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About TSMcQueen

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  1. Ah, yes....welllll....as soon as I get rid of XP on my old box. :D LOL.
  2. Hmmm.....I do believe I have a template for AD's Oscar....
  3. I just recently downloaded your Solomans V3 update. Excellent!! Yeah...I missed about 3 years worth of "stuff". LOL and prior to that I was heavily into FE. I always seem to go back to my original flight sim passion... WWII . So here I am again...albeit a bit lost and "reinventing the wheel" it seems.
  4. Thanks for the reply. I have one for Wolf's but his is a latter model 43II I think. Wandering through the files I will go.
  5. http://www.j-aircraft.com/research/rdunn/nakajima_ki43arm.htm If the data is correct the author comes to a reasonable conclusion, IMHO. So, crack open those K-43 data.inis and change one of the 7.7's to "12.7MM_Ho103". Limit MaxAmmo= to 300. As the 2 - 7.7mm versions were fairly common, you can copy and rename the "1 & 1" version Ki-43Ib or something to differentiate the 2.
  6. Hey folks. Is there a natural metal skin for AD's Ki-43? Can't seem to find one. Since they all left the factory unpainted, it would make a great "canvas". Unfortunately I don't know enough about the "mechanics" of paint programs to make my own, but I can sling a paintbrush.
  7. Lol. Yeah, I guess I should've. :D I'll try that one. Thanks!
  8. Thanks for all the replies. Its the Martin B-26 version I was interested in, not the Douglas. :)
  9. Raven. Its the ATeam B-26B. I just got it off their site a few days ago. It DOES work in my 08 level installs...just not @ the 06 patch level.
  10. Thanks for the replies. Gatling20...no go. I had already tried just one lod , but not that particular combination. Raven...starting in air. CTD at 100%. This is on the new WWII Euro map. Base size is set to Medium.
  11. Ok...I did a "search". Didn't find anything so sorry if this has been asked about before...I'm sure it has. Is there a fix out there to get the DAT B-26b working in an 06 level install? It is causing CTDs and I really NEED a B-26. TIA!
  12. True. I've added "timed fuze" versions of the 20mm's and a 37mm Flak gun...modded Fubar's 57mm Flak effect (smaller bursts and different sound) for the 20's. Still have tracer firing guns too so you get a mix of tracers and flak. IMO it adds to the visual effect of more flak....especially when every damned gun in the target area is shooting at YOU! LOL.
  13. The version of the old terrain I have has some files dated 05 but the water effects don't work. With your new terrain, everything works fine...just has the brighter yellow/greenish color at the beach line. But what the heck, the terrain is not built for SF1. A minor distraction if anything. :D BTW...Wrench, great work on the new terrain. With the old terrain I had started working on modifying AAA around targets, etc. With your terrain, I find that is not necessary. :D Lol...If you don't give your AI buddies the RTB call after a couple of passes on a target, they will die. :D
  14. Yes, I just used what Wrench posted. The sea/land transitions still look the same as in the pic I posted. I haven't had time to see if experimenting with the offset values makes a difference yet. Still a VAST improvement over the old terrain overall.

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