We fly it often in a LAN setting and thought adding anti air to the dogfight session would liven things up and keep people corralled in a bit. We do both coop and dogfight every 4-6 weeks. Plus some battlefield as well. Good times.
So, is there a way to add anti air? I know Major Lee had worked on an air race map that he was adding it to but never saw a finished product to look at.
This happens in missions or coop or dogfights, even when you first spawn so I don't think it is edge of the world issues. Is there an upper limit as well?
For instance, in ANW when we play most of the time it is OK but some aircraft the vew is offset to far outside the aircraft and at an angle. Sometimes going to F4 and back to F1 will work or it will suddenly start sliding into the correct position. Any idea what might be going on? It never happens in Germany or Desert Storm. We are on the 08 update.
If you go to an outside view, it is also offset when this happens.