awesome to see! and like the community said, it is great to see you back here, sir! I also thank you for the support with my mod projects too. Cheers
  4. Hello everyone, I need help with this problems. After implementing LandingLight to F-4B and started in a night mission, I noticed two things: 1) The main light keep flashing until I change to "non-flashing" nav light mode. Is that normal? 2) The runway does not get full light, there are section that goes dark while other section get shined. Here is screenshot: Here is the codes: I am still puzzled about this problem. If anyone know the solve, please let me know. Cheers
  5. May I ask, what is the result of your testing with the landing gear light? Cheers
  6. I am pulling my hair. No matter what I do, the runway still appears to be buggy with the landing gear lights. When the next version of SFCE beta is released, I hope someone can show me why this light isn't working properly with the runway. Eagle114th
  7. Thank you for the video. About the sounds, it is fixed in the next version. The next version of Beta will be out by next week. It will cover all F-4s. Cheers
  8. Hello everyone! The afterburner effect for J79 was adjusted while RR Spey version got added. You can see the difference between them. in meanwhile, I am still awaiting for the feedback on beta. Here are J79 version: NOTE: I noticed vortex wing bug, I fixed it. I forgot to add "VortexG". Here are RR Spey version (You can see their afterburner is more whitish in color with a smoother afterburner.)
  9. Thank you, I will experiment with it. Cheers
  10. Hello everyone, There is one thing I always wonder, is there any way to enable lights inside cockpit during the night? The reason why I ask is because I noticed when I start a night mission, there is no light inside instructment in cockpit. So I am wondering if there is a way to enable them by in SF2? If not, can it be enabled by modding? I also have another question, it is about this code: [CockpitSeat001] . . . LightRange=1.5 LightInnerConeAngle=50 LightOuterConeAngle=60 LightAngles=0.0,-30.0,0.0 DiffuseLightFactor=0.5 NightLightOn=0.50 NightLightColor=0.6,0.3,0.4 I noticed there is NightLightOn and NightLightColor. I tried changing NightLightOn from 0.5 to 3.0 to see if it brighten the red light inside cockpit, doesn't work. I would like an advice on how to make the red light stronger or giving more red light inside cockpit. Eagle114th
  11. Searching for MIG-17 /19 /21 wing vortex pictures / videos

    Thank you for the screenshots of both F-4s wing vortex and UK F-4s RR Spey afterburner! This confirms it. The big difference between US F-4s (J79) and UK F-4s (Spey) are the afterburner color and the way it looks. RR Spey afterburner look more smooth while the color is more whitish. I am going to work on new afterburner effects for UK F-4Ks and Ms. Cheers
  12. Thank you and I am happy you like it! Thank you. I am looking forward to the feedback from the community, so the project can be improved even more. Thank you and you are top too! Thank you and I am happy you like it! I am continuing to do my best! As stated previously, I am awaiting for the feedback from beta. I am currently working on the fleet of F-4s. I agree, It is good to see fellow modders here! It is good to have humor here, it is what makes community here fun! Cheers!
  13. While I am tweaking the codes through the various plane, saw the codes about the cockpit, folding wings, and other animation, including re-enabling the disabled arrest hook for the USAF version. I do realize that USAF does not use it, unless in an emergency landing on the runway with cables. (Correct me if I am wrong though.) Here are the screenshots of the F-4Bs and F-4Ds. (Note I am testing both F-4B and F-4D due to different configurations for USN and USAF versions.)
  14. Right now I am looking through F-4s various mods for any upgrades / improvement. I am in process of preparing all TW F-4s for new effects. Right now I am looking into various mods and the credits will be given in the page, aloing with the links to mods: If any of you know or suggest additional mods I am not aware of that improves TW F-4s, please let me know.
  15. SFCE v1.0a beta released Changelog - Code error on left afterburner ring, fixed. Now shows up properly in SF2. - Fixed military thrust effect, so it won't clip through F-4 model when zooming all the way - Added txt file known as _Added_Changed_CODES.txt, so modder can see what is changed/added in F-4B_DATA.INI - Cleaned AIRCRAFT_F-4_AfterburnerEmitter.ini and got rid of codes leftover. Now you willl only see codes that is actually used. UPDATE: I realized the sound code wasn't change. I forgot to modify that. please update your F-4B_Data.ini with this: [Sound] EngineSoundName=ENG_US_J79 AfterburnerSoundName=ENG_US_J79Burner DamagedEngineSoundName= FlapsSoundName=Flaps AirbrakesSoundName=Airbrakes GearsSoundName=Gear
  16. Searching for MIG-17 /19 /21 wing vortex pictures / videos

    Just a head up, I released a beta version of F-4B with all new effects at this link:
  17. Hello everyone, the first beta is now released. The information is in the first post. I look forward to the feedback so I can improve the effect further before applying them to the rest of the F-4s in SF2. Thank you for enjoying the mod. Cheers
  18. Searching for MIG-17 /19 /21 wing vortex pictures / videos

    Improvement so far. Right now I am working on giving them a variety of sizes by adjusting this code: ParticleLifeTimeDeviation
  19. Searching for MIG-17 /19 /21 wing vortex pictures / videos

    I am getting there. I am still adjusting the codes.
  20. Hello everyone, I am still puzzled about how to remove or disable 2D afterburner tga in SF2 aircraft. I am still working on finding a way. The reason why I want to disable them is that I am replacing 2D texture with a 3D afterburner node. I have a lot of ideas for military thrust and afterburner inside the engine nozzle, to give it immersive feelings. The advice is appreciated, as always. Eagle114th
  21. I will release the beta soon, so everyone can see how the various effects work. For now, I am working on fixing the bugs with night light and re-adjusting wing vortex effect. When both of them are done, the beta will be released. Cheers
  22. That is noted. I think it may be related to LightSrcOffset since I copied it from F-84F (TW). I will play with the value until the problem is solved. Cheers
  23. Searching for MIG-17 /19 /21 wing vortex pictures / videos

    Perfect! I am up for the challenge! I can try to do this one. Thank you for excellent picture, this is what I needed. I will come back with an improved wing vortex. Cheers
  24. Searching for MIG-17 /19 /21 wing vortex pictures / videos

    Ravenclaw_007, I am very glad to see you here. I am honored to get the reply from you! The codes you provided here are much appreciated too. My current new 3D volume effect experimental for F-4 is actually directly based on your F-4 codes. Your name and the link to your mod is added to the credit page. When I studied your codes, I was figuring out how to convert it from 2D to 3D. It was done successfully. You can follow my progress in this link: https://combatace.com/forums/topic/97359-my-first-attempt-to-overhaul-aircraft-entirely-visual-effects/ The reason why I ask about wing vortex is that I made two version and is uncertain which one is more realistic. Here are screenshot: VERSION 1: VERSION 2: Eagle114th
  25. Searching for MIG-17 /19 /21 wing vortex pictures / videos

    Yes! Exactly this! Is it called wing vortex?

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