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Posts posted by Rends

  1. I played the Alpha back in July. It was fun as hell HOWEVER they are saying no dedicated severs. If that doesn't change I may skip it. They are going to the way are most recent COD's and that blows.


    EA confirmed dedicated servers but there won't be server browser (yet).


    Btw: there is a free for all beta in 5 days.

  2. Guys,

    Got the Vietnam version a couple of days ago and it feels so different then Europe or NA.

    First i don't know that much about the Vietnam war. Sure i've watched Platoon or Full Metal Jacket in the past.

    I know what Vietkongs are or Napalm but not much about the history. I'm currently watching a 12 part documentation on YT to learn more about it.

    But back to SF2. I flew 5 mission and got killed 4 times. I survived one but that was the carrier landing mission without enemy contact.

    In the first mission flying a Phantom i tried to go infight with a Mig17. Even with afterburner i ran into stall in horizontal turns and it ended beeing shot few minutes later. The Phantom turned like a brick.

    Learned from the first i tried a more boom and zoom tactic with vertical turns in the second mission. That worked better but all 4 Sidewinders went into Nirvana. Noone tracked a Mig. Got a lucky shot with the cannon but was shot by another moments later.

    In the third mission i tried to use the Sparrow. In the meantime i found out that the Sidewinders need to be released at a very close range >2 mls. But how do you target and track an enemy with this poor Radar?

    There is search and boresight radar only but the target aquire function button didn't seem to work . At least not for me. So i couldn't fire up a Sparrow. Not to mention that i was shot down minutes later again.

    In the fourth mission i tried a bombing mission. Thought it would be easier. But i was wrong. I was able to hit an airfield fuel depot but the damn NVA AA guys shot my bird in pieces.

    Any help would be usefull :-)




    Btw Starys green hell looks great. And he is right. It's a damn hell!

  3. Ich war im August da.

    Fand es auch schade, das die Maschinen teilweise Wind und Wetter ausgesetzt sind, was man denen dann auch ansieht.

    Ärgerlicher fand ich, das etliche NVA Flieger mit Luftwaffe Symbolen daherkamen, die hätte man doch wieder in den Originalzustand versetzen können.

    Auch das ganze Flak Zeugs das auf dem Weg zur Halle 7 (?) links und rechts der Rollbahn steht, sieht eher aus wie eine Rumpelbude.

    Dafür waren die Flieger in den Hallen und die Hallen selbst im ordentlichen Zustand.

    An Duxford kommen die aber trotzdem nicht ran. Da scheint bei den Briten wohl wesentlich mehr Geld vorhanden zu sein.

  4. 33Lima,

    Thx for playing my map!

    Seems that you enjoyed it somewhat.

    If i remember right you should set the difficulty slider to 7 or above and there will be more soviet units appear at the final stage of the mission. Not a real counterattack but some more targets.

    One reason for not creating a counterattack was the limited PC system i used back in time.

    I still have the original map and mission files so adding a counterattack would be possible but with my limited time at the moment i don't think it will be done anytime soon.

  5. Rends:


    It would appear that three of the Ground Objects specified in the TYPES.INI are missing from the GroundObject folder supplied with the mod:


    LKW 1

    LKW 4





    Eric Howes


    Eric, they arn't missing. They are not used on the map because they didn't fit in the cold war era. I had them in for testing only.






    One more find: the destroyed files for the Container_Ship and Tanker2 are missing. I've attached a RAR with them to this post.


    Eric Howes


     Ships_Destroyed.rar

    Thx for the files. I'm not sure if i used the Tanker2 on the map in the release file but the Containership is in.


    One thing about the Nato mod. Keep in mind that it will not work any longer once i release an updated version of the Germany terrain.

    Then you need todo the complete editing saga again. This was already discussed with Eric a couple of posts earlier in this thread.

    But you should be fine for the next weeks or months. I'm busy with reallife at the moment and havn't found spare time to go on modding.


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