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Everything posted by MrGoTime

  1. No kidding! That sounds like a steal. And then flaming cliffs is a separate install above the original LOMAC, correct?
  2. Where do I start? What's the best place to purchase? Also, I have seen some references to "flaming cliffs". Is that stand alone?
  3. I've heard a lot about that series. Is it primarily russian fighters? Where do you start with it?
  4. A flight over Afghanistan, at night

    Very cool! What's your MOS? I'm in an aviation unit as well. Gotta love those birds.
  5. Urgent Fury

    Heartbreak Ridge! (for the marine portion, anyways)
  6. Does one exist? Something that does to the desert what Green Hell did to the jungle for the Vietnam map?
  7. D'oh! I didn't really think to check the gen 1 section. I'll take a look. Thanks for the help.
  8. Tom Clancy Dies at Age 66

    Wow, everyone beat me to it. I just found out and one of my first thoughts was , "Well, guess I better play the red storm rising campaign in Nato fighters..." But RIP. I don't know anything about the man, but I have certainly enjoyed a lot of Clancy-related material. It took me a couple tries to get into RSR (I mean...the war doesn't even start for almost 150 pages!)...but once I finished it, I absolutely loved it and it now gets at least an annual read through. Clear and Present Danger, Hunt for Red October, Rainbow Six...all great books. And then of course the original Ghost Recon game (plus expansions). That is one of the few games that has never been removed from my hard drive (along with Strike Fighters and Mount & Blade). ...anyways, It's good to see a lot of folks with the same thoughts. See you in the skies over Europe!
  9. Anyone Else Furloughed Today?

  10. Air Conflict Vietnam?

    All, I was browsing a couple gaming websites and saw this. http://www.gamersgate.com/DD-ACV/air-conflicts-vietnam Has anyone else heard about it? It looks similar to SF2 Vietnam and WOV (although, it does look much more arcade-y). What do you all think? -Minuteman
  11. So...we're basically hosed? No changing the names on the roster? I haven't been able to explore this option yet...
  12. Anyone Else Furloughed Today?

    We had a lot of shutdowns today too. Our AGRs were still in, but all of the mday guys (part timers) were blocked. Their drill was postponed until further notice. Honestly, the only guys that really were authorized to come in and get paid are a couple of our companies who are in their pre-mobilization phase for upcoming deployments. But there were a LOT of guys who did not make it in today.
  13. Is there any way to edit an already generated squadron roster for a campaign? Or can one only change the pool.
  14. All I Can Say Is.....

    All I can reply with is...
  15. Does that change the pool that names are pulled from? Or is it savegame specific?
  16. All, I'm fairly new to the SF2 series. I played the heck out of WOV and WOE and loved it, and only recently bought the full merged install of SF2 (except for EXP 2, but I'll be picking that up this coming payday). I know there are excellent ports of the ODS and NATOcampaigns that I'll be picking up when the DL section is online, and am way stoked about that. Also hoping to find an updated version of the WOV expansion mod. What other great 3rd party campaigns are there? By any chance are there any in the Balkans? PS - Sorry if this is elsewhere and I missed it.
  17. Sorry if this has been asked. I am sure the Website guys are hard at work getting the DL section up and going, so I mean no offense by asking. But I just recently (with a good commission check, finally) purchased all of the expansions and iterations of the SF2 series and want to DL all the mods I was holding off on. Particularly, Nato Fighters and Operation Desert Storm. Does anyone know of an alternate place to download those? Or am I just SOL until the Combatace downloads are back up and going? Thanks in advance for your help. -Cam
  18. Kosovo/Serbia?

    Fellow Combatace folks, There's a chance I might be heading to Kosovo (from the US) for year or so within the next couple years. I was wondering if there was anybody onsite here that could give me some personal views on the area? I've read a few books and some general articles about it, but would be interested in actually hearing about it from folks who have been there, or currently live there. Any takers? PM me please, I'd sure appreciate it. Thanks all.
  19. Roger that. In that case, please forward my appreciation on to Erik! Though I do appreciate your efforts too. Thanks gents. Look forward to it soon (hopefully!).
  20. Gents - thanks all for the replies. Lesson definitely learned...once the DLs are up, I'll back them all up on my external. In the meantime, I suppose I'll just be satisfied with the stock campaigns! Though I am particularly excited to cut my teeth on the Desert Storm campaign. I played the original ODS mod on Wings over Europe and had a blast. I'm pretty stoked to get it up and going with the SF2 stuff. Dave - Sure appreciate what you and your crew are doing here. This is a great resource for a great sim(s). I appreciate it. -Cam
  21. Thanks for the quick response. Unfortunately, that's what I figured!! I will wait. Good thing TK has plenty of good stock campaigns to hold me over.

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