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Everything posted by Rends

  1. I might add some more routes to the movement.ini of the GermanyCE Terrain. but before doing this i need to make sure not to mess up the file. First question about start and End Areas . Example: [Route004] RouteType=GROUND_ATTACK StartArea=Schwerin EndArea=Lübeck RoutePosition[001]=497000.0,753000.0 RoutePosition[002]=525000.0,739000.0 I read that Start area must be one side (Red in this case) and EndArea blue side (Lübeck) But if i check the route in TFD tool it doesn't mean that start and end positions are Close to one of the towns. In this case it's just a short part in the middle between towns) So is it possible to add a route but the Start town isn't near to the route? Example: if i want a route on the Island (marked red) and create a route (yellow) will this work if i set the StartArea to Wismar and the endArea to Lübeck? Next question. In the first example the Type is set to Ground_attack but there arn't' any Position for the defenders? Are the Defender Unit positions created by the game engine without adding any entries? And last question. Are there Limits how many Routes and Route positions can be added to the movement.ini? Edit: One more. Can i add groundattack routes further west ( for an ongoing campaign) that will be active later in the campaign if red side moved the front to the west?
  2. Whow, Fubar, compared with your one there is only a tiny Containership on the map. Where to get yours?
  3. If you look closer you will find a containership next to a cargoship in one of the screenshots. There is also a Soviettanker on the map.
  4. Thx for clarification. One more. Is it allowed that routes cross each other?
  5. Today i noticed on two tracks that the ground units didn't move from start to end but from end to start. The first mission was a antishipping one and i had created a short shipping route with start town Cuxhaven and endtown Hamburg. But once i reached the area with my Mig the Ships moved the wrong direction from Hamburg to Cuxhaven. The other mission was armed recon . I had to shoot some soviettrucks but instead moving from east to west they headed to opposite direction. I checked the routes in tfd tool. The shiptrack was created by myself but the track route not. Both tracks had in common that they are realy short and have start and end points only. Other tracks guess they are stock are way longer with more waypoints. And they work fine. Should i spread the routes or add more waypoints to make them working correctly?
  6. SF2 Germany Flughäfen...wo?

    Wäre echt Klasse, wenn du das noch machst :-)
  7. SF2 Germany Flughäfen...wo?

    Ok,danke, die open Hangars sind jetzt in gemischter Bauweise auf den DDR Flugplätzen. Muss die wohl übersehen haben und hatte nur die von Wingwiner. Schön, das die roten Leuchten weg sind. Hab da noch die Tortexturen etwas modifiziert, so dass sie keine englischen Schilder mehr haben, sehen jetzt etwas sozialistischer aus ;-) PS: bin etwas beunruhigt, das der Florian sich nicht meldet, der hat ja wohl hoffentlich nicht rüber gemacht, in den Osten...
  8. SF2 Germany Flughäfen...wo?

    Hmm, Nee hab ich nicht offen, aber geschlossen? Dachte die wären von Wingwiner?
  9. If i set in Options the effect setting above medium it will always turn AA on. Even if i tweak the options.ini and set AntiAliasing= 0 it will be on ingame. My intelHD4000 can't handle AA well it will result in low framerates. What i want is bumpmapping ingame. PS: with Jumas terrain updated installed i have bumpmapping only at the riverbank tiles. Is there something that needs to be done to get it on other terrain tiles too?
  10. SF2 Germany Flughäfen...wo?

    Ich glaub nicht. Wie heißen die denn?
  11. Seems that the Start point is not exactly the Spawn area. If you look at the screenshot (made prior changes) i modified the shipping route 10S1 close to Wismar (half km north of the harbour). But the ships spawn on land .
  12. SF2 Germany Flughäfen...wo?

    Wenn du die Transall Hangar meinst, dann ja.
  13. SF2 Germany Flughäfen...wo?

    Ohne Florians Sachen kann ich das gar nicht veröffentlichen. Ist er immer noch krank? Dachte ihm ging es schon besser...
  14. SF2 Germany Flughäfen...wo?

    Ok. Ich park jetzt noch ein paar LKWs dazwischen :-)
  15. SF2 Germany Flughäfen...wo?

    Ja funktionieren beide gut. Nur wenn man ganz nah dran ist,kann man die Spalten zwischen den Containern sehen und feststellen, das die hohl sind.stört mich aber nicht wirklich.
  16. SF2 Germany Flughäfen...wo?

    Prima! Morgen will ich das Mod eigentlich veröffentlichen, hab die Tage aber nix mehr von Florian gehört.
  17. GermanCE Terrain Re-Work Preview

    Hi, It's made with the 70-80s timeframe in mind.
  18. Das deutsche Lied zum ESC

    Ich kann da gar nicht mitreden,hab die finalen Folgen von Enterprise gesehen :-) Aber hätte der Fernseher ne Tastatur, bekäme das Wort ESC ja noch ne andere Bedeutung ;-)
  19. Ok, do i understand you right that at Start area is the "spawn" Location of one side and the end area the "spawn" location of the different side and then they move closer to each other and start firing when in range?
  20. I'm realy looking forward to this mod. Looks great!
  21. After tragic death of my wingman by friendly fire i know now that you get red messages too if you aehm hmmm shhot at the aehm ...
  22. SF2 Germany Flughäfen...wo?

    Gibt es noch ne Chance auf die Container diese Woche? Wenn nicht, würde ich temporär die kleinen GruppenContainer aus dem Desert Terrain nehmen. Da bräuchte es aber diverse von.

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