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Posts posted by WTRAdmin

  1. F-105s....F-105s?  Is someone actually referencing the Vietnam conflict other than myself and Sundowner?  I thought all us old geezer fans long disappeared.  Anyway, we like F-105s.  A lot.  But not enough to make one with functioning bomb bay doors, since as Wrench and others shared even though designed for that capability they were never used as intended.  Fun fact, our project advisors including Thud Pilots shared that many times the bomb bay doors were literally sealed/riveted shut.  But who knows, maybe just for fun in the future we'll add that functionality but definitely put it on the "wish list."  Well, since you brought up the topic, just for fun here is our latest Thud updates and bonus sneak peek of WTR Terrain and Atmospherics 2.0...  :smile:





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  2. For those familiar with the project, the When Thunder Rolled era is primarily set from May to November of 1966 during Operation Rolling Thunder over North Vietnam.   While that helps limit the scope of aircraft, it does not mean we are limiting the development efforts.  We'd like to solicit your feedback, please.  Which Vietnam-ear aircraft/helos would you like to see made available - of course up to our high fidelity standards the best we can.  As a reference point, when we last ran this poll, the Skyraider ended up taking the top spot followed by the F-100F and the Mig-17...your feedback welcomed and encouraged. 


    Bonus Screenie - and thus, this was made reality...any talented and interested Skyraider skinners please PM me...



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  3. 4 hours ago, snapper 21 said:

    When you have been reading this post for a while and then the book but just realised the link :biggrin:

    If you're reading the book you'll absolutely have an even greater appreciation for the project, especially as we are replicating the missions not only as the book describes but in accordance with Ed's actual flight logs.  Just curious if you have a favorite mission/experience in mind you're hoping to enjoy? 

  4. If you've ever supported the When Thunder Rolled Project in anyway, first again accept my sincere appreciation and gratitude.  I would ask that you please email me with your contributions list and an upcoming announcement at:  admin@whenthunderrolled.com .  If you're still interested in contributing in some way, we welcome and encourage you to reach out.  Just to avoid any misguided speculation, this request is not implying any near-term release date.  Thanks again, here's a good blast of early 2Q 2019 WTR screenies that are long overdue...hope you enjoy.








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  5. 3 hours ago, Soulfreak said:





    @Soulfreak – that looks outstanding.   Look at that attention to detail; side stenciling, placards, texture gradient/weathering, just love it!  I know not everyone appreciates these kinds of details but it looks terrific.   I guess I owe a picture since I responded here in the screenshot thread, so here's something similar in detail as we work to at long last to finalize the Thud after many years... but just to be clear the push buttons are inop (LOL).


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  6. Decided to post here rather than in the WTR Forum since hoping this might be a good collaboration opportunity.


    We are trying to better understand the current logic of fuel consumption and potential for air-to-air refueling (although a long shot).

    So first question, in debug mode does the "Fuel Weight" variable as displayed actually represent the remaining fuel?  

    There must be a logic check given against a certain memory register, especially because there is a trigger that signals the Bingo Fuel call (I think we narrowed that down to 2.2 if I recall).

    So therefore, theoretically it could be something like:  If FuelWeight<=2.2 then...messagesystem Bingo Fuel.


    Does anyone have any more insight or info to share on this?  Would under the Gen2 series, would we still need a 2nd "fake" engine to reverse fuel flow?

    What about creating, just for test purposes, an engine that only runs in reverse so to speak?  If we were to collaborate on that, then we could assess from the debug what values are changing.  After that of course, I would think someone on our team could dig deeper through the memory registers but I realized we don't have all the base knowledge to start.  Interestingly enough we were able to make the fuel gauge "go up" but realized that was just the draw call on how to paint the needle.  So the hunt continues...






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