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Everything posted by Eagle114th

  1. Finally managed to add light to the front landing gear while tweaked the engine node further. However, I am facing problem with it at the moment. I will make a new post about it. At once when the light problem is solved, then beta release for F-4B with all new features will be posted here. If the feedback are positive, I will implement it on the rest of F-4s in SF2 and will move on to A-1s and A-4s next. Cheers!
  2. Thank you for giving me an idea. I used GIMP to erase the texture, saved it, and placed it in each skin folder. Works perfectly! The 2D texture engine disappeared. Now it looks much better with 3D effects.
  3. This is very interesting! I managed to get "military" thrust engine node animation running. In my opinion, it looks better than the non-existence node. When you land and turn off the engine, the node animation will disappear. I am going to make it even more transparent so you can barely see it. For now, this is the result. Please note that the left jet engine has military thrust node animation while the right jet engine doesn't.
  4. I am improving the afterburner further with more tweaks and managed to get the afterburner to have more realistic light effects at night. No more afterburner acting like a flashlight anymore.
  5. Everyone, THANK YOU! I didn't realize there is actually coordination at bottom of the software window! I was using LOD viewer earlier. This will save me A LOT of time. Cheers!
  6. Hello everyone, I am back to modding SF2 slowly. I am currently working on pushing to SF2 limitation with effects (Vortex, afterburner, and other kinds of effects). There is one thing that got me puzzled. What is the quickest way to find specific coordination (X, Y, Z) to place an effect on certain parts of aircraft? For now, I am doing it through trials and errors by re-starting SF2, seeing where the effect is, then shutting SF2, re-edit the notepad, then repeating the steps. Therefore is why I am hoping that someone can share the shortcuts. Thank you and cheers! Eagle114th
  7. Hello everyone, My goal is to fully use RTX 3080Ti in my new gaming laptop as much as possible for SF2, even though it is an old simulation. I tweaked the settings in the Nvidia panel for Il-2 1946. I want to do the same thing for SF2. So to anyone here who has successfully configured Nvidia panel settings for SF2, may I ask for the configuration here? It can be used here as a reference for us to tweak our Nvidia panel. I appreciate any help you can provide. Cheers
  8. That is noted. I will make sure to move my SF2 modded folders out of the way before running SF2. Then move them back and replace default files. Thank you for the warning. Looks like I may have to reinstall KAW mod and that won't take that long. Cheers
  9. Hello everyone, I recently got a new gaming laptop to replace my broken, aging laptop. This one comes with Windows 11 preinstalled. Have anyone solved the problems with the black screen when starting modded SF2? When I launched SF2 (Non-modded), the main menu was loaded. However, if I run SF2 with mods, it gets stuck in the black screen after the splash screen. I am using the 12th intel CPU with RTX 3080Ti. I have installed the latest driver. Any advice is appreciated. Cheers
  10. I see. if you do not want to reinstall mods when moving to the new computer or laptop, you can let SF2 run .exe and create option.ini first. Then change option.ini to point to the location of your modded SF2. Then it will work. That way you do not have to re-install mods from scratch again.
  11. I figured out how to get it working. In order to fix the black screen, I had to do this: - Run any modded SF2 for the first time WITHOUT modifying saved files (option.ini) for the first time. - After running it for the first time, I modified the option to point the location of modded SF2 folder to an external SSD where all SF2 installation are. Now I am able to fly modded SF2 without problems. When you move to the new computer or laptop, you had to run .exe for the first time before changing option.ini. If not, you might get black screen like I did. Cheers
  12. I am happy this post is created, so we community can give it a try! If anyone dont' mind, can you share your nvidia panel settings with us too? That way we can exchange the settings and experiment which works the best for us with the Nvidia video card. Cheers!
  13. I purposely copied IL-2 1946 Nvidia setting as an example to explain what I was trying to do here. I am not using the Il-2 1946 Nvidia setting for SF2. However, I am now working on configuring my own version for SF2. I agree with you that Antialiasing is a MUST have for SF2. Cheers
  14. Thank you for the reply. What I was meant to ask is the specific settings (configuration) for Nvidia panel. For example, triple buffering, AA, CPU Cuba, etc. When I tweaked IL-2 1946, I followed this guide as an example: I am asking for SF2 version from the community here who have tweaked it to work the best way with SF2.
  15. Hello everyone, I am sharing what I am working on with the team. It is a slow project because we do it for the hobby. We are flowing along with it, and there is no ETA. Initially, I worked on Dhimar and Paran expansion pack without much research, which led me to do a project that made no sense. That was an opportunity for me to learn how to do it properly, especially in a semi-realistic way that makes sense. I decided to discontinue Dhimar and Paran expansion project because I didn't want to change the stories written by TW. Therefore, I want to honor his work. Thank the community and friends for inspiring me to work on an entirely new fictional nation that I can envision and bring into SF2. A friend of mine recommended I look into the Africa map, where the imaginary nations of Saad and Zafir come in. What took the longest time was actual research about the nations around the horn of Africa and the Arabian Peninsula and the ancient civilization around that area. The research on the language, cultures, and history was also involved. It taught me many new things, which opened me to Africa and the Arab world. This is how Saad and Zafir get an enriched history and depths with the cultures, languages, and where they come from. This led me from just making SF2 mods into writing a book. I never thought I would do it, yet I am doing it as a hobby. Then it came to me; this book is not just for SF2; it can be used for any simulation. It taught me how to be creative with the stories, including the graphic designs (flags, insignia, roundel, pilot badges, and other materials). After finishing the short history series about Saad and Zafir's ancestors, I can start focusing on finding the right aircraft for Saad and Zafir. It is intended that Saad and Zafir are truly unique to each other and the world of SF2. It won't be another classic "USA aircraft vs. Soviets Aircraft." Instead, they use various aircraft tied to Saad and Zafir history with connections to certain nations from Europe to the Middle East to Asia. They will still use some of the United States and Soviets aircraft, though. My friend has been a great teacher who taught me a lot about the military system and how they do things. I can make Saad and Zafir military semi-realistic with it, especially when being fictional nations. I intend to bridge the alternative world (SFAW) with this world in balanced ways. By the way, here is the information about the SFAW project: I will give you the brief background about Saad and Zafir. NOTE: I am NOT an expert with the language of Tigrinya. I am still looking for someone who knows the Tigrinya languages. I find them to be very interesting. It is intended that the language of Tigrinya for Saad is one of the native languages. That way, Saad can be fully immersive in the book and SF2. ሳድ (Saad) - (1920 – Present) الظافر (Zafir) - (1930 – Present) FAQs Cheers!
  16. Hello everyone! Just to let everyone know about the status of the project. I am currently still working on the aircraft, vehicle, and ships/boat sets of the list for all Saad / Zafir military branches. It is A LOT of work and requires a lot of research. So far, I have completed the list for the following nations' military: - ROSAF - ROSN (Aviation - ROSA (Aviation - ROSA (Vehicle) - ROSCG (Aviation - RZAF - RZN (Aviation) - RZA (Aviation - RZA (Vehicle) ROSN and RZN ships/boat lists are being worked on. When they are done, I will work on the British Saad, Ottoman-Qua, and Qua next. They will require far less work since they have much fewer contents than modern Saad and Zafir. They are there as a reference for any simulation. It doesn't mean they must be in SF2. If any modelers are interested in making models for SFAW, that would be great! Doing a lot of research opened my eyes to bigger military aircraft and vehicles I had not seen before! It is excellent learning every day. Please note that the list is being adjusted over time based on the discussion and feedback. It is tied to the stories and histories from the book as well. When the list sets are completed, I am moving on to prepare SF2 root folders for Saad and Zafir. It will have newly updated nations, squadron, and other .ini files tweaks. It will be designed for two eras (The 1920s to WWII and the Post-War - 1990s). After that, I am more focused on the post-war to 1990s era when I got to work on adding aircraft and other items to SF2. SFAW team members are free to work on either the 1920s to 1940s (WWII) or 1940s (The post-war) to 1990s era they wish to do. Anyone interested in joining the SFAW team, please let me know. Feel free to post here or PM me. Cheers!
  17. Since FE2 and SF2 uses the same engine, yes it is possible. We intend to use FE2 for WWI scenario. However, we are using SF2 for interwar - WWII and post war - 1990s era though.
  18. Hello everyone! I managed to change the ways of sharing the information and stories with the community in more compact methods. There are .pdf version with completed mini-books related to Saad and Zafir. You can find them directly at this link: https://combatace.com/forums/topic/97239-mod-project-strike-fighter-alternative-world-sfaw/?tab=comments#comment-795255 Or you can scroll up and see the large texts stating "Saad and Zafir history and timelines mini-books". However, Here is a direct link to the rest of Zafir history: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZniiDGfyito-lrZmmgfgX0SOvEGLKWvT/view?usp=sharing I hope everyone enjoy the mini-bokos. Cheers!
  19. Hello everyone! I am very pleased to see Trotski00 here! It is great seeing you here and thank you for the comments. You are the finest teammate and teacher. I learned a lot from you and contiune to learn new things everyday. Daddyairplanes, I humbly appreciate your feedback. I agree with both Trotski00 and Daddyairplanes, having a tactical nuclear would be too much problemic in the world of Zafir. I am going to replace tactical nuclear warhead SCUD to chemical warhead version of SCUD. Because even with that, having SCUD is a nightmare situation for SAAD and other countries. Hence, SCUD crisis. This forces Saad and Israel to team up to go on a classified operation to destroy the SCUDS, then force Zafir to sign treaty to never obtain SCUD ever again. It makes more sense this way. I am going to adjust the SCUD situation in both Saad and Zafir mini-book and will re-upload updated history of Saad above. I am blessed ot see the community showing the interests inour projects. Even though it is a slow project, like Trotski00 said, we do it with our passions and love for it. It is the hobby. As soon the Saad histiry is updated, I will start sharing the history of Zafir. UPDATE: Saad history is updated with Zafir using the chemical warheads version of SCUD. Zafir's version of mini-book si being updated too. As always, the feedback are helpful. Cheer!
  20. May I ask, do you plan on releasing this skin? I want to download it and add to my SF2 collection. I am big fans of 'what if' mods. Cheers
  21. Hello everyone, Saad's 1950s and 1960s pages are updated above. I am still contemplating about the tactical nuclear vs. chemical warhead for Zafir SCUD. If there is more feedback and discussion on this, the history of Zafir with SCUD will be adjusted too. Cheers
  22. Thank you! My IQ is not that high, I am just like you and everyone here. I still appreciate your big support! I will continue to do my best with the project. You are awesome too! Cheers!
  23. Finally feedback here! This makes me happy because the feedback are always helpful to improve my work. To answer your question. Firstly, I will quote about Zafir's situation and goals from the Zafir mini-book: Zafir strategically aimed to become a more influential nation in the Middle East and started allying with Egypt, Libya, Syria, and other nations. This further pushes Saad away from Zafir. The countries Zafir befriends considered Saad an enemy for assisting Israel’s independence. Saad then no longer allowed Zafir to join their joint aerial training programs. Since Egypt invited Zafir to invade Israel, Zafir accepted it. They prepared for it. This is what led to the first Saad - Zafir war as well. Here is a map of where Zafir sent their RZAF strike group. (Red line is a path of RZAF strike group) However, with some of the ROSAF squadron being stationed in Israel. They intercepted Zafir Strike Force. Note black line is the ROSAF intercept path. You can see the circle where the Zafir strike group was hit by ROSAF AAM. And just in case of the Zafir next strike group waves, Saad can intercept them from Saad mainland too. Note that ROSAF has an excellent selection of several interceptor aircraft with enough range to reach Zafir from Israel and Saad mainland. That is true, they are far away. However, with the specific aircraft from the Royal Zafi Air Force (RZAF) they have long-range fighter, attack, strategical, and tactical bombers to fly one way to Israel, then land in one of their allied nations surrounding Israel. Saad, in another hand, with the intelligence information, prepared for this case. They stationed some of their squadrons in Israel in the case of the Zafir invasion. When Zafir sent their long-range strike group, they were intercepted by Saad. I am going to do some updates on both Saad and Zafir sides in the mini-book about this part, so it makes more sense. They received the tactical nuclear warhead from China. Since that time when Zafir was very involved in the Korea War in the s upports to the communist nations, they formed the connection with China and North Korea and it became stronger through decades. After Zafir purchased SCUD, they had China fitting the SCUD with tactical nuclear and then sent it bac to Zafir. However, I am still considering about the possbilities of changing tactical nuclear to chemical warhead. With the given feedback, I am adjusting and adding some of the additional information to the Saad side in the mini-book. Soon the Zafir version of stories and history will be posted here. I hope everyone enjoy it too. Cheers!
  24. I have read the message where people who often said F-35 have no maneuverability, I don't know about that. I have seen various videos where F-35 does have an impressive performance.

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