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Everything posted by SilverDragon

  1. FPS on OH-58D? and yes, funtionality confirmed by ED and others helos incoming (Bo-105).... OH-58D develop videos...
  2. DCS:F-4E Phantom II preorder

    Develop videos F-4E Develop videos F-4E video release date on May, 21 2024 on DCS World.
  3. More videos and Week updates.
  4. I´m sorry, I not maintain the DCS: W news active on that forum :( I was making some weeks ago some video recopilation all ED and 3rd party news about DCS World. November 14-20 week report.
  5. Last news show the module has malking progress (from RAZBAM discord / X / FB / ED forum): A video show some info about Mig-23MLA HUD and LAZUR datalink system.
  6. A little explanation about the incoming modern fuzes on progress by ED.
  7. The REDFOR AI units has comming when 3rd Parties release them: ED has building a Mig-29A Full Fidelity module, surely "suppress" the actual FC-3 Mig-29A AI. We expected ED will build version of other FC-3 style REDFOR FF modules on a future as Su-25A and Su-27P. Meanwhile old LOMAC/FC IA units has on progress to update them to the same standard as B-52/B-1B & S-3B. Has "rumors" about Crosstail Studios, actualy making a A-1H Skyrider, will make a Su-17M3 on a future. Deka has building a J-8PP and a J-8B IA Optopus-G has building a La-7, and plan a So-2 and a Su-22M RAZBAM has building a Mig-23MLA, has some rumors about a Mig-19S "planned" but not confirmed yet. Red Storm Simulation has building a Mig-17F Remember General Flight Model has on develop by ED, Old video.
  8. Other site with return.... sorry by the delay. Eagle Dynamics January / February recompilation video. 3rd Party January / February recompilation video. DCS World 2.9.3 New & Updated 3rd Models New modern loadout and fuzes FC-3 cockpit Updates DCS World 08 March 2024 news.
  9. From RAZBAM FB, pics of 3D external and internal (cockpit) into DCS: World https://www.facebook.com/RazbamSims/
  10. Wags little announcement about F/A-18C develop https://forums.eagle.ru/announcement.php?f=&a=76
  11. DCS: F/A-18C

    Introduction to the DCS: F/A-18C Hornet https://www.facebook.com/eagle.dynamics/videos/10159004303245341/
  12. DCS: F/A-18C

    F/A-18C Hornet Teaser video music by Btd https://soundcloud.com/btd/teaser-for-dcs-fa-18c-hornet
  13. DCS: F/A-18C

    ED / Belsimtek F/A-18 Hornet on E3 2017 https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?p=3152953#post3152953
  14. The Coretex Design company broke some years ago and team dissolve (some build Polychop, others as me, continue on solitary) and we never get a functional ground radar or other complex system to a reach never to a stable "module" to release into DCS: W. The best options has other team intent first get a LM / F/A-18E legal license and build a stable team to get the SDK and 3rd party status by ED and start work from zero, not dream with a doom project with never reach a milestone. The only "news" about a F-4E has a new AI 3d model, but ED, BSK or none 3rd party has "confirm" a F-4E develop, some talk about legal issues and license problems, similar to the A-4 (Veao intent get the license and the cost to get them was prohibitive, drop the project). About the Aviodev F-1 not more news has deploy about them (I think actualy has "on Hold"). The Veao Thypoon has actuly a military contract to a DDT (Desktop Trainer) to the RAF, not detail news has get by VEAO (by the NDA military contract), but he planed build a Block IB, meanwhile, continue waiting to some news about them.
  15. DCS World Week Update 07 May 2017 (English version)
  16. DCS: WW2 update https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/508681281/dcs-wwii-europe-1944/posts/784976 1 comment Like 7 likes Well folks, Frustrating couple of weeks. The entire office spent all of last week trying to figure out what was up with the 109. Kind of a standard thing with all DCS planes when they suddenly begin doing something absolutely unexpected. Our 109 flight model started as a copy of the P-51, and then we began slowly replacing all systems and all data with Messerschmitt stuff. Well, after another round of replacements something somewhere happened with something that made the 109 decide to crabwalk through the sky rather than fly straight like the Mustang. Check each new system. Nothing. Replace each P-51 system with each new 109 system individually. Nothing. Replace all together in conjunction – screech! This is the kind of stuff we really can’t afford to be spending so much time on at this stage of the project, especially as it really looked to everyone that we really put more than enough time for the unexpected into the project in the first place. Still, the 109 still doesn’t want to fly right, and it’s not the question of our skills or experience. Like I said, the entire office, including all ED veterans, spent this whole time trying to figure it out alongside our programmers. If anything, their experience had a slightly calming effect. We want to pull our hair out, while they chuckle and say “yup, happens every time.” To give you a better idea of the kind of work that goes into all of this, here’s some details of the P-47. To make matters worse, the P-47 is documented so much worse than the P-51, and, surprisingly, even worse than the Bf 109. For example, check the tail gear shots above. This was all done from photos. The best blueprint we have is this: Obviously, not nearly enough data to fully model the mechanism. And with all parts that need to move in complex animations, making sure everything fits and doesn’t fall apart or clip through when animating, well, let’s just say that lately the P-47 modeler has had very little joy in his life.
  17. To the WW2 Kickstarted Backers. Normandy map and Assets pack keys available on the Backers page (if reach the necessary pledge). https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/personal/backer/ some rumours of a close alpha previous to the alpha release late May
  18. DCS World Week Update 09-17 April 2017 (English version)
  19. DCS Week Update 12 March 2017 (English version)
  20. Map moding has actually unkonow. The ww2 assets pack has not exclusive of Normandy.
  21. New Su-33 model

    WTF? The Su-33 3D model has been updated on DCS: World some "years" ago.
  22. Normandia Trailer on ED Facebook https://www.facebook.com/eagle.dynamics/videos/10158413498320341/ Normandy info and WW2 Assets Pack (Free to WW2 Kickstarter Normandy map owners)

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