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Everything posted by VonS

  1. WOTR

    @OP, might I recommend the two performance-oriented links (for aircraft in WOTR Phase One) located towards the bottom of the following post. Might help out with optimal prop. RPMs, fuel mixtures, etc., since there are more things to juggle in the cockpit in WOTR than in WOFF. Good revs., acceleration and climb rates to you, Von S
  2. Many thanks for this model Stephen - great to see more modding happening for FE2. Cheers all, Von S
  3. FM Upgrade Package for BH&H2 now available at the following link. (Upgrades the previous, ver. 6.5 FM pack that is available for WOFF UE/PE.) EDIT: see top post of this thread for relevant download link(s), etc. Cheers all, Von S
  4. Hello fellow FE2-ers, Just a quick note for those running FE2 on Intel-based Macs (either in a WINE program or directly in Win7, 8.1, 10, etc. in Bootcamp) -- that you might find the info. in the following post (regarding WOFF/WOTR and the latest M1, ARM-based Macs) helpful. In short, for now - recommended is to keep flying FE2 only on Intel-based Macs, in versions of Windows no later than Win10. No guarantees at this point that Win11 can be effectively "shoehorned" onto Intel-Mac hardware, nor any guarantees as to how well FE2 may run in Win11, if at all. Furthermore, the latest ARM-based Macs only support ARM-based vers. (not the x64 branch) of Win11, and only via virtualization (no direct bare-metal Win11/ARM installs available for latest Macs so far -- the point is ultimately an irrelevant one I suppose since FE2 will never be "translated" to run as an ARM-based application anyway -- and I doubt that it would run stably using the x86/x64 virtualization layer that is found inside ARM-based Win11 installs anyway). Happy flying all, Von S
  5. Windows 11 & WOFF/WOTR

    Re-copying my post from SimHQ here -- for those who do not frequent SimHQ but are running WOFF/WOTR on Intel-chip Macs. ----- Thanks Pol for this info. - also recommended is that Mac WOFFers (and WOTRers) for the time being stick either with WINE (skin/bottler) installs, or Win10-in-Bootcamp installs, of any recent vintage of WOFF (UE and later eds.). Will be a while before I test WOFF in Win11 on a Mac - for starters, I will try testing a standalone/clean install of Win11 with TPM disabled, so that I can "shoehorn" Win11 onto my Intel Mac hardware. For those on Macs and curious to experiment, recommended is to check over info. for how to disable TPM in Win11, as well as how to make a Win11 ISO. VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: Currently, the latest (M1 chip, ARM-based) Mac hardware only supports Win11 (and only the ARM variant of Win11) in virtualization software such as Parallels. Currently there is no Mac-hardware-installable version of the ARM-based Win11 available - only via virtualization - and support is still undetermined even regarding the virtualized version, on Macs. Previous Win versions that are x86/x64-based may only be installed up to the latest Intel-chip-based generation of Macs. This means that the x64 version of Win11, that is still the (common) branch of Win, going forward, and that may still support your various Win-based flight sims., on your Mac hardware - is installable (unofficially) only on Intel-based Macs, but will obviously never be installable on ARM-based (M1 and later generations of) Macs. Macs have now moved back to their own, proprietary processors, ARM-based -- and so Mac flight-simmers are unofficially back in the "dark ages" of Mac gaming, of the pre-Intel Mac era -- those old enough to remember should at this point think of PPC-era Macs ("Power PC" processors such as the 603, 604, 604e, etc., used also in some IBM servers I think and typical of beige-box computing of the 1995 to 2005 period). I would rather be a Mac unsupported, Intel sinner than a disenfranchised armchair simmer, huffing and puffing as to why his hissy-fitting Hisso SPAD-on-ARM chip's prop - isn't spinning. Cheers all and happy tweaking of unsupported (x64) Win11/legacy Mac hardware combos., Von S Further edit: According to the unofficial WineSkin continuation project page, for Macs, it seems that there will be support for some x86/x64 programs in WineSkin on ARM-based Macs, but it requires WINE engine WineCX20.0.4 (or later, the cx by the way probably referring to the "CrossOver" WINE project code) -- also required is installation of "Rosetta2" -- the other min. requirement is macOS ver. 11.x.x. Rosetta2 allows ARM-chipped Macs to run Mac-Intel-built programs (but not necessarily Windows-native Intel programs, which is of course a major problem if you want to install Win/Intel-based flight sims. on latest-generation Macs). Keep in mind that this is all obscurely experimental and I don't recommend betting on Windows flight-sim. stability, for now, if ever, on such obscure WINE/Win11 combos. - or even betting on loading your flight sims into a virtualized ARM-based Win11 install on the latest Macs and then hoping that the x86/x64 virtualization layer available inside the ARM-based Win11 environment will maybe support your flight sims. Much safer for now is to keep WOFFing in WINE on Intel Macs, or in Win10 in Bootcamp on Intel Macs.
  6. New Aircraft

    Available in the package under this post (also available there is a Pfalz D.III and D.IIIa). Cheers, Von S
  7. Combatace access issues.

    I'm getting the strange feeling, from the latest posts, that older Edge (html/Trident-based) is working fine, but newer Edge/Chredge (Chromium-based) is experiencing hiccups with CombatAce - may be speculation from my end but perhaps something worth looking into. Good luck all and hope that you experience smooth connecting with CombatAce soon, Von S
  8. Combatace access issues.

    No trouble accessing the site from my end - on the older Edge (HTML/Trident based), Firefox (extended support release), Pale Moon (fork of an older ver. of Firefox). I recommend re-setting/re-starting your router and/or cable modem - also clearing cache/passwords/history in your desktop web browsers, as per the good advice posted in posts above mine. Also, if you are using the newer Edge/Chredge (Chromium-based) - or upgraded to it recently from the older Edge - double-check settings in the upgraded Edge (might be the case that the problem is there, somewhere, in the settings - since I noticed on my laptop that some settings were changed once Edge rolled over to Chredge in my ver. 2004 Win10 install). On my desktop computer, on the other hand, I've locked down my Win10 Bootcamp partition to ver. 1809 of Win10 - so I still have the older Edge there (older and newer Edges by the way can co-exist in Win10 but it requires some settings tweaks as per this post, and others). Good luck with the tweaks, Von S
  9. New Aircraft

    No worries Wilches - all fixed now. The Breguet XIV (French/Fiat and USAS/Liberty variants) and Junkers J.I packages may be found for download under the initial download location for those models, under this post (near the top of page 26 of this thread). Happy flying all, Von S
  10. New Aircraft

    Bumping up this thread, and to mention that the download links on pages 26 and 27 (hosted on a third-party website) to the Breguet XIV and Junkers J.1, kindly uploaded by Wilches - are no longer working. (Smaller attachments may be posted directly in posts here on CombatAce, by the way - less hassle and no broken links that way.) Cheers all, Von S
  11. Hello gents, another trick worth trying, if you're too lazy to re-install everything onto another HDD/SSD, is to open the Windows registry and drill down into the following folder: HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/OBD Software/Wings Over Flanders Fields Once there, double-click the entry called "OFFPath," then change the info. in the "Value data:" section to point to the correct drive where you have moved/copied over your previous WOFF install, and click "OK." The entry I have, for example, under "Value data:" is: C:\OBDSoftware\WOFF\OBDWW1 Over Flanders Fields This would be the relevant entry to change, depending on where you have moved your WOFF install. Have never experimented with this on my rig. since WOFF is on my C drive (and is always in the C drive when installing in a WineSkin/Bottler), but it's worth a shot and might save you from doing an entire re-install. If successful, the same info. would apply when copying WOTR to other drives too. Cheers all and happy tinkering, Von S
  12. Geezer pilots pack

    Hi Julio, as far as I know Geezer never released a large pilots pack officially, especially some of those WW2 pilots that he modeled. He did allow that the WW1 pilot with a mustache be released (available at the following link, with the BE2a: https://combatace.com/forums/topic/87403-tweaked-flight-models-and-realism-pack-for-fe2/?page=8&tab=comments#comment-780396). and also that the WW1 pilot with the green scarf covering the face be released - that one will be included in the Bleriot XI model, when it is finally/hopefully completed. Happy flying, Von S
  13. New Flanders

    Hi Dresam, I've been away from flight simming since about late June, after the ver. 1.3 AI/DM update for RoF was released, partly because of work-related duties. So I haven't been as active on the forums as previously. Hope you are enjoying flying FE2. Greetings, Von S
  14. Squadron disappeared

    @OP, make sure that the "enable 3rd party missions" option in the WOFF sim. menu is toggled "on" - if you have loaded Bletchley's mission and defense mission packages via JSGME. Otherwise oddities may result while flying. Also, Bletchley's missions result in many more lone-wolf missions assigned, from what I've read, than stock missions. The only other thing I can think of is to make sure that you are loading the correct third-party missions for BH&H2 - called "Bletchley's Mission Types (BH&H II Version 1)" and "Bletchley's Defence Mission Types (BH&H II Version 1)." Both are located under this link: https://thatoneplease.co/generalWOFF.html If running WOFF UE/PE instead, download the package called "WOFF UE Mission Mods (Version 3.1)." For the record, I don't fly third-party missions so I can't help with other details/oddities regarding them. Happy flying, Von S
  15. drivers

    Wishing you good optimism sir - at least you are running WOFF on team green's apparatus. AMD-vid. card WOFFers are recommended instead - and if experiencing oddities - to check over this helpful thread: https://simhq.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/4560077/amd-help-and-support#Post4560077 Cheers all and happy tweaking, Von S
  16. That's correct Wrench, m/s - so 5 kph translates to about 1.4 m/s higher for safe landing speed (compared to stall speed). Sorry for the kph confusion - I usually think in kph when tweaking the data inis for FE2, then add meters (three zeros), divide by 3600 secs etc., to get m/s - before plugging in the actual values. Cheers all, in metric and imperial units, Von S
  17. General rule is to keep the LandingSpeed about 5 kph higher (1.4 m/s higher), on average, than the StallSpeed, in the "FlightControl" section of the data ini (works well for AI landings in FE2, and may be worth a shot in SF2 as well). Another, trickier way to manipulate landings, and takeoffs - is to tweak numbers located under the CL0MachTableData section in the "LeftStab" and "RightStab" entries of the relevant data ini. There are usually a minimum of three or four, and a maximum of seven or eight, entries in those CL0Mach sections per left/right stab. From what I've had to tinker with in FE2, it seems that the median value is 1.000. That keeps the elevator parallel with the horizontal stabilizer. Values higher than 1.000 lower the elevator (to improve dives, etc.), while values lower than 1.000, particularly negative numbers, raise the elevator (for steeper takeoffs, improved climbs, etc.). Fixing the CL0 numbers, however, for left/right stabs, while solving some problems - may also introduce or exaggerate other ones. Have seen this happen in FE2, with a strange, instantaneous reversal of direction on some aircraft, just before they land - if too much experimenting is done with those CL0 numbers. Recommended therefore is to stick with changes in the StallSpeed and LandingSpeed values instead - if everything else about the landing/takeoff procedure looks smooth enough. Thoughts above are from experiences in FE2, but may carry over to SF2. Cheers all, Von S
  18. Mods Recommendations?

    90% or so of mods available are still for the UE/PE eds. of WOFF. The consolidated airfields mods by RJW and company, including other addons that go with that airfields mod, have been upgraded for BH2 - should be indicated somewhere in the info. next to the download links if they are BH2-compatible, since the older airfields mods that are for WOFF UE, also PE, are still available on that site too. The only other mods that have been upgraded to BH2-compatibility so far, as far as I am aware, are the MissionEd, also the MultiMod, as well as the bombsights mod and tracer mods (these last four are all by JJJ). The interesting thing about the MultiMod is that older UE/PE-compatible versions also work well with BH2 (as in my case) - only thing to keep in mind is that if using an older ver. of the MultiMod, the OrbyxP "fuel consumption" mod entry, within the MultiMod, will be perpetually toggled to "on" if using it with BH2. One other thing worth mentioning - some of the UE/PE-era mods work with BH2, such as 4L0M's improved clouds mods, that give 1 MB+ size clouds (since some stock clouds are less than 1 MB in size) - doesn't hurt to experiment since most of the mods are JSGME-friendly so they can easily be offloaded if not compatible. Note: I often refer to BH&H2 as BH2 for simplicity's sake (merely stating this to avoid confusion in my posts). Cheers all, Von S
  19. Mods Recommendations?

    @OP, I recommend starting with BB's excellent cloud mod packs, also the fantastic consolidated airfields packages courtesy of RJW, Lou, and company. You might also take a peek at my GPU Tuner for WOFF and other related items that improve FPS, etc. Lots of other mods available too, including flak mods, bluer rivers mods, higher-quality cloud mods, etc., but double-check what version of WOFF you have since not all of the mods are compatible across all recent versions of WOFF (UE, PE, BHAH2, etc.). Also recommended is to check over JJJ's excellent MultiMod, his MissionEd, etc. Links to relevant mods are available under the mods section for WOFF on SimHQ, as well as on Sandbagger's website (which is as well linked to under relevant mod posts on SimHQ). For my mods for WOFF, WOTR, etc., I recommend the following link, as well as several posts available above, and below, that particular link: https://combatace.com/forums/topic/92320-fm-and-other-tweaks-for-woffuepebh2/?tab=comments#comment-780879 Happy modding and flying, Von S
  20. Linux

    For WOFF on Linux, I recommend this thread: https://simhq.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/4566520/if-i-can-run-woffue-on-linux-is-there-any-reason-bh-h2-wouldnt-work#Post4566520 The WOFF-in-Wine-on-a-Mac instructions that "Q" is referring to in those posts are available here for BH&H2: https://combatace.com/forums/topic/96159-installing-woff-bhh-2-on-a-mac-in-wineskin-and-win10-bootcamp/ For older UE/PE eds. of WOFF, recommended instead is the relevant section in this post: https://simhq.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/4345346/installing-woff-ue-pe-bh-h2-on-a-mac-wineskin-and-bootcamp#Post4345346 Happy tinkering with WOFF installs on obscure hardware and software setups, Von S
  21. Looking great BB - and your work on the cloud mods. is always appreciated. Currently I'm running stock clouds in BH2, with the 4L0M 1MB improved clouds loaded (good for FPS) - but I look forward to trying out your cloud mod. in BH2 eventually, and that gives the full spectrum of weather possibilities. I am currently running your ver. 2.9.2 cloud mod. in my PE/UE FrankenWOFF 4.18 backport and it looks beautiful - also good FPS maintained. I tried running the ver. 3.0 cloud mod. in my FrankenWOFF 4.18 but there were some oddities with clear skies raining, etc., all solved with ver. 2.9.2 loaded. Moral of the story: ver. 3.0 is good with WOFF PE, also perhaps with stock UE, but hybrid PE/UE combos. are maybe safer with ver. 2.9.2. Anyway, the UE and PE vers. of WOFF are no longer available for purchase so most fliers should feel free to disregard the little details posted above, unless you have an old ver. 4.18 lying around somewhere and enjoy flying with SweetFX goodness - in that case, if you pull over the aircraft and terrains from WOFF PE into an UE 4.18 install - stick with ver. 2.9.2 of the excellent BB cloud mod. Cheers all and happy WOFFing, Von S
  22. This was solved several yrs. ago for FE2, also on several prop aircraft in my small, early WW2 prop packs for SF2. The trick is to include "MaxG" entries for various lift/flying surfaces in the data inis, such as for wing inner, middle, outer panels, etc., as well as for the left/right stab entries for the horizontal stabilizer - the value may also be introduced for control surfaces such as elevators, ailerons, etc. The "StructuralFactor" value helps somewhat - but the main solution is to implement "MaxG" entries across several sections of data inserts in the data inis. Usually there is only one "MaxG" entry under the "Flight Control" of a stock data ini - but that is largely there only to limit the AI behavior. For a more thorough post on the subject, I recommend this old FE2 thread: https://combatace.com/forums/topic/90029-tweak-for-more-dangerous-power-dives/?tab=comments#comment-727517 Happy flying and MaxG testing, Von S
  23. Consider the Loop . . .

    Only saw this post now - apologies for the late reply. Indeed, Jacobs is a colorful character. There are different sources out there regarding how many Dr.1s he still flew, well into Oct. 1918 - also in terms of actual/claimed kills he had, etc. If I remember my readings correctly, it is assumed that he had two black Dr.1s that he would use well into the summer of '18, with the possibility that there was a third (mystery?) Dr.1 in use as well. The info. about his preference for Bentley, Clerget, etc. engines is another interesting aspect - I am assuming most of the variants would have been in the 130-135 hp range, and would have used the Sopwith props. too - if those props. were still intact on captured or downed aircraft. It's also possible, by that period in the war, that some of the captured rotary engines were within the 140-160 hp range, such as the long-stroke Clerget (9Bf), about 140 hp or so - or perhaps later variants of the LeRhone 9J, and the 9R, of around 150 hp. I doubt that Jacobs had access to the 160+ hp Gnome 9N or similar engines, although the performance possibilities with the Dr.1 are interesting to contemplate at any rate, with different engine mounts. The Fokker V.7 experimental aircraft attempted to improve engine options on the Dr.1 - with Siemens-Halske, Goebel Goe, and other engines - performance was apparently "outstanding," especially with the Siemens engine and a four-bladed prop. - and an amazing climb rate - but the even trickier handling required excellent pilots. I've always been fascinated by little-known, experimental triplane projects that actually made sense to some extent, such as the Pfalz Dr.1 (not the useless triplane projects like tacking three wings onto an Albatros and calling it an Alb. Dr.1, or other oddities like the Euler quadruplane contraption). Cheers all and happy flying with any number of wings (and don't forget to check your six, or at least your five and seven ), Von S
  24. Consider the Loop . . .

    @OP, yes that maneuver at approx. 7:10 mins. is what I was thinking of. I am still mostly flying my PE/UE FrankenWOFF contraption (backport of PE aircraft and terrains into ver. 4.18 for SweetFX compatibility) - and using my FM pack that is compatible with the UE and PE eds. of WOFF - so there is a wee bit more torque on the Dr.1 tweaks in that package than in stock form (such as the 150hp Dr.1 tweak, as well as the 120 or so hp tweak that gives a slightly up-engined Oberursel variant). I will eventually get to upgrading the FM packs for BH&H2, most likely sometime in the fall. (And yes, Camels in particular pull naturally into diagonal loops, particularly the Clerget, 130hp, and Gnome, 150-160hp, variants - haven't tested loops extensively on the other Sopwiths but the Pup and Tripe should be more complacent in loops than the Camel, and more similar to the stock Dr.1 FM in any recent vintage of WOFF.) In terms of threads on defensive moves and whatnot, I think there is a (related?) thread or post on SimHQ, under the WOFF section - that includes several documents on "how to fly the old types" - posted either by Olham or Oldhat - can't remember now specifically where that post is but worth a look - those documents I think came about before WOFF UE, but are applicable to recent versions of WOFF too. If you have other WW1 flight sims. such as First Eagles 2 and Rise of Flight installed, I recommend experimenting with different maneuvers in those too. It's always possible that some defensive, and offensive, maneuvers - work better in one sim. but not in the other - largely depends on how varied, seasoned, good, etc., the AI is. Happy flying, Von S
  25. Consider the Loop . . .

    I voted for "meh" because I tend to use it only on occasion, and strictly as a desperate, defensive maneuver - if I have enough speed - both in the earlier and later WW1 'crates. Recommended is to "lean the loop" to one side, near the top of your loop - as Mikael Carlson does on his Dr.1 - this will give you better control and also help to get away from your opponent more quickly than a regular loop will - also helps to maintain a bit more energy if you go with the "diagonal loop" (let physics - the torque and energy - pull you out of the problem ). Generally speaking, I would go instead with a split-s to get away quickly from something, or stall into a spin to drop alt. quickly and disappear from the AI's sight, before coming up again behind their tail. Cheers all and happy looping, Von S

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