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Everything posted by Rends

  1. Blaze, Could you please describe exactly what you have done? I only get daylight in winter if i set the Latitude to around 30 in the germanyce ini
  2. I installed the modded Germany terrain from the download section here and i realy love it! There is one thing that i would like to have changed and that is the water color of the rivers and northsea. It looks to blue. Remember that in the 60-80s the waterquality was in a bad shape through industrial contamination. And i also also find that the Northsea should look somewhat morebluegrey too. I found this image on the Screenshot section ( i don't know the Terrain) http://s262.photobucket.com/user/malibu43/media/CombatAce/img00008_zpsc8ba8610.jpg.html I have no clue how the water works in this game and if it's only a single file that needs to be changed or if it's a difficult work but i would be glad if someone could create such water. Thx, Rends
  3. Ok, found thread and to quote Stary "sadly, repaint water parts of ALL water tiles" it seem like a lot of work...
  4. In WWII there were some US aircrafts flying in the pacific theatre only. The F4U Corsair comes into my mind. But what about the cold war era? Would we have seen all aircrafts or some not?
  5. Hm, 70s up to the late 80s ,western europe ( germany terrain inc. Northsea).
  6. Thx for creating the Tornado. I love it. One thing i want to mention: i watched AI (GR.1) gunning a ground AAunit. Ai attacked it a couple of times but aimed about 30-50m to far everytime.Played at normal diff. setting if this is importand. Rends Ps: is the german version out yet?
  7. Hi, Once in a mission if i hit the m key to watch the map i find it very uninfomative. Looks like i'm staring at a low res version of terrain tiles. Any chance to get a better map with more information. Would like to see town and airbase names and roads ect... At the moment it's more a guess where i am rather than realy knowing.
  8. Ok, that clears it all, no chance to get a different map if the inflight map his created by the terrain tiles.Not a big deal i can life that way. Thx for all your comments Btw: the old school compass stopwatch airspeed indicator thingy wouldn't work if you don't know the distances .
  9. So real pilots don't look at real maps during a flight?
  10. Hm, that's what i thought but hoped that there was a Workaround or fix for a better map like the one in the Editor.
  11. I'm not sure about the alt. I was low but not close to the ground. The Migs were at the same alt trying to fly slow as possible .from their view the the Transport were in line with the horizon . I thought they should have killed me with the missiles.
  12. Just another noob question. I just havn't found out yet how to remove the top right Radar. I'm playing at normal settings right now. Rends
  13. Got it (not) working through the huddata editing. Thx all!
  14. I just read in the KB what needs to be done to use and addon aircraft as players plane in a campaign. But what about AI units. Lets say i install the Tornado in SF2E. If i choose now a single mission or start a campaign will the game engine make use of it without further file editing or do i need to make some tweaks? I know that ground objects like the installed AA Roland/Gepard will be used randomly by the game engine without further editing.
  15. Ok,thx I just saw some Transall in parked positions with open doors on my airfield. Whow that's realy cool! Need to find out the campaign tweaking...
  16. Nice to hear Florian. Well if i remember right the days when i was a child the G.91 had a orange painted Nose and Transalls Rudder was painted Orange still in the 80s. I don't remember the orange on the engines maybe wingtips but i'm not sure. Looking forward to the Orion and the CH-53 :-)
  17. Yep, same tiles just bigger. More information? No.
  18. Realy love this one, thx for creating it. One wiered thing i notice yesterday when flying the Transall. During the mission i was attacked by 2 Mig21s. They fired a couple of missiles from behind and everyone missed the plane. It seems that the missiles didn't detect the planes. Once released the missiles go down to earth in a very flat curve. It didn't look that they ever locked on the plane. I was later shot down by gunfire.
  19. Thx guys for all your hel! It takes sometimes a couple of days to understand how a new game "works" Rends
  20. Oh, great, wonder why i overseen this but i had a look at different addon sections and there is so many stuff i guess i just have overseen this one. Thx for the link! Rends Btw: i just checked the F-4F the Starfighter the Fiat G.91 and the Transall and all don't have the orange color. Well i was pretty sure i saw the orange anywhere. Maybe it was just in the Screenshot thread or as static ground model...or maybe a different skin i used? Anyway i'm happy they don't appear in game by default.
  21. Edit: i don't mean the Orion but the Breguett Atlantic and forget the tiny Alpha Jet :)
  22. If i install an aircraft skin will it replace the stock one or is it for the players plane only? What i would like to have if i find a skin i like that it replace the stock one. It should be used as standart skin for the players plane and choosed by the game for AI planes too?
  23. Ok thx. Once i find some skins i will try that out.
  24. Ok Florian, will do that once i found out what aircraft use the. The Phantom seems fine need to check the Starfighter. Havn't installed the Tornado yet but saw orange on the Transall and Fiat G.91 Don't remember more Planes used by the Germans in the 70/80s that are in game right now. Would like to see the Orion,Bronco or some helicopter but i don't think they are available yet
  25. Florian, thx for the explanation. It makes sense. Oh it seems that i wasn't that clear about the german plane skins. I'm looking for those without the orange color. Danke nochmal, Rends

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